[Virtual Presenter] Good morning everyone! Today we will be discussing Heat Illness Prevention. Heat illness is a serious issue that can arise from heat exposure or performing intense physical activity in the heat. In this presentation, we will cover different aspects of heat illness prevention and how to better protect ourselves when exposed to hot weather or environments. Let's get started!.
[Audio] Discussing heat illness prevention is imperative, especially during the summer months. We will go over the causes and factors that can lead to heat illnesses, as well as how to identify and treat them. Furthermore, we will cover OSHA's National Emphasis Program in relation to heat illness prevention in the workplace. Upon completion of this session, you will have the necessary knowledge and resources to both prevent and recognize heat illnesses..
[Audio] Discussing heat illness prevention is our priority today. Heat illness is a medical condition caused by the body's inability to maintain healthy temperature in hot environment, and it could be potentially life-threatening. Heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat rash are all types of heat illness, and they could be caused by staying in high temperature for long periods. In order to prevent it, we will look into ways of recognizing the symptoms and ways of taking precautions against it..
[Audio] Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition that can be fatal if left untreated. Symptoms may include confusion, slurred speech, loss of consciousness, hot and dry skin, profuse sweating, seizures and a core body temperature of 104℉ or higher. In order to prevent heat stroke from occurring, it is important to take proactive measures to avoid becoming overheated. This may include staying in air conditioned spaces, wearing loose-fitting and lightweight clothing, staying hydrated and avoiding strenuous activities when it is hot outside. If the symptoms of heat stroke are noticed, it is essential to seek immediate medical help by calling 911. Treatment for heat stroke typically involves cooling the person with cold water or ice, as well as wetting the skin and clothing with water..
[Audio] Discussing heat illness prevention is vital as heat exhaustion is a serious heat-related illness and the symptoms can be difficult to recognise. Knowing how to recognise the signs of heat exhaustion and treating it is important. Symptoms commonly associated include cool, moist skin with goosebumps, heavy sweating, faintness, dizziness, fatigue, a weak and rapid pulse, nausea, headaches and muscle cramps. In order to treat heat exhaustion, one should seek medical attention, call 911 if help is not available, move the person to a cool or shaded area, and drink liquids and remove unnecessary clothing. Additionally, to cool down one should use cold compresses or have the person wash their head, face and neck with cold water and promote frequent sips of cool water..
[Audio] Heat cramps are a type of heat illness that can affect workers engaged in strenuous activities in hot workplaces. Symptoms include pain, cramps or spasms in the arms, abdomen, or legs. To treat, move to a shaded area and drink beverages that will replenish electrolytes, such as sports drinks or sqwinchers. The affected area should be lightly stretched and rubbed. Do not return to work until the cramps have subsided, and seek medical treatment if they last for more than an hour. Avoid cold water as it requires the body to use extra energy to heat it up, which slows down the rehydration process..
[Audio] Heat Rash is a type of heat illness which presents as red clusters of pimples or small blisters, usually in areas like the neck, upper chest, groin, under the breasts, and elbow creases. To treat this, try to work in a cool and less humid environment, keep the affected area dry, use powder, and avoid ointment or creams..
[Audio] Heat illness is a serious issue and can be caused by various factors. Environmental factors like temperature, humidity, sun exposure, and wind speed, activity, acclimation, medications, dehydration, prior heat illness, and health conditions all play a role. It is essential to be aware of these factors in order to reduce the risk of heat illness and take preventive action..
[image] Heat Illness Prevention Rest. Shade.. [image].
[Audio] Staying hydrated while working in the heat is of utmost importance. Have two cups of water prior to commencing work and then drink a cup of water at 15 or 20 minute intervals. Drinking water before feeling thirsty is crucial. For best hydration, cool water is the most refreshing and therefore workers will be more motivated to drink. Flavored water with minimal sugar is also a suitable option. Caffeinated beverages, alcohol drinks, and sugary drinks should be avoided..
[Audio] When it comes to high heat, it is essential that you pay attention to the way you prepare your body. Adequate hydration is key, and water should be your drink of choice. Alcohol, carbonation and sugar should be avoided. Electrolytes are essential in replenishing the body and maintaining proper hydration. In addition to your fluid intake, it is important to consider your diet. Hot foods will add directly to body heat, and heavy meals reduce the ability to get rid of heat. Employees should be sure to eat light and cool meals, and not skip meals. Clothing choice is also a factor. Clothing should be reflective, light-colored, lightweight and loose-fitting. Breathability is key for temperature regulation. Additionally, clothing should cover the exposed parts of the body. Finally, a hat with a wide brim or bill can be helpful when in direct sun. By understanding ways to ensure proper preparation for high temperatures, you can prevent heat illness..
[Audio] We will be discussing how to prevent heat illnesses, which can range from mild to severe and even fatal in some cases. On this slide, we will look at the helpful resources available to us such as clothing, rest, and hydration. We must also be aware of the risk factors associated with heat illnesses, including high temperatures, age, and pre-existing medical conditions. Now let's look at the resources available to us to help prevent heat illnesses..
[Audio] Heat illnesses are serious and can be fatal, so it is important to take precautions when working outdoors. The NIOSH Heat App can help you stay safe in the heat. It provides a visual indicator of the current heat index and associated risks, precautionary recommendations, and an interactive hourly forecast of heat index values. You can also adjust the loca-.
[Audio] Heat illness prevention is an important matter in the workplace, especially for those working in outdoor construction. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is introducing a Heat-Related National Emphasis Program, expected to be effective April 8, 2022. This program recognizes the construction industry as having high risk for heat-related hazards and sets a heat index at 80℉ to trigger inspections. Furthermore, employers must provide access to drinking water, breaks, and shaded areas as well as administrators implementing earlier/later start times and job rotation. Training should also be given to employees to inform them about the risks and how to avoid heat illnesses..
[Audio] Employees have rights when it comes to heat related illnesses, including the right to stop work if the site is deemed unsafe, as well as the right to a heat stress-free workplace without retaliation. Employers have the responsibility to provide access to first aid, water, shade and cool-down rests, as well as to adhere to acclimatization methods and principles. Ensuring a safe work environment is important to reduce the risk of heat illness..
[Audio] We have been discussing heat illness prevention, which is critical since it is a significant hazard in many workplaces. It is crucial to observe all the necessary precautions in order to avoid it, such as drinking fluids to stay hydrated, taking regular breaks, proper nutrition, being mindful of wearing an excessive amount of PPE, and being aware of the symptoms of heat illness so we can react promptly if it occurs. Safety is crucial and it is essential to look out for each other to make sure that everyone returns home safe every day. Let us all collaborate to ensure that..
[Audio] It is essential to take the necessary measures to keep both employees and the public safe when working outdoors in hot conditions. The importance of heat illness prevention was discussed. Remember that your Safety Team is here to help you, so don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. Thank you for your time and attention..