[Virtual Presenter] Good morning everyone. Today, we are going to discuss the science of crop production and management. We'll look at the various ways we can improve crop production, such as crop variety improvement, hybridisation, and crop production management. Let's get started..
[Audio] In India, crop production must increase if we are to keep up with the growing population. We must look for ways to optimize crop yield, while conserving natural resources like soil and water. This means investing in modern, sustainable growing practices that ensure the efficient use of available resources and a more efficient and productive agricultural sector. It also means investing in research and development of new techniques and technologies to better understand, manage and maximize crop productivity. With the help of advances in technology and growing practices, we can ensure a bright future for our nation's food security..
[Audio] To improve crop production, there are several key activities that can be implemented. These include crop variety improvement, crop production improvement, as well as crop protection management. Crop variety improvement entails the selection and breeding of higher yielding crop varieties. Crop production improvement is focused on improving soil fertility, crop nutrition, and irrigation and drainage techniques. Lastly, crop protection management involves the implementation of effective measures to control the spread of pests and diseases. By implementing these activities, crop production can be increased, while also increasing the quality of the produce..
[Audio] Kharif crops are grown during the rainy season, from June to October. Commonly, these crops include rice, maize, sorghum, millets, cotton, and pulses. These crops need plenty of water and respond well to increased levels of humidity. Rice is the most important Kharif crop. It is the dietary staple for most Indians, and is grown in just about every state in the country. Maize is another common Kharif crop, and is used for both human and animal consumption. Sorghum, millets, cotton and pulses are also grown during this season..
[Audio] Rabi crops are planted in the fall and harvested in the spring. Wheat, gram, mustard, linseed, and safflower are the main Rabi crops in India, and are important sources of nutrition. They are grown under a wide range of soil and climate conditions, but require good soil fertility and heavy irrigation for higher yields. During the Rabi season, farmers must be conscious of pest and disease control, crop rotation, weed control, and soil management. Proper utilization of these methods can ensure higher yields of nutritious Rabi crops..
[Audio] Plant breeders always seek to create crop varieties that have the highest yield potential. To achieve this they need to take into account a variety of characteristics, including disease resistance, response to fertilisers, production quality and higher yields. Hybridisation is one effective way to incorporate desirable traits into existing crop varieties, however, it must be done with caution as it can be a powerful tool for crop variety improvement..
[Audio] Hybridisation is a process of combining two different plants with desirable traits to produce a new variety. This is done by crossing two different varieties, whether of the same species or different species of the same genus. Through this technique, the desired traits of both plants are combined into one hybrid that can have advantages over either of the original plants. Such advantages might include higher yields, improved taste and greater disease resistance..
[Audio] Looking at desired characteristics in crop production and management, we need to aim for higher yields, better quality, resistance to biotic and abiotic factors, and reduced maturation period to achieve the highest levels of success. Each of these characteristics has the potential to have a different affect on crop production, and it is important to factor in all of them when striving for the best results. The desired characteristics can be achieved using a variety of methods..
[Audio] In India, there is a range of farms, from small to very large ones, with farmers having varying levels of access to land, money, and information and technology. The amount of inputs used, such as money spent on purchasing inputs, directly affects the yield of a crop. As such, the cropping system or production practices used by farmers are determined by the resources they have available to them. These practices can range from no-cost to low-cost to high-cost production. Therefore, it is important for teachers to understand how crop production and management functions in India..
[Audio] Crop production management is a crucial concept to comprehend, particularly for Class IX. It involves various components including nutrient management, irrigation, and cropping patterns. Nutrient management is a fundamental procedure for a crop's growth and yield. Irrigation is also a relevant element as it helps plants acquire the appropriate amount of water. Furthermore, various cropping patterns, such as intercropping, can be used to boost the quantity of crops cultivated. Collectively, these aspects form the entirety of crop production management..
[Audio] In Class Nine Biology, we are discussing Crop Production and Management. Nutrient management is integral to this subject, as plants require food and nutrients for growth and development. Soil usually provides the necessary nutrients, however, additional supplementation from the surroundings is necessary to maintain the fertility of the soil with fertilisers and manures..
[Audio] Macronutrients and micronutrients are essential to the growth of plants, with their absence or deficiency having a considerable impact on a plant's physiological processes such as reproduction, growth and susceptibility to disease. Macronutrients are elements used in relatively large amounts by plants while micronutrients are components used in smaller amounts. Macronutrients from the environment include carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen while those from the soil include phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur. Micronutrients from the soil include iron, manganese, boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum and chlorine. Consequently, maintaining the availability of these elements is important for successful crop growth..
[Audio] Manure is a practical solution to boost soil's fertility and improve its structure. It is composed of organic matter that supplies necessary nutrients for the land. Green manure is a manure that is fashioned from plants' by-products, while compost and vermi compost include animal defecation components. These manures help enhance the moisture retention of sandy land and likewise promote drainage in clayey types. Manuring can be used to nourish the earth and give vital nutrients to vegetation..
[Audio] Green manure and compost manure are two essential agricultural practices for crop production and management. Before sowing the crop's seeds, plants such as sun hemp or guar can be planted to form a green manure. This green manure adds extra nitrogen and phosphorus to the soil, improving its fertility..
[Audio] Fertilisers are essential to sustain plant growth and ensure healthy development of crops, but it is important to use them wisely so as not to cause any harm to the soil. Overusing fertilisers can be expensive due to the cost of production, as well as damaging to beneficial organisms that are essential for soil fertility. Manure is a better and more long-term alternative, as it has a range of benefits..
[Audio] Organic farming is a method of farming that relies less on synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. This type of agriculture focuses more on using organic materials, such as organic manures and farm wastes, to keep soils healthy and productive. It also uses beneficial microorganisms, such as blue-green algae, to create natural fertilizers that nourish and protect crops. Organic farming is more sustainable and is beneficial to the environment and the human health..
[Audio] Irrigation is an effective strategy to ensure that our crops receive enough water during their growing time. It increases crop yields by delivering water to the crops at the optimal time and in the right amount. In India, where most of the agricultural production is reliant on timely and sufficient rain, irrigation can be a solution to the risk of crop failure due to failed monsoons..
[Audio] Good morning students. Crop production and management involves several techniques to ensure successful harvest. One such technique is irrigation. There are four different types of irrigation namely Wells, Canals, River Lift System and Tanks. Wells are either dug or tube and the latter can pump more water than dug wells. Meanwhile Canals are an extensive irrigation system that is fed from rivers and some smaller canals to access the fields. As for the River Lift System, it is used in areas where the canal is not providing enough water and the water is taken directly from the river. Lastly, tanks are small storage reservoirs that intercept and store run off water from smaller catchment areas. These are the four types of irrigation that farmers use to cultivate crops. Thank you..
Cropping Systems. There are different ways of growing crops. These different ways can be used to give maximum benefit. They are called Cropping Patterns . There are many types of cropping patterns tppt.com.
[Audio] Crop rotation is one of the most important methods to ensure healthy and productive farms. It involves changing the type of crop grown in the field each season or each year, such as maize one year and beans the next. This practice is essential for healthy agriculture since it improves soil fertility and structure, as well as helps keep weeds, pests and diseases under control..
[Audio] Intercropping is a way of growing two or more crops in the same field simultaneously. This may be accomplished by planting alternating rows of different crops, or by distributing two crops in the same field through mixed intercropping. Intercropping can promote more efficient use of land, fertilizers and water, thus leading to higher crop yields. While mixed intercropping is usually more profitable, it can also be more difficult when it comes to weeding, fertilizing and harvesting..
[Audio] Weeds are known to be highly destructive to the growth and production of crops. Common weeds such as gokhru, gajarghaas, and motha can quickly spread and deplete crop yields. To protect crops from weed infestation, it is important to implement proper controls, such as plowing, chemical application, and manual weeding, in a timely manner. This will help to limit weed growth and allow crops to thrive..
[Audio] Proper storage is critical for successful crop production and management. Without following effective storage methods, agricultural produce can be significantly impacted by biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic factors, such as insects, rodents, fungi, mites and bacteria, and abiotic factors like inappropriate temperatures and moisture can cause drastic losses, including reduced weight, poor marketability and general losses. To prevent these losses, proper management and the use of chemicals to kill pests and protect the crop from loss should be employed..
[Audio] Animal husbandry is an essential part of crop production and management. It includes the rearing of animals in an agricultural setting with the aim of producing food, fur, and other goods. Raising animals for their various uses, like dairy and meat products or wool, milk, or eggs, is a component of animal husbandry. Choosing and breeding animals that possess the ideal traits for production is also part of it. Proper care and health management for the animals must be given, such as appropriate nutrition and housing, as well as preventive health care and reproductive care..
[Audio] Animal husbandry is an integral component of crop production and management. It incorporates a broad array of livestock fields, including cattle farming, poultry farming, egg and broiler production, fish production, and marine production, to name a few. All of these activities are integral to crop production, providing a consistent, plentiful source of food..
[Audio] Cattle farming is an important part of crop production and management. Cattle are the most common type of large domesticated ungulates, and they've played a major role in crop production for centuries. Cattle can provide a number of benefits for crop production, from plowing and fertilizing fields to providing nutrient-rich manure. Additionally, cattle can be used to harvest hay and grains, they can be put to work transporting goods, and their meat is a valuable product that can be turned into a number of delicious dishes..
[Audio] Good morning everyone. Today, this slide is about cattle farming. As you can see, this type of farming is mainly done for two purposes: dairy, for getting milk, and draught, where animals are used for agricultural tasks like tilling, irrigation and carting. To further specify, cattle are divided into two categories: milch breeds for dairy products, mostly cows and buffaloes, and draught animals used in agriculture and transportation. Thank you for your attention..
[Audio] We'll be looking at the various Breeds of cows and buffaloes. In the table, Indigenous breeds include Murrah, Meshsana, Surti, Sahiwal, Gir, Red Sindhi and Tharparkar. Exotic breeds are Jersey, Brown Swiss, Holstein-Friesian, Karan Swiss, Karan Fries and Frieswal. Cross-breeds comprise a combination of both exotic and Indigenous breeds. We will explore each of these breeds and their respective merits in greater detail in the next slides..
[Audio] We will begin by discussing an important aspect of animal husbandry: the food requirements of dairy animals. This includes two main types: maintenance requirements, which help an animal's normal metabolic activities, and milk-producing requirements which are necessary during lactation. To meet these requirements, we give the animals a balanced ration of both roughage and concentrate. Roughage contains fibres such as green fodder, silage, hay, and legumes like berseem. Concentrates are higher in proteins and other nutrients, and include things like wheat, beans, oilseeds, and molasses. Additionally, to ensure optimal health and milk production, we give them feed additives containing micronutrients. Further details on this topic are given on the rest of the slides..
[Audio] In this slide we will cover the diseases that can affect cattle. These can be divided into three main categories: parasites, communicable diseases, and non-communicable diseases. Parasites include external parasites like ticks and mites and internal parasites like worms. Communicable diseases are caused by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Non-communicable diseases are the result of nutrient deficiencies or malfunctioning of body organs. It is important to be aware of the causes and symptoms of these diseases so that we can prevent and treat them properly..
[Audio] Beekeeping, often referred to as apiculture, is a popular activity which involves rearing, raising and caring for honey bees to obtain honey and wax. The scale of apiculture is typically larger than a hobbyist beekeeper and managed hives are used to ensure a successful honey harvest. Beekeepers need to be sure to monitor the health of the colonies in order to guarantee a good harvest..
[Audio] Bees are fascinating and distinctive animals that have been exploited since antiquity for honey yields. Beekeepers cultivate four species for profitable honey production: Apis dorsata (Rock bee), Apis florea (Little bee), Apis indica (Indian bee) and Apis mellifica (European bee). The quality of the honey is impacted by the forage, the type of flowers accessible to the bees, and the flowers' aromatic properties, which affects the flavor of the honey..
[Audio] Poultry farming is a significant area within crop production and management. It involves two main types of birds: layers and broilers. Layer hens are raised to lay eggs while broiler hens are used for meat production. Cross-breeding is often done between local breeds such as Aseel and varieties from other regions, like Leghorn, to develop new breeds. To guarantee a good production, poultry birds must be given the right nutrition, kept in sanitary conditions, and kept at an optimal temperature. Broiler chickens in particular need to have a vitamin, protein, and fat-rich feed. Sadly, poultry birds can be prone to a variety of diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi..
[Audio] Fish provide a major source of animal protein in our diets, and there are two main ways of obtaining it - capture fishing, which is when natural sources are fished from boats using nets, and culture fisheries, which is when they are farmed in freshwater or brackish water. Common fishes caught from marine fisheries include pomphret, mackerel, tuna and sardines, whereas those farmed in brackish or freshwater include rohu, catla, mrigal, grass carp, silver carp and common carp. Additionally, certain marine fishes such as prawns, mullets, perl spots, mussels and oysters can be farmed in seawater, and the latter can even be used to harvest pearls..
Animal husbandry.