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Scene 1 (0s)


Scene 2 (7s)

PURPOSE. Provide outstanding customer service.

Scene 3 (14s)

DO THE RIGHT THING!!!. This program applies to worldwide Exchange retail, food, services, warehouse, and administrative associates. DTRT drives the decision-making process to the lowest possible level. “The Exchange is You” Expert Customer Service training, which establishes four foundations for customer service (Greet, Listen, Suggest, and Thank), as well as a model for responding to customer complaints..

Scene 4 (33s)

Do the Right Thing! Stressing about customers is a thing of the past when you DO... • NO • do no eEhange But Not In mother store. offer a simaar at a similar OOPS! If the Exchanr DON'T... Say you curt Turn a my. wRh agravate with the Always a såtuatm Do the RIGHT THING!.

Scene 5 (46s)

All associate will take the following actions to enforce the DTRT program: Listen and react immediately and without hesitation to a customer complaint. Remain professional and calm and Never take a complaint personally; consider a customer complaint a part of their job. Accept the complaint as a positive event, an opportunity to personally take charge and satisfy the customer. Offer available solutions using existing Exchange policy and programs that will resolve customer complaints..

Scene 6 (1m 7s)

Know how the various Exchange programs can be used to resolve a customer’s problem. Develop a positive attitude and comfort zone, if and when the need arises, to seek out management assistance if you are unable to resolve the customer's complaint. Take proactive action to resolve the problem before it escalates and becomes a complaint, or before the customer becomes irate and/or upset. Inform your manager of your successes!.

Scene 7 (1m 27s)

Thank you!.