A city on fire Description automatically generated with low confidence.
Dataset. Source GTD (Global Terrorism Database)/Kaggle GTD provides information on domestic and international terrorist attacks around the world since 1970, and now includes more than 200,000 events Licence open-source Format CSV data file with 135 columns and 201,184 rows. Columns of interest Year, Country name, City, Region, Attack type, Weapon type, Weapon Subtype, No. of killings, and Target type. The other unnecessary columns were deleted..
Tools & Methods. Tableau Software (DATA) Stock Price, News & Info | The Motley Fool.
1. Which country has the maximum no. of attacks over the years and where the U.S stands..
2.Total no. of attacks and comparison among neighboring countries (the United States, Mexico, and Canada)..
3.Was there an increase in the number of attacks and fatalities in the U.S after 2001(9/11)?.
4. What kind of weapons were used mostly?. Chart, bar chart Description automatically generated.
5.How many people were killed per Target type and weapons?.
How many people were killed per Target type and weapons?.
Conclusion. Iraq and Afghanistan suffered most attacks between 1997 and 2019. The reason might be Iraq is the second-largest crude oil producer after Saudi Arabia . Most attacks happened in the U.S over the years as compared to Canada and Mexico. No. of attacks and fatalities were decreased after the 9/11attack. Because the FBI was working closely with its sources to destroy the terrorist cells and operatives. Most people were killed in attacks using firearms (handgun, rifle, etc.)because of legalization of guns in the U.S..
For more details. Read my story on given link. https://manpreetsidhu2492.medium.com/analyzing-the-terrorism-data-in-the-u-s-741b001a4258.