CTE Accommodations & Modifications. s SOUTHWEST ISD SPECIAL EDUCATION Empowering Unique Minds, Shaping Bright Futures.
[Audio] C-T-E-. Accommodations & Modifications. This instructional module will cover. Individuals with Disabilities. Defining Accommodations & modifications. The Special Education Process and types of Accommodations and Modifications..
[Audio] Individuals with Disabilities. An individual with a disability means any disability as defined in Section 3 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. This means they must have one of the following. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities or a record of being regarded as having an impairment..
[Audio] The C-T-E teacher will have a broad variety of individuals with disabilities in their program over their career. In making sure that these individuals receive the services they need to learn on a level playing field it is important to know how these students receive services under the various Federal laws..
[Audio] Qualifying Disabilities. Autism. Deaf-blindness. Hearing Impairment (including Deafness). Emotional Disturbance. Intellectual Disabilities. Orthopedic Impairment. Specific Learning Disability. Speech or Language Impairment. Traumatic Brain Injury. Visual Impairment (including Blindness)..
[Audio] The committee that meets to determine the student's Individualized Education Plan (I E P ) is the Admission Review and Dismissal (Ard) Committee. The meeting is typically called an Ard Committee Meeting. At this meeting the I E P is developed to outline the student's educational program and to outline needed accommodations and/or modifications..
[Audio] An "Accommodation" is an adjustment or support given to learners that enables them to have access to the same educational opportunities as other learners do. The criteria remain the same and student learners are expected to "test" or complete assessments and assignments at the same level as students without disabilities..
[Audio] Accommodations. An accommodation Changes "how" a student learns. A change made to the teaching or testing procedures in order to provide a student with access to information and to create an equal opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and skills. Examples are. giving more time for tests. reducing the pages required in a report. allowing a student to use a calculator or reading allowed to a student..
[Audio] How do you determine what the student's present level is when trying to select accommodations? When considering curricular adaptations determine whether they will alter or lower expectations of what is learned in either the instructional process or assessment..
[Audio] Accommodations can be made at any time but when they are part of the formal education plan they are written into the I E P at the Ard Committee Meeting stage..
[Audio] Types of Accommodations. Timing example. student is given extra time during tests. Setting example. student is allowed to test in a room by themselves. Response example. student types responsive on a tablet or computer rather than writing. Presentation example. student is allowed to turn in an outline of events instead of presenting in front of the class..
[Audio] According to the U S Department of Labor a reasonable accommodation would be any change in the work environment that will enable the individual with a disability to participate in the application process perform essential job functions and enjoy the benefits and privileges of employment that are available to those without disabilities..
[Audio] A modification Changes "What" a student learns. A change in what the student is expected to learn and/or demonstrate. While a student may be working on modified course content the subject area remains the same as the rest of the class. Examples are. reducing the number of teeks taught. adjusting the reading level to be lower than the grade level. Or modifying concepts..
[Audio] In the C-T-E program where a student receives modifications they can participate with their peers but they may not be able to earn an industry-level certificate upon completion of a given unit of instruction..
[Audio] Types of Modifications. Assignment example: student only reads pages 5 to 10 instead of pages 5 to 25. Curriculum example: student learns about fractions but only how to read them not how to add them. teeks example: reducing the number of teeks covered in a lesson. Performance Criteria example: student has a different set of criteria with reduced categories..
[Audio] Head and shoulders activity.. HEAD & SHOULDERS.
[Audio] As the following scenarios are read aloud decide whether it is an accommodation or a modification that is being described. Touch your head making the letter A if you think it's an accommodation. Touch your shoulders making the letter M if you think it's a modification..
[Audio] The student is provided more time to complete a task or turn in an assignment..
[Audio] Accommodation. Accommodations or Modifications.
[Audio] While the student is working on grade level materials the number of curriculum standards has been reduced for the course content or subject area..
[Audio] Modification. Accommodations or Modifications.
[Audio] The student's required responses have been reduced for an assignment yet all concepts are represented..
[Audio] Accommodation. Accommodations or Modifications.
[Audio] The content of the student's test has been adjusted to account for only three of seven concepts covered in the materials..
[Audio] Modification. Accommodations or Modifications.
[Audio] Readability has been adjusted in an assigned text or supplemental materials yet all concepts being introduced are covered..
[Audio] Accommodation. Accommodations or Modifications.
[Audio] The student is given note taking assistance through graphic organizers advanced outlines partially completed outlines and peer review of notes..
[Audio] Accommodation. Accommodations or Modifications.
[Audio] The student's I-E-P objectives designate the use of below grade level goals objectives and materials..
[Audio] Modification. Accommodations or Modifications.
[Audio] All printed materials are read to the student..
[Audio] Accommodation. Accommodations or Modifications.
[Audio] The student is allowed to complete a special project in lieu of an assignment..
[Audio] Accommodation. Accommodations or Modifications.
[Audio] End of C-T-E Accommodations & Modifications.