Deviance Video Collage. Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code Date.
Physical World Deviance. In the physical world, deviance refers to the actions or behavioral attributes of members of a society that infringe or disorient the social norms of expectations and formally established regulations (Lugosi, 2019) Deviance is the contrarily perception that is triggered by the intrinsic forces for breaking social norms.
Deviance in the Digital and Online Space. Compared to the physical world, the digital world is perplexing with complex domains of expressions, interactions and communication. The freedom bandwidth is considerably stronger due to the plummeted control. The levels of anonymity are very high hence, the soft spot for controversial identity with fake identities of individuals, details, space and things ( Bessière , Seay & Kiesler , 2017)..
Physical Deviance vs. Digital and Online Deviance.
Conti…. Digital and Online Deviance Based on the Internet community A unique and intangible infrastructure runs the intrigues of online deviance Simulated world paradigms are the order of the day.
Common Feature of Physical and Online Deviance. The duo implicates lethal consequences of: Social Economic Political and Emotional impact.
Different Forms of Deviance in Physical and Virtual Worlds and their Respective Impact to Society.
Conti…. Functionalism Associated Theorist Causes of Deviance Social Disorganization Theory University of Chicago Weak and vulnerable social ties, poor social control and lack of capacity to enforce norms Strain Theory Robert Merton Missing strategies to hit socially acceptable goals.
The Virtual World. Deviance is propagated by subcultures used to define and create identities The difference between real and fake identities is a tall order The behavior manufactured from the digital world is easily transferred to the physical world (Carter & Fuller, 2015 ). Outside the digital world, deviance behavior is equally manifested.
Definition of Deviance according to Conflict Theory.
Definition of Deviance according to Symbolic Interaction Theory.
The Impact of the Theories on Interpretation of Online Environment Deviance.
Symbolic Interactionism. The connection with certain online community platforms opens the gates to attachments with symbols and meanings of divergent views and values Symbolic interactions are used by online users to sanitize and sometimes glamourize their behaviors of ethical concerns such as cyber theft, cyber bullying, unethical hacking and sharing malware files (Carter & Fuller, 2015)..
Envisioning Deviance around the Digital World and the Store Implications.
Managing different forms of Deviance in the daily operations of the Store.
References. Bessière , K., Seay, A. F., & Kiesler , S. (2017). The ideal elf: Identity exploration in World of Warcraft. Cyberpsychology & behavior, 10(4), 530- 535. Carter, M. J., & Fuller, C. (2015). Symbolic interactionism. Sociopedia . isa , 1 (1), 1-17. Conyers, A., & Calhoun, T. C. (2015). The interactionist approach to deviance. The handbook of deviance , 259-276. Lugosi , P. (2019). Deviance, deviant behaviour and hospitality management: Sources, forms and drivers. Tourism Management , 74 , 81-98 . Safa , N. S., Von Solms , R., & Furnell , S. (2016). Information security policy compliance model in organizations. computers & security , 56 , 70-82..
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