Qualitative Research: Interviews

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Scene 1 (0s)

Elizabeth Stith, DHSc Elizabeth Moore, PhD. Qualitative Research: Interviews.

Scene 2 (6s)

Objectives. Introduce structure of formal, in-depth interviews. Discuss key considerations for conducting interviews.

Scene 3 (15s)

In-Depth Interviews. Informal field interviews Structured vs Semi-Structured vs. Unstructured Key Characteristics of Semi-Structured Interviews: Scheduled in advance Attention to setting Preparation Minimally structured Conversational.

Scene 4 (1m 53s)

Preparing for In-Depth Interviews. Develop interview guide Pilot Team vs. Individual Interviews Plan for location of interviews.

Scene 5 (2m 37s)

Interview Guide. Introductory statement / paragraph Domains Questions Prompts Probes: Verbal and nonverbal Go Deeper Go Back Clarify Steer Contrast.

Scene 6 (4m 29s)

More About Questions. Questions about Behaviors- what did you or are you doing? Values- opinions about topics Emotions- feelings about topics Knowledge- facts regarding topic Senses- what has been seen/touched/felt/heard/tasted Background / demographics- standard background questions, such as age, education, etc..

Scene 7 (5m 30s)

Conducting the Interview. Materials (recording) Build Rapport / Small talk Follow research protocol (consent) Follow interview guide Sensitivity around emotional issues Distance Interviewing Dress Demeanor.

Scene 8 (8m 45s)

Example. "I'm following up on your shoulder surgery and calling for the second interview for the research study I'm completing. As a reminder this study is looking at patients' experiences and feelings in the first few weeks of rehab after surgery. Participation is voluntary, and you may opt-out at any time. You may also skip any questions that you would prefer not to answer. This interview will be audio recorded for my data, but it all remains confidential, and your name will not be used with any answers you have given. Do you still wish to participate in this study?" "Great! Thank you for working with me. I have a few questions and expect this will take about 20 minutes of your time. If now is an okay time for you, I'll get started!" Questions: Last time we spoke, you mentioned (brief synopsis for member checking)... Does that sound correct? Tell me about your recovery thus far. o o o Who has been helping you lately? What have you required assistance with? How high can you lift your arm? Last time we spoke you mentioned that going? as a challenging task for you. How is What other tasks have been a challenge for you in the last two o Tell me about your progression to outpatient therapy. How have you modified your daily routines? weeks? o Have you found yourself changing routines due to decreased pain as compared to before surgery?.

Scene 9 (11m 4s)

Transcription. Transcribe Own Data. Allows for data immersion Can be very lengthy process.

Scene 10 (13m 19s)

References. Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design (5th ed.). SAGE Publications..