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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] In this presentation Ella tackles a hugely important but difficult subject: Mental Health Struggles. It will discuss sensitive subjects such as self-harm and suicidal ideation. Ella encourages those going through these difficulties to seek professional help reminding us that it takes strength to ask for help when needed..

Scene 2 (21s)

[Audio] Self-injurious behavior in children can have a variety of origins such as difficulty in expressing emotions seeking attention wanting to escape from or avoid a situation or even trying to blend in with their peers. In the following slide let's examine the occurrence of self-injurious behavior in children who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder..

Scene 3 (44s)

[Audio] As concerning those on the autism spectrum self-injurious behavior is a major risk. A meta-analytic study has shown that up to half of children on the autism spectrum might be inclined to partake in such behaviors. These behaviors may range from banging the head to biting scraping and pulling hair. Identifying and managing these behaviors is essential to minimizing the physical injury that could arise from them..

Scene 4 (1m 11s)

[Audio] To work with your child to reduce self-injurious behaviour it is essential to validate their emotions. Showing understanding of and empathizing with their struggles to communicate will help to strengthen the bond of trust between you and your child. For this patience and kindness are key letting your child know that their feelings are legitimate and accepted. Doing so can open up an effective line of dialogue and help to minimize the occurrence of the behaviour..

Scene 5 (1m 39s)

[Audio] When a child's self-injurious behavior reaches a high level it is vital to contact a behavior specialist immediately. These experts can offer help and guidance to pinpoint the root causes and devise effective strategies to minimize the treacherous behaviors. The following slide will focus on the importance of having a healthcare professional evaluate self-injurious behavior..

Scene 6 (2m 2s)

[Audio] Today we're going to talk about one of the potential causes of self-injurious behavior. This is a very sensitive subject so it is important that we approach it with sensitivity and respect. The issue we're discussing today is the potential for there to be an underlying physical ailment or discomfort that is contributing to self-injurious behavior. It is vital to thoroughly assess any physical issues that may be associated with self-harm before any behavioral interventions are taken. That is why it is so important to seek help from a healthcare professional who is qualified to make an accurate assessment..

Scene 7 (2m 39s)

[Audio] Self-injurious behavior from a child can be concerning. It is possible that the behavior is due to physical causes such as tooth or abdominal pains. Alternatively it could be linked to a mental health issue like anxiety or depression. To figure out the cause of the behavior it is important to make an appointment with a healthcare provider or specialist..

Scene 8 (3m 1s)

[Audio] When self-injurious behavior is evident it may be a potential indicator of more serious mental health issues such as suicidal ideation. Taking any signs of suicidal thoughts or intentions seriously and seeking professional help immediately is imperative. Through this we can make sure that those fighting mental health issues are provided with the necessary assistance and aid..

Scene 9 (3m 26s)

[Audio] Mental health struggles can be incredibly challenging to deal with even reaching severe levels where suicidal thoughts and plans may arise. It is vital for parents to pay close attention to what their children are saying and take it seriously. In the event that you are confronted by this situation make a mental note of what your child expresses and if a suicide attempt is planned eliminate any potential objects which could be used to carry it out such as weapons or medication. Professional help should be acquired immediately to ensure the safety of your child and everyone in the family..

Scene 10 (4m 1s)

[Audio] If your child is facing an urgent threat to their life it is essential to act quickly. Taking them to the Emergency Room or calling their primary care provider to get an appointment the same day should be done without delay. After that it is important to form a support team consisting of a psychiatrist psychologist and primary care provider. This team should evaluate your child to determine the presence of depression or any other mental health issue. Professional help should be sought out if any mental health issues are present..

Scene 11 (4m 31s)

[Audio] It can be difficult to cope with self-injurious behaviors. However there are strategies that may lessen them. These strategies involve acknowledging how your child is feeling exploring the reasons for their behavior and introducing alternative coping strategies. Although it may be a long process it is possible to develop healthier methods of managing emotions..

Scene 12 (4m 54s)

[Audio] When dealing with children who have mental health concerns validating their feelings is of utmost importance. Demonstrating that you understand and are willing to listen can go a long way towards creating a comforting and trusting environment. This will help to reduce any self-harming tendencies they may exhibit. Show your support and take the time to build trust before attempting to introduce alternative behaviors..

Scene 13 (5m 19s)

[Audio] A Functional Behavior Assessment or Analysis is the first step in understanding what leads to self-injurious behavior in children and identifying the underlying reason. Additionally it is important to observe when where and in what situations your child typically displays self-injurious behavior and try to reduce exposure to those known triggers in order to help prevent it..

Scene 14 (5m 44s)

[Audio] pecs or Picture Exchange Communication System is a great option for those who struggle to communicate verbally. Additionally text-to-speech devices and assistive technologies may be employed to bridge the gap in verbal skills. Furthermore teaching children the verbal skills which will help them express their feelings without resorting to self-injury is essential for those having difficulty managing their mental health..

Scene 15 (6m 11s)

[Audio] We are discussing how to help prevent and manage a child's self-destructive behavior. These behaviors can range from hair-pulling to self-harm. Providing them with objects like clay or Play-Doh can occupy their hands making it difficult for them to engage in self-injurious behaviors. Introducing distractions such as engaging them in a game reading a book together or going for a walk can be helpful. Suggesting alternative behaviors that are incompatible with self-harm such as squeezing a stress ball or snapping a rubber band on the wrist provides a safe and productive way for our kids to communicate their emotions..

Scene 16 (6m 48s)

[Audio] We must be careful not to let our initial reaction to our child's self-injurious behavior influence our response and unintentionally encourage it. It is important to pinpoint the cause of the behavior and replace it with a behavior that is not compatible with it. Now that we have discussed this we can observe the impressive rise of online marketing that has come alongside the advancement of digital technology..

Scene 17 (7m 12s)

[Audio] Providing an alternative tool when helping children engaging in self-injurious behavior can be effective. However timing is key when implementing this strategy. Introducing the new tool before the behavior occurs will help to break the cycle avoiding potentially rewarding the behavior by offering the tool afterwards..

Scene 18 (7m 32s)

[Audio] Identifying and addressing triggers is essential for creating a supportive environment for those who struggle with self-injurious behavior. This can involve providing more help or making a task easier or even removing the trigger entirely. Self-care is also important as it helps maintain mental and physical health and wellbeing. Taking the time for ourselves is an essential part of this..

Scene 19 (7m 57s)

[Audio] It can be challenging for parents to ensure their child is safe from peer influence and bullying. To start encourage your child to take part in healthy activities and inform them that their wellness is of the utmost importance. If you think bullying may be occurring seek help from the relevant professionals to resolve the issue and make sure your child knows they can rely on you to discuss anything. Additionally ensure your child knows that you are always available to talk about their experiences. This will help build trust between the two of you and make it easier to tackle any peer-related issues..

Scene 20 (8m 34s)

[Audio] Asking for help is an essential ability in all cases. It is particularly advantageous for individuals dealing with self-harm and suicidal thoughts. It is imperative to instruct your child to ask for help rather than using self-harm as a means of dealing with stress. Discovering methods of expressing and talking about these issues instead of harming oneself is essential for leading a healthier way of life..

Scene 21 (8m 59s)

[Audio] We will be exploring the basics of groundwork for chores. We will be looking at how to recognize behaviors that might be hindering progress studying the environment to identify factors that could be causing negative reactions and determining what might be causing any self-harming behavior that could occur. Knowing the fundamental reasons behind the difficulties is essential to aiding people in dealing with mental health issues and being able to handle chores with ease..

Scene 22 (9m 27s)

[Audio] "Asking for help can be one of the most difficult and brave things we can do in life. You can help your child by breaking down chores into smaller more tolerable tasks and assigning only these tasks to your child. It's important to provide help immediately when they ask for it and to provide verbal praise to reinforce the replacement behavior. Together we can give our children the courage to ask for help when they need it..

Scene 23 (9m 50s)

[Audio] Requesting a break is a substitution conduct that can help decrease the requirement for self-injury and advance sound correspondence. Presently I will investigate the Industrial Revolution in England and how it drastically changed the way of life and working in the beginning of the 1800 seconds..

Scene 24 (10m 9s)

[Audio] We will be discussing a tool to aid people who are struggling with mental health issues like self-harm and suicidal ideation. This tool involves placing a cloth with a tolerable scent in the room. When the smell becomes too much encourage the person to request for a break and promptly eliminate any smell in the room. This tool can be an effective method of providing short-term relief for mental health issues as well as reminding the person to seek help when necessary..

Scene 25 (10m 37s)

[Audio] Self-harm is a significant issue in mental health causing physical and emotional distress to affected children and their parents or custodians. To help deal with the affected child's emotions or struggles and the need for attention they need it is important to replace self-harm with direct requests for attention. Teaching the child to vocalize their need for attention can help reduce the occurrence of self-harm and foster better communication in the long term..

Scene 26 (11m 9s)

[Audio] In order to properly understand and address mental health related issues such as self-harm and suicidal ideation it is important to consider the behaviors that often accompany them. Self-injury for example may occur when a child wants attention but the parent is preoccupied. It is therefore essential to examine the environment and determine the purpose of the behavior. In this particular case self-injury is used as a way of communicating a need for attention. The goal is to create an environment and suggest alternative behaviors which can better serve the individual's needs. This approach can be highly beneficial for those who are facing mental health difficulties..

Scene 27 (11m 50s)

[Audio] Mental health struggles can be difficult to discuss but it is important to recognize when help is needed. As a teacher I would encourage parents to simulate tolerable situations prompt for their child's attention and provide attention immediately and offer verbal praise to help those struggling with mental health issues. If you or someone you know is in need of help please reach out and seek professional assistance. Appreciate your time and consideration..