. . tural and Environmental in Interpersonal Communication By Peyton Leonard.
. . Dulture is a blanket term that is the oundation that accounts for the oundation of one's behavior. People grow up in a variety of places around the world, and most often, geographical location is the reason for one's cultural behavior..
. . are the procedures that govern a culture in )ing individuals of the culture following proper ocol; rules are typically written down in nature. ns are standard informal procedures within a Ire; it is the guidelines of social behavior that are or appropriate. 3fs are assumptions and ideologies of the truth held nose of culture. es are principles of longevity within a culture that determine a course of action or an ideal outcome..
. . n many principles, Inclualng ly and economically and attitudes efs. )onsibility of coming forth with a sense of history and motive. ple of this is St. Patrick's Day, •iginated from the death of religious t. Patrick; on this holiday, people En beer to celebrate the Irish ho died on March 17, 461 CE..
. . zation, larger cultural mold cultural behaviors. f the subgroup are not stingy to nowledge with the larger entity; the special knowledge makes roup entity more separate. Disney Company is an example Jarding their team members who as characters to spread history; ence varies from onstage to.
. . can range in depth voluntarily or involuntarily done through a sender and a recei•ær. It can be casual or calculated; exchanges can occur both informally and formally and with knowledge and int nt or without. It can occur via different mediums, ncluding face-to- face and including but not limited to online and written mediums..
. . someone views themselves derivates of a social group such he entanglement is significant in look on oneself. ker and Riia Luhtanen dove into leeper and coined "Collective which taps into the self-image that a person has on contribute to one's Collective including in different fronts of e private sector, membership, Jnificance on one's identity..
. . may be personal. Not all stereotypes are negative, sometimes can be accurate. It can cause challenges as some people do not enjoy being categorized as it comes off as judgmental. Making these preconceived notions and stereotypes beforehand can hinder getting to know the substance of someone as they have already been predetermined as something else..
. . greatly that other cultures may be lal creates issues of where people of one group feel as though one's own culture is al, so seeing those of another rently, there is room for judgment who are dissimilar. :his is in the movie Mean Girls, rne Michaels, when Karen asks skin color, although she is from FROM.
. . archer Edward T. Hall mined signs of verbal and erbal communication within all of Hall's books have been y successful as they touched e fact that communication is a re in itself, even though the may vary from culture to re..
. . ther researcher on cultural factors in personal communication is Geert who determined vast gaps veen how different cultures go about essional careers. is credited with developing a of six cultural abstracters that vary culture to culture. cultural dimensions theory stede's Dimensions)..
. . to which institutional and nal power should be among members of lized social and class ligh-Context Nations e, and upper societal.
. . High Individualism: Dominant values, personal accomplishment, selfishness, independence, individual attributions Low Individualism : Team accomplishment, sacrifice of others, dependence on social unit, group..
. . Masculinity culture values: assertiveness & achievement. Feminine cultural values: nurturance & social support (low masculinity cultures value gender equality more)..
. . nd more ambiguous circumstances. 'f a culture may or may not have the (to change in a time of uncertainty. be a level of tolerance for ambiguous IS there is a need for structure; it may predict the risks as there is a for rules. )mmunication processes such as and negotiation are also affected by uncertainty avoidance one may have a len culture..
. . . z. & virtues are Ited toward future .rds vs. past and 3nt rewards. The n of working hard so that the reward ay off in the end. ng face both in the )nal and business )rs. )gthening bonds with ones, the focus is motional connection. Short-term orientation "O Long-term orientation SHORT VS. LONG-TERM ORIENTATION.
. . . z. . Hofstede's Dimensions: Indulgence vs. Restraint.
. . eloped face-negotiation theory to prehend what "face" means in culture within interpersonal communication. re are primarily three different types of self-face (apprehensiveness for one's ;ona), other-face (apprehensiveness ;omeone else's persona), and mutual- (shared apprehensiveness for both ies of a relationship)..
. . Christopher Earley and Soon Ang introduced the term 'culturally intelligent" in 2003. rhis term can be defined as one's ability to operate efficiently in environment entangled with cultural diversity. noun l. The ideas cusfwns and Soa•a.l t.-•ehataaer.
. . Having cultural knowledge . Understanding rules and norms within a given culture and how they differ from your own. Helpful in understanding people who are a part of a different culture than you . Interpersonal communication will be more effective when one can walk into a situation with Cognitive CQ..
. . The level to which someone feels capable of entering a culturally diverse situation. Having the motivation to adapt to culturally diverse circumstances allows for a strengthened interpersonal communication approach. One may also have the knowledge needed (Cognitive CQ) but does not have the drive to enter situations at all..
. . Capitalizing on your knowledge and performing well in culturally diverse situations, thus enhancing your interpersonal communication skills. Being consciously aware of interconnectedness in a culturally diverse scenario, one will still need Motivational CQ to act on this consciousness to interlink appropriately..
. . The expectation should be on oneself to take the initiative in being culturally intelligent; you can't control what others do; you can only control what you do. It is important to be aware of interpersonal forefronts, such as the knowledge behind verbal and nonverbal communicational cues..
. . Shauna Shapiro and Linda Carlson created the technique to practice good interpersonal communication within a situation of facing cultural and environmental factors. They encourage the use of the model of mindfulness which includes attention, intention, and attitude. It is important to immerse yourself fully in any situation, especially where cultural and environmental factors are heavy. Know your intention to be an avid communicator..
. . hank you for atching!. z. hank you for atching!.
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