Dealing With Distractions

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Good day to all. This presentation is about dealing with distractions. We will be showing five strategies that can assist you with distractions. Our group members are Joshua Wiggins, Karla Redolosa, Daliliah Resendez, and Casandra Vega..

Scene 2 (17s)

[Audio] Before we start looking at the five ways to deal with distractions, let us go over what distractions are. There will be two forms of distractions we will be reviewing: internal and external. An internal distraction may be anything that causes one's thoughts, feelings, or emotions to divert from the task. It may include devices that are within the control of the individual, such as computers or cell phones. The other one is what we call "external distractions," and they originate from all around you. They could be caused by devices, friends, family, or even outside noises..

Scene 3 (54s)

[Audio] Identifying distractions is the first strategy to dealing with them. A lot of people, including us, are guilty of checking our phones or watching TV while we should be studying or working. Social media consumes plenty of our time, whether for networking or just texting and swiping. Its purpose is to intentionally keep us from completing the work we need to get done. An application like LeechBlock can help you minimize the time you spend on your devices, or just simply turning it off can assist you in preventing these distractions. Since notifications can quickly disrupt workflow and trigger distractions, it's best to put our devices on silent or do not disturb..

Scene 4 (1m 34s)

[Audio] We don't consider distractions harmful, despite their bad habits. We must make distractions inconvenient, so that we perceive them negatively. The more effort required to access devices like phones, TVs, or snacks on your desk, the more of an inconvenience it becomes. To concentrate while sitting down, place your phone, TV, or game controller in a locker away from you. If necessary, you can record the program or set a reminder to include it in your schedule. Effective time management is essential for attaining goals and balancing personal time..

Scene 5 (2m 10s)

[Audio] Being organized is crucial for completing our tasks efficiently. Productivity does not require working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including personal responsibilities. Multitasking is not possible in this situation. Time management is key, as it affords your undivided attention to what's truly important and avoids distractions. It is not possible to absorb all the information at once. We need to distribute our workload evenly throughout the week and day. When we feel overwhelmed, we deliberately shift our focus to take breaks because our minds are fatigued from work..

Scene 6 (2m 51s)

[Audio] As mentioned in the previous slide, organization is crucial. We must plan our days ahead and include breaks. This will allow us to have time to finish work and rest. A good night routine will help us gather our thoughts for the next day to be able to plan accordingly and avoid feeling rushed. Your surroundings should reflect your daily plans. Visits to a mall or friend's house during a gathering encourage socializing and other distractions, leading to unproductive work environments. Instead, a quiet café, library, park, or designated workspace helps us focus and complete our work..

Scene 7 (3m 26s)

[Audio] A good mind and a set goal are great assets when trying to complete tasks. We all understand that a good night's sleep is essential for our daytime functions. Resting will enhance our productivity and focus by keeping our minds alert and reducing distractions. When fatigued, we often tend to procrastinate and seek distractions rather than focusing on the task. This occurs when we believe we are entitled to relax due to fatigue, so make sure you get enough sleep each night. Rewards are significant for promoting a positive mindset and driving motivation. Individuals are more likely to work diligently and seek success when there is a clear reward, such as a promotion or salary raise upon task completion. If rewards are absent, one can establish motivation by deciding to reward themselves with a treat, such as a delicious meal or a desired item. It's necessary to employ whatever means to boost motivation and minimize distractions, whether it's creating personal rewards or having a positive outlook toward tasks. Understand the value of rewards and align them with personal goals to stay motivated and driven..

Scene 8 (4m 38s)

[Audio] Enhanced focus and productivity of possible distractions can be achieved through the following strategies: Acknowledging how both internal and external distractions—like electronics, people, and noise—can impair concentration. Turning off phones, TVs, and other electronic devices or using a tool like LeechBlock to limit their use can help reduce screen time and prevent distractions. Storing tempting items like phones or snacks out of reach to reduce their accessibility and frequency of use. Avoid multitasking and set aside specific times to work, combined with breaks, to improve your time management skills and get more done. Improving concentration and output requires creating conducive work environments. Choose quiet settings like cafes or libraries, minimizing distractions from social gatherings..

Scene 9 (5m 34s)

[Audio] That is all for this presentation. Thank you for listening or reading along. This is our reference page number 1..

Scene 10 (6m 37s)

[Audio] This is our second sources page. Thank you..