Computer Riddles

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Scene 1 (0s)

Computer Riddles.

Scene 2 (3s)

Keyboard. I can write without a pen, without the number 10, what am I?.

Scene 3 (10s)

Computer Mouse Cartoon Images Stock Photos amp Vectors Shutterstock.

Scene 4 (16s)

Amazon in Buy Acer 21 5 inch LED Backlit Computer Monitor I IPS Full HD I Zero Frame Design I VGA HDMI Port I Acer Eye Care Features and Built in Stereo Speakers ET221Q Black.

Scene 5 (21s)

Internet. 5. I’m very popular, if you use me, you probably wear glasses..

Scene 6 (30s)

Windows. 25 years old, but only turned 11.. Play to Win, or You Will Lose: The 5-Minute Winning Mindset |

Scene 7 (37s)

Escape Key. How did the computer hacker get out of the jail.

Scene 8 (44s)

Lather, Rinse, Repeat.. The programmer got stuck in the shower because the instructions on the shampoo bottle said:.

Scene 9 (53s)

Micro Chips. What do computers eat for a snack?. Sound Mike, Mic, Mike, Microphones Sensor, माइक्रोफोन in Road , N.I.T., Faridabad , Sargam Music House | ID: 12568088297.

Scene 10 (1m 7s)

Happy Children’s Day.