District Employment office Una (H.P.)

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Scene 1 (0s)

District Employment office Una (H.P.).

Scene 2 (7s)

Register Online To register on Portal, click on the eEMIS HP Candidate Register portal..

Scene 3 (15s)

X Himachal?rac X Gmai C eemis.hp.nicin/regnew.aspx X Online applie X advetiseme X online guideli' X • NCSlGreerCf X *WS-Exmp'c x Himachal Pradesh Labour & Employment Department Registration of Candidate New R istrdtion Distt: Employment Exchange: Registration Date: Name: girth Date Fathers Name: Sh. Husbanås Name: Sh. Aadhar Number: Select V Important Instructions: Applicant is advised to enter only correct data including Languages known, Qualification Details, Experience etc. To register online, select your District, Employment Exchange in Your Area.Once the information entered is submitted/saved, a unique Reference Number will be generated which may be noted down. The applicant is required to visit the concerned Employment Exchange personally along with all relevant documents a certificates (in original) within 30 days from date of entering the information, otherwise data entered will be deleted automatically after the expiry of 30 days. Before the expiry of stipulated 30 days, applicant if desires, may the information entered by clicking the update Registeration Option. thankToujpg eritication ccx]e Glimpseofthea..„pptm skill register.pptx Presentation'. pptx ptesntation2.pptx Showal X ENG Search the web and Windows.

Scene 4 (57s)

HP Skill Development Allowance Scheme | हिमाचल प्रदेश कौशल विकास भत्ता - YouTube.

Scene 5 (1m 5s)

Skill Development Allowance. Introduction: This Schemes was started in 2013 The Scheme of Skill Development Allowance aims at providing an allowance to educated unemployed persons for their skill up gradation. Objective : This scheme intends to provide allowance to eligible educated unemployed Himachali youth for their skill upgradation . This in turn will enable such youth to develop their skill which in turn will enable them to take up employment or self-employment in the Sector of their choice, since this scheme empowers the youth to choose the Sector in which they would like to develop their skill, at the training institute of their choice.

Scene 6 (1m 32s)

Eligiblity Criteria : (Candidate ) She/He should be unemployed (i.e. neither employed in Govt sector nor in private sector nor self employed) and should be a Bonafide Himachali . b) She/He should have passed minimum 8th from any Board/University/Institution recognized by H.P. Govt. There will be no requirement of minimum qualification for admissibility of allowance under the Scheme when applicant wants to pursue training in Sectors such as masonry, carpentry, blacksmithy or plumbing etc c) She/He should be registered with any Employment Exchange in Himachal Pradesh as on the date of application. d) Her/His annual family income for the Financial Year immediately preceding date of application, from all sources including that of spouse should be less than Rs. 2.00 Lakh (Rs. Two Lakhs ). e) She/He should be above 16 years and below 36 years of age, as on the date of application. f) The employment under MGNREGA will not be counted as employment..

Scene 7 (2m 13s)

g) She/He should not be a dismissed Govt. employee. h ) She/he should be enrolled in a skill development training. i ) Account should be in centrailzed bank only. Rate of Skill Development Allowance: Allowance shall be payable for a maximum period of two years subject to fulfilling eligibility criteria a) For Physically Challenged person who have minimum 50% permanent disability recorded in her/his Employment Exchange record (X-I), @ Rs. 1500/ b) For all other categories of Persons @ Rs. 1000/- She/he can download the form from the website i.e www.himachal.nic.in/employment A fter filling those form she/he can submit form in their respective employment office.

Scene 9 (2m 48s)

UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOWANCE SCHEME. Introduction: This Schemes was started in 2017 Objective: This scheme intends to provide allowance to eligible educated unemployed youth of Himachal, to enable them to sustain themselves for a certain period Eligiblity Criteria: Subject to the provisions of this Scheme, an educated unemployed applicant shall be eligible for the grant of Unemployment Allowance, who fulfills the following criteria: a) She/he should be unemployed (should not be employed in Govt. sector nor in PSU or in private sector nor self employed) and should be a Bonafide Himachali ..

Scene 10 (3m 13s)

She/he should have passed minimum 10+2 from any Board/University/Institution recognized by H.P. Govt. She/he should be registered with any Employment Exchange in Himachal Pradesh as on the date of application since 1 year. Her/his annual family income for the Financial Year immediately preceding date of application, from all sources including that of spouse should be less than Rs. 2.00 Lakh (Rs. Two Lakhs ). She/he should be above 20 years and below 35 years of age, as on the date of application. She/he should not be self-employed. She/he should not be a dismissed Govt. employee. She/he should not be convicted of any offence resulting in imprisonment for a period of 48 hours or more. She/he should not be a regular student pursuing any course. She/he should not be availing Skill Development Allowance..

Scene 11 (3m 52s)

Skill Development Allowance (SDA) Scheme - IndiaFilings.

Scene 12 (3m 59s)

INDUSTRIAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT ALLOWANCE. Introduction: The Scheme of granting Industrial Skill Development Allowance to the new employees employed in industries in H.P. has been detailed in the Budget Speech of Hon’ble Chief Minister for the Financial Year 2018-19 which aims at providing allowance to such eligible persons for their on job Skill up gradation. Objective: a) This scheme intends to provide allowance to eligible Himachali youth for their on job skill up gradation by way of working in an Industry/Industrial Establishment. b) This in turn will enable such youth to develop their skill in employment and boost prospective of better employment..

Scene 13 (4m 27s)

Persons eligibility: Subject to the provisions of this Scheme, all such apprentice & fresh recruits shall be eligible for the grant of Industrial Skill Development Allowance, who fulfils the following criteria: a) She/he should be freshly employed in any industry/industrial establishment or engaged as an apprentice trainee as defined under the Scheme or part-time worker. b) She/he should be a Bonafide Himachali . There will be no requirement of minimum educational qualification to be eligible under the Scheme (illiterate, 5th pass, 8th pass or any other qualification applicants are eligible). She/he should be registered in any Employment Exchange in Himachal Pradesh as on the date of application. She/he should be 18 years and above but below 36 years of age, as on the date of application. f) She/he should not have residential facility provided free of cost by the Employer. She/he should not be a dismissed Government employee..

Scene 14 (5m 6s)

She/he should not be convicted of any offence resulting in imprisonment for a period of 48 hours or more. She/he should not have already availed Skill Development Allowance and Unemployment Allowance for 24 months. However in case she/he has availed Skill Development Allowance or Unemployment Allowance for below the period of 24 months, for the remaining months she/he will be entitled for allowance under this Scheme, subject to fulfilment of eligibility conditions. This benefit shall be given to every new/freshly employees, employed in Industries in Himachal Pradesh, who are earning gross monthly salary/emoluments/stipend of less than or equal to Rs. 15000/- per month ( gross salary includes basic pay + all other emoluments, which are paid to the concerned employee/person on monthly basis except bonus or other annual incentives).

Scene 15 (5m 42s)

Rate of Skill Development Allowance: Allowance shall be payable for a maximum period of two years subject to fulfilling eligibility criteria a) For Physically Challenged person who have minimum 50% permanent disability recorded in her/his Employment Exchange record (X-I), @ Rs. 1500/ b) For all other categories of Persons @ Rs. 1000/- She/he can download the form from the website i.e www.himachal.nic.in/employment After filling those form she/he can submit form in their respective employment office.

Scene 17 (6m 11s)

State Government of Himachal Pradesh has started giving Berojgari Bhatta to unemployed youths who are the residents of Himachal Pradesh..

Scene 18 (6m 24s)

Today there are many young people who do not have any employment. They will be given financial assistance of Rs.1000 per month under the unemployment allowance scheme..

Scene 20 (6m 45s)

Eligibility for Himachal Pradesh Unemployment Allowance Scheme: 1) Permanent resident of Himachal Pradesh. 2) Age: 21 to 35 years . 3) 12th pass, graduates or postgraduates can apply for this scheme. Any young person who does not have a job can apply in this scheme. To apply for this scheme, family annual income of the applicant should be less than 2 lakhs in total..

Scene 21 (7m 8s)

Documents required for Himachal Pradesh Unemployment allowance scheme: 1. Aadhaar card. 2. Voter card. 3. Himachal Pradesh bonafide . 4 . Family Income Certificate . 5. Employment Exchange Registration number. The applicant must have Email ID and Mobile number ..

Scene 22 (7m 30s)

Himachal Pradesh Labour & Employment Department Envioqnt ExchU* Infrnül System, HP Wet. CORNER Login EMROYER'SCORNER Instructions Employer Registration Login CORNER ' Instructions ' Online Registrations ' UgÆate Temp Registrations ' Online Renewal ' View Registrations Online SDA Application Submission Online Unemployment ' Allowance Application Submission rtrnent's Official Web Sit Notice uard cancies For SJVN Ltd. ' Live Vacancies Total Registrations STATISTICAL USTERS.

Scene 23 (7m 41s)

Labour & Employment Department Home ABOUT UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOWANCE unemployed youth will get as. month for the duration of 2 years. Contact us Check your Eligibility for Unemployment Allowance Check your Eligibilty for Unemployment Allowance Apply Online for Unemployment Allowance Apply Online for Unemployment Allowance Check Status for Unemployment Allowance Check your Status for Unemployment Allowance Reprint your Application Reprint your Application Forms STEPS FOR MAKING ONLINE APPLICATION » Click on Check your eligibility for Unemployment Allowance. » If eligible then click on next button - Apply Online. » After submitting online application, applicant is required to take print of Application Form, Self Certified Declaration: Sign them: attach the required documents and submit all these documents to the concerned Employment Exchange..

Scene 24 (8m 0s)

Labour & Employment Department Check your Eligibilty Registration No Enter Captcha Check Eligibility Apply Online Self Cha:k your Status Check Eligibility Eligibility Criteria Reprint yourAppIication Forms Home Contact us NQYY 3 4 5 6 8 9 She/He shoud unemployed (i.e neither employed in Govt Sector nor in private sector nor self and should Bonafide Hirnachali ShefHe should have minimum 10+2 from any BoardfUniversity/1nstitution reccMized by H.P. Sheye should registered with any Employment in Himachal as on the date of application since me year. Her/His annual family income for the financial year immediately preceding date of application, from all including that of should be than Rs Two Lakhs. Sheye should amve 20 years and tElow 35 years of age, as on date of She,'He should not be self employed. should not be dismissed Government Employee She/He should not be convicted of any offence resulting in imprisonment for a Of 48 hours or more shodd not be student pursuing any course. 10 She,'He shodd not be availing Skill Development Allowance.

Scene 25 (8m 19s)

Himachal Pradesh Berojgari Bhatta Scheme Online Registration 2020.

Scene 26 (8m 40s)

Online application for Himachal Pradesh unemployment allowance scheme: Employment Registration Number . To get Himachal Pradesh Employment Exchange number first go to the official Website . After clicking on this website, you will see the unemployment application form . Carefully fill the information asked in the application form. Click on submit button. Your form will be considered full. In this way you will get a registration number from the Employment Exchange..

Scene 27 (9m 14s)

For Online Registration of Himachal Pradesh Unemployment Allowance: Now fill in your registration number, Fill Date of Birth and CAPTCHA and go ahead. Now fill in all the information asked in online registration including your academic details, email id, mobile number. After completing the application form, click “Submit and Continue”.

Scene 28 (9m 40s)

For checking application status of Himachal Pradesh unemployment allowance: Fill out your registration number and click on to proceed further. After applying for Himachal Unemployment Allowance, the candidates can print their application form ..

Scene 29 (10m 5s)

For getting printout of your application form: Fill out your Application number and Enter Captcha click on Reprint Application Button ..

Scene 30 (10m 31s)


Scene 31 (10m 42s)

A. Introduction : The Scheme of granting Industrial Skill Development Allowance to the new employees employed in industries in H.P. has been detailed in the Budget Speech of Hon’ble Chief Minister for the Financial Year 2018-19 which aims at providing allowance to such eligible persons for their on job Skill up gradation. B. Objective : a) This scheme intends to provide allowance to eligible Himachali youth for their on job skill up gradation by way of working in an Industry/Industrial Establishment. b) This in turn will enable such youth to develop their skill in employment and boost prospectives of better employment..

Scene 32 (11m 15s)

Short title & commencement: a) This scheme may be called “The Himachal Pradesh Payment of Industrial Skill Development Allowance to New Employees Employed in Industries, 2018”. b) This scheme will be implemented with effect from the date of issuance of the notification. c) The allowance shall be payable to eligible persons in the age group of 18 to below 36 years..

Scene 33 (11m 43s)

Eligibility Criteria: a) She/he should be freshly employed in any industry/industrial establishment or engaged as an apprentice trainee as defined under the Scheme or part-time worker. b) She/he should be a Bonafide of Himachal. c) There will be no requirement of minimum educational qualification to be eligible under the Scheme (illiterate, 5th pass, 8th pass or any other qualification applicants are eligible). d) She/he should be registered in any Employment Exchange in Himachal Pradesh as on the date of application. e) She/he should be 18 years and above but below 36 years of age, as on the date of application. f) She/he should not have residential facility provided free of cost by the Employer. g) She/he should not be a dismissed Government employee. h) She/he should not be convicted of any offence resulting in imprisonment for a period of 48 hours or more..

Scene 34 (12m 15s)

i ) She/he should not have already availed Skill Development Allowance and Unemployment Allowance for 24 months. However in case she/he has availed Skill Development Allowance or Unemployment Allowance for below the period of 24 months, for the remaining months she/he will be entitled for allowance under this Scheme, subject to fulfillment of eligibility conditions. j) This benefit shall be given to every new/freshly employees, employed in Industries in HP, who are earning gross monthly salary/emoluments/stipend of less than or equal to Rs. 15000/- per month ( gross salary includes basic pay + all other emoluments, which are paid to the concerned employee/person on monthly basis except bonus or other annual incentives) ..

Scene 35 (12m 26s)

Rate of Industrial Skill Development Allowance: Allowance shall be payable to each eligible applicant for a maximum period of two years ; subject to fulfilling eligibility criteria & timely submission of attested copies of 5 th / 8th/matriculation marks sheet/certificate (in case of illiterate applicant birth certificate issued by the competent authority), to ascertain age & educational qualification and Affidavit as per form a) For Physically Challenged person who have minimum 50% permanent disability recorded in her/his Employment Exchange record (X-I), @ Rs. 1500/-per month. b) For all other categories of Persons @ Rs. 1000/-per month ..

Scene 36 (13m 3s)

Application for the allowance : a) Eligible applicant may make an application on his/her being eligible for the grant of Allowance along with documents mentioned in form- ( i ) and Certificate of Employment from the competent Officer/Authority of concerned Industrial Establishment as per form-(vi) appended in the Scheme, to that Employment Exchange in H.P., where his/her name is registered. b) A duly completed application form may be sent by post or be delivered at that Employment Exchange in H.P., where his/her name is registered against a receipt - as per form (ii). c) After the initial filing of claim in the prescribed form ( i ) every claimant to the Allowance shall be required to submit Affidavit- as per form(iii) in the subsequent month of March to the Employment Exchange where his/her name is registered..