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Scene 1 (0s)

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Scene 2 (26s)

[Audio] Our company acknowledges the value of employee engagement and HR in the modern competitive business landscape. In order to be successful we need to take the crucial actions to build a creative cost-effective and appealing workplace. This entails centralizing and digitalizing our onboarding training converting employees to latest technologies improving employees with learning and growth chances and offering ongoing and various online teaching for different subjects such as technical functional leadership supervision and soft skills. By providing these tools and resources to our employees we can guarantee the greatest level of engagement productivity and development for our company's future..

Scene 3 (1m 11s)

[Audio] Coursera and Udemy are two widely-used online learning and content management systems. Coursera was founded 11 years ago whereas Udemy has been around for 13 years. Both platforms offer a range of courses guided projects and labs. Coursera has more than 12000 courses and over 3 900 technical guided projects and labs while Udemy contains 24000 plus courses and 4 400 technical guided projects and labs. Both platforms provide courses that match our established technical and functional requirements. Coursera provides discussion boards and peer interactions between students and instructors while Udemy has an exclusive Q&A with instructors. Additionally Coursera provides certificates from accredited universities and Udemy certificates are issued directly by itself. These two systems can be utilised to give employees access to flexible and continuing learning programs that help them advance their professional development and career..

Scene 4 (2m 19s)

[Audio] Computer science data science and business are the three most sought-after areas for professional development and career advancement with 2 696 2 161 and 1 427 employees respectively. IT Operations Language Learning and Personal Development also have remarkable participation with 1 364 552 and 581 employees respectively..

Scene 5 (2m 50s)

[Audio] "Employee engagement and HR initiatives should provide employees with access to learning resources personalized learning plans that align with their objectives and goals incorporate professional development into performance appraisals digitize the onboarding process and deliver job satisfaction for employees. This helps to attract and retain motivated and productive individuals..

Scene 6 (3m 19s)

[Audio] Benefits of using online learning and content management systems for employee engagement are plentiful. At AxeFinance these systems serve as an effective retention tool by offering employees accessible and stimulating learning experiences that promote continuous development. They also improve our company's reputation showing a dedication to learning while enticing potential talent. Additionally there has been an increase in productivity as staff are able to more readily acquire and apply new skills introducing new ideas and agility to our workforce. Digitizing onboarding training increases both efficiency and flexibility allowing new hires to become part of the company workflow more quickly. Furthermore it is cost-effective compared to conventional training methods. With access to thousands of courses for a standard annual cost upskilling and cross-skilling staff is easier than ever and they can keep up to date with the latest technologies..