[Audio] Greetings for the day, and welcome to our group presentation For this BIM in Business Practice module, we worked with Weston William and Partners, my groupmate Sanjaya and I will explain the presentation below..
[Audio] The presentation timeline includes The brief introduction about our placement company. The scope of work allocated to us for the entire internship. Weston William and partners capability assessment in bim processes and their Maturity Level Align BIM advances use Further BIM ADDED VALUES TO ELEVATE THEIR BIM LEVEL A PROPOSED BIM ROAD MAP TO MEET THEIR VISION AND MISSION THROUGH DIRECTORY SHORT TERM AND LONG-TERM GOAL A few case studies of the proposed road map A preview of comp B report individually..
[Audio] So, looking at the company management hirarcy profile. It was inaugurated in the year 1985 with a joint venture of Andrew Weston and Chris Williamson, later on many director and partners joined and they expand their company from 2 stakeholders to 143 Nos, which is their current nos of employees. This year a major change in their partnership was that their collaborate with Egis a French based company international company active in the consulting, construction engineering and mobility service sectors which currently operates in 120 countries across the globe now its holds more than 70% stake of this company. Our company deals with architecture, engineering and design having their head office in London. Approx revenue is 21.4M for the year. There, Miss Guia is in charge of the BIM, and she bears full responsibility for BIM administration. she is managing Australia London and CANADA branch for bim processes.By this year they are expanding their bim team and recutting more supportive staff. Recently one of our seniors join here as a Bim modeler..
[Audio] There are currently 5 offices for this company, and the locations are shown in the slides..
[Audio] This company has a very fair vision and mission illustrated in its web-based profile and from time to time it added values to the same. Their mission is entirely focused on designing the better places to live with intelligent use of world resources. They value simplicity and elegance without harming the environment. Their vision is a commitment to carbon neutral design, processes and mitigating carbon emissions through modern methods of design and construction of their projects. They are driven to create and build user-friendly, environmentally friendly spaces for users because they believe in sustainable buildings..
[Audio] The business portfolio of this company includes projects from aviation, Infrastructure, Master planning and retail. They are renowned for their transport architecture consultancy and currently, they are working progressively for the hs2 the very known rail network in Britain. Recently they got recognition from various media coverage for their two stations on the Elizabeth line in London. Apart from this, their profile includes various residential and Infrastructure projects as you can see in the slides..
[Audio] Some representations of their projects.. University Accommodation.
Transport hub. Design & architecture consultant I Transport architects I Master Planning I Infrastructure I Aviation I Retails.
M a s t e r p l a n n I n g. Design & architecture consultant I Transport architects I Master Planning I Infrastructure I Aviation I Retails.
[Audio] This organization parallelly arranged special activities, outdoor events and meetups for their workforce to maintain and uplift their well-being. Likewise, various sessions like painting, art work, sports activities and DIY arranged for them that can act as a stressbuster for them. To vary their workforce across different regions and hire the best leaders, they maintain a work-from-home culture..
[Audio] This organization is always in limelight for various awards and prizes. That denotes their commitment towards their practices and services..
[Audio] From here we will represent our work done for this organization. We had given three task for the 8 working block days. The task 1 includes the usage of the third-party application called the EDGE tool, to develop the environmental assessment analysis for two separate London-based projects. The task 2 includes the Interactive software manual presentation of the Edge application for their residential staff so that they can assess other projects by their own. The task- 3 comprises of Business case report addressing the management-level employee, it's a comparative assessment report of various LCA software and their financial and functionality towards BIM processes..
[Audio] I had given a timber-based structure 2 storey building based in waterloo location ( London). This project is in the inception stage and the working team had developed the Revit file only, thereby similar project feasibility report is given to analyse and make judgements for the assessment. I used a Revit file to extract the numerical values such as the covered area of rooms windows etc. Some of the data is researched and data is entered accordingly such as average rainfall, temperature etc. Data is feeded into 4 different sub-zones- Energy, Water, Material and operational energy The more in depth specifications about the materials such as exterior surface brick tiles types, their solar reflective index the type of floor, the thickness and information about the type of insulation is analysed through these feasibility reports and decisions are made after the conversation with the leading architect of this project. Some of the details are also taken as a base case because it's very early to decide about this. Such as the installation of solar panels on the roof. As a result of this assessment I was able to deliver the result in terms of Embodied energy use, Payback period, Project Emissions, Energy performance index( EPI), Final embodied energy, Final energy water use, and Energy savings. Because the timber-based structure is more sustainable in comparison with R.C.C based structure I am able to meet the 20% target of this application to be called a sustainable building. The energy percentage was 64.22%, and for water and materials it is 26.91% | and 23.64% respectively..
[Audio] Further a 2500 words report including a comparative annexure is enclosed in the business case. This includes, a Brief information about the LCA, Life cycle analysis EPD environmental product declaration and embodied carbon Additionally, The Financial aspects such as the cost of the software installation on workstations of various software. The viability of software with BIM integration, the critical analysis of their usage and the challenges of using from assessed point of view. Since not all software provides a free student version the research journal are used for this formation..
Swati Sood. Sanjaya Fernando. Individual Student Works at WWP - SANJAYA.
Architecture Structure Steel • Z A Mike-Area Plan Leve14 go A warnakulasuri... Precast Systems Insert Annotate Analyze Massing & Site Collaborate View Manage Add-Ins BHoM Modify @ • Wall e Window Component • Door Column • Build Roof • Curtain System Railing • Model Text Model Line Model Group Level I Room E Area • wall ceiling curtain Grid Floor • * Mullion Ramp Stair Circulation Room Separator Area Boundary Tag Room • Tag Area • By Room & Area • Level 3 Vertical Grid Shaft Dormer Opening - warnakulasuriya6fernando) Properties Area Plan Area Plan: Level 4 Graphics Scale Scale Value I: Display Model Detail Level Prooeflies help X Edit Type Apply Level O 1 : too Level 2 % Show Ref Plane Set Work Plane Level 4 1 project Browser - c_detached e •GIA - Area Plan (SGIA); Level O Area Plan CGIA)•_ Level 1 Area Plan tc,IA)-. Level 2 Area Plan (•GIA): Level 3 Area Plan (•GIA): Level 4 Area Plan ('GIA); Level 5 Area Plan ('GIAI: Level 6 Area Plan Level 7 g- - Siteman 1 Click to select, TAB for alternates, CTRL adds, SHIFT A-WWP-Architecture.
Measure Sustainability Performance of Initial Design Models Ihng ASSESSMENT v .3.0.0 ProÉct: Ackroydon Estate: Site C C"ent: Coundl. London, UK by: Fernmdo.
Weston Williamson + Partners WIN • p For the last eight weeks we have hosted two placement students from UWE Bristol, Sanjaya Fernando and swati sood. They have been working with our SIM Manager Giulii and our residential team on how to implement sustainability in our 31M process. The students have used analytical data to inform the development of massing forms and the selection of materials, and to monitor change throughout the project evolution. Using a case study project the students used EDGE software and Revit to create a user guide, and embed the process in our workflow with the aim of streamlining trese factors in future work..
Planning Element Strategy Organizational Description the Mission, Vision, Goals, and Objectives, along with management support, BIM Champions, and BIM Planni Committee. A mission is the fundamental purpose for existence of an organization. Level of Maturity Mission and Goals Goals are specific aims which the organization BIM Vision and Objectives Management Support BIM Champion BIM Planning Committee BIM Uses Project Uses wishes to accomplish. A vision is a picture of what an organization is striving to become Objectives are s#cific tasks or steps that when accomplished move the organization toward their oals To what level does management support the BIM Planning Process A BIM Champion is a person who is technically skilled and motivated to guide an organization to improve their processes by pushing adoption, managing resistance to change and ensuring im lementation of BIM The BIM Planning Committee is responsible for developing the BIM strategy of the organization The specific methods of implementing BIM The specific methods of implementing BIM on projects The specific methods of implementing BIM within Non-Existent No organizational mission or goals No BIM vision or objectives defined No management support No BIM Champion No BIM Planning Committee established Non-Existent No BIM Uses for Projects identified No BIM Uses for Operations identified on-Existe No external project BIM processes documented No internal organizational BIM processes documented 1 Initial Basic organizational mission established Basic BIM vision is establish Limited support for feasibility study BIM Champion identified but limited time committed to BIM initiative Small Ad-hoc Committee with only those interested in BIM Initial Minimal owner requirements for BIM Record (As-Built) BIM model received by o erations 1 Initial 2 Managed Established basic organizational goals Established Basic BIM Objectives Full Support for BIM Implementation with some resource commitment BIM Champion with adequate time commitment BIM Committee is formalized but not inclusive of all operating units 2 Managed Minimal BIM Uses required Record BIM data imported or referenced for operational uses 2 Mana ed 3 Defined Organization mission which addressed purpose, services, values (at a minimum) BIM Vision address mission, strategy, and culture Full support for BIM Implementation with appropriate resource commitment Multiple BIM Champions with each working Group Multi-disciplinary BIM Planning Committee established with members from all 3 Defined Extenswe use of BIM with limited sharing between parties BIM data manually maintained for o erational uses 3 Defined Detailed BIM process documented for primary BIM Uses Detailed BIM process documented for primary or anizational Uses 4 Quantitatively Mana ed Goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely BIM objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely Limited support for continuing efforts with a limited budget Executive Level BIM Support Champion with limit time commitment Planning Committee includes members for all level of the organization includin executives 4 Quantitatively Extensive use of BIM with sharing between parties within project BIM data is directly integrated with operational systems 4 Quantitative Detailed BIM process documented for all BIM Uses Detailed BIM process documented for all BIM Uses 5 Optimizing Mission and goals are regularly revisited, maintained and updated as necessa Vision and objectives are regularly revisited, maintained and updated (as necessary) Full support of continuing efforts Executive-level BIM Champion working closely with working group champion BIM Planning decisions are integrated with organizational Strategic Plannin 5 O timizin Open sharing of BIM data across all parties angorojeg! phases BIM data maintained with operational systems in Real-time 5 O •mizin Detailed BIM process documented and r ularl maintained and Detailed BIM Process documented and r ularl maintained and Current Level n 3 o 2 2 2 2 Operational Uses the organization means y ic e Bl ses are Process cco iSh The documentation of External Project BIM Project Processes High-level BIM process Integrated high-level BIM Target Level 16 4 3 3 5 4 4 2 Organizational Processes Processes The documentation of Internal Organizational BIM documented for each party High-Level BIM process documented for each operating unit process Documented Integrated high-level organizational process documented Total Possible 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5.
Planning Element Description Information Needs refer to Model Level of Information nt and Facilit Data uirements Model Element Breakdown Structure are Model Element identifiers assigned to each physical or functional Breakdown (MEB) Level of Maturity Non-Existent No consistent Organizational Model Initial Organizational Model Element Breakdown 2 Organizational Model Element Breakdown is uniform within the organization LOD standardized within the organization Facility data defined and standardized within theo anization 2 Basic BIM Software Systems 3 Defined Organizational Model Element Breakdown aligned with industry standards Organizational LOD standards aligned with industry standards Organizational facility data attributes aligned with indust standards 3 Defined Advanced BIM software systems 4 uantita • Organizational Model 5 O timizin Organizational defined but not uniform Element Breakdown within entire organization LOD defined but not No consistent Level of modifications to industry Element Breakdown standard model element updated along with breakdown are balloted industry standards for inclusion in indust Model View Definitions & Organizational Level of Development (LOD) Facility Data Infrastructure Software Hardware Physical Spaces Personnel Roles and Responsibilities Organizational Hierarchy Education Training Change Readiness Totals element in the breakdown of the facility model. The Level of Development (LOD) the level of completeness to which a Model Element developed Facility Data is nan-graphical information that can be attached to objects within the Model that defines various characteristics of the ob-ect and physical systems needed for the programs and other operating information used by a computer to implement BIM physical interconnections and devices required to store and execute (or run) BIM software Functional areas within a facility used to properly implement BIM within the organization Human resources of an organization Roles are the primary function assumed by a person within the organization and Responsiblities are the tasks or obligations that one is required to do as art of that role. An arrangement of personnel and group into functional groups within the organization Education is to formally instruct about a subject Train is to teach so as to make fit, qualified, or proficient in a specific task or process The willingness and state preparedness of an organization to integrate BIM Development No consistent facility data requirement No BIM Software standardized witin the entire organization Facility data defined but not intemally standardized Initial Software capable of accepting BIM data Some hardware capable No Hardware capable of of running basic BIM running BIM software software Single workstation for All Hardware Capable of Some advanced Running Basic BIM Software hardware systems with the o anzation No dedicated BIM space Non-Existent No roles and responsibilities documented viewing BIM data In • BIM is the responsibility of the BIM Champion BIM Champion outside Small Workspace for BIM room for Collaborating with a collaborating with large screen large enough for screen viewing capability multi le viewers 2 Managed BIM is the responsibility Organizational Hierarchy of typical organizational does not address BIM hierarchy Ad hoc education as No Education Program No Training Program No Change Readiness Awareness needed Training program run by vendors - only for necessary personnel Established need for BIM of the interdisciplinary BIM Group Small BIM Implementation Team outside the typical Formal Presentations on what is BIM and the Benefits is has for the organization Internal Training program for all personnel that may interact with BIM Upper management buy- BIM responsibility lies with each operating unit Large interdisciplinary BIM Group created Regularly conducted employee education sesslons Regularly conducted and routine training programs Operating unit buy-in Information Delivery Manuals are used to define LOD Facility data attributes aligned with open standards 4 All software systems available to all personnel All organization hardware is capable of runnin advanced BIM Multiple collaborative workspaces within regular workspace Quantitativ BIM responsibility lies with each person BIM Champion defined within each operating unit On-Demand education program established for the organization On-Demand training program established for the organization All individuals buy-in modification to MVDs and IDMs are balloted for inclusion in industry Facility data attributes updated with open standards 5 Program established for continous updating of BIM software systems Program established for continous updating of BIM hardware systems program established for continous updating of BIM spaces 5 O •mizin 31M Responsiblities are regularly reviewed to ensure they are properly distributed BIM Implemenation Team supports BIM Use within o ratin units Education is seemlessly improved through lessons learned within the organizartion Training is seemlessly improved through lessons learned within theo anization Willingness to change is part of the culture of the o anization Current Level 2 O o 19 Target Level 2 13 3 5 5 11 2 2 3 2 2 This is the total for all the categories. Note this does reflect maturity in all sections. While the organization could score high, there could be some key areas not implemented that could hinder the organizations BIM Implementation. Total Possible 15 5 5 5 15 5 5 5 25 5 5 5 5 5 100.
Swati Sood. Sanjaya Fernando. WW+P BIM Maturity Assessment – Summary.
LEVEL O Low collaboration Informatk»n is with 20 drawmgs ustng Computer (CAD) Files are t*ing shared as separated sources of inforrnation LEVEL 1 Partial collaboration Project teans are using a Data Environment ) to cokt, manage and share an sroject data • The devebmnentofthe proj«t the of informatbn is a comOnation of 3D 20 drawings. LEVEL 2 o Full Project teams are using 3D to devebp projects prtxjuce 3D mcxiels with syoject data are using a common hle (tike IFC). In this way. they are able to BJt a unified BIM nuxieL Dirnensbns related to time man"ement (40) cost of the project are (50') availabk in Level 2 0M. LEVEL 3 Full integration (iBlM) A shared (or I a unifæd BIM nyxH) is used I via a ckui.based Anyone who is inwlved in the proj«t has access to it and is to inforrnatbn. accord"" to his role in the with 40 & 50 a new mensbn is avail&. The which is f«uwd the Of buihing's lifecyck..
Swati Sood. Sanjaya Fernando. Proposed Work Flow for Existing Building Modelling integrating BIM (Source : Pen State CIC Research Team).
[Audio] Consortiq drone site analysys services. Swati Sood.
Swati Sood. Sanjaya Fernando. Plowman Craven Case Study on Using Drone Technology Carrying Site Surveying (Potentials on Master planning Workflows).
Swati Sood. Sanjaya Fernando. Proposed Work Flow for BIM enabled Design Review Process (Source : Pen State CIC Research Team).
Swati Sood. Sanjaya Fernando. Using Wild Plat form for Design Review.
Swati Sood. Sanjaya Fernando. Proposed Workflow for BIM enabled Design Coordination Process (Source : Pen State CIC Research Team).
[Audio] In Figure 6, the three key components of WHAT, WHEN and WHO are highlighted in red. It is possible for the design responsibility matrix, once developed by the lead appointed party, to be reviewed and then used by the task team(s) to inform their TIDP(s). Industry standard groupings and descriptions of objects, systems or elements could be used to help improve the structuring, understanding and cross-referencing for each task or deliverable When defining specific responsibilities at the modelled object property definition level in the form of alphanumerical data, further levels of detail could be introduced to the detailed responsibility matrix. Using the door example, further breakdown could be introduced by identifying that the " fire rating" property comes from Task Team 1 at stage 3 and the " manufacturer" property comes from Task Team 2 at stage 4.
Edge Certify Green and Change Your World OIFCI— it e Ecu sel«t News Proms Q of IFC, a of the World Bank Group, to design and certify resource-efficient and Zero A FREE.
Swati Sood. Sanjaya Fernando. Current Prioritised BIM Uses WWP Looking for Embed in to their Work Flow.
Swati Sood. Sanjaya Fernando. Demonstration ONE CLICK LCA Carbon Builder (Ability Optimize Embodied Carbon Amount Establishing Benchmarks.
Strengths Sl. High level practices in REVIT, BIM 360 (Cloud) and Bentley applications which has enabled BIM enabled work principals among the organization. S2. Reputation of strong record of design deliveries and award winning design concepts over the decades. S3. Highly Skilled blended team focused on high level of design innovation and adoptability. S4. Action oriented collaborative work environment on cutting edge of their industry practices. S5. Tailored organization culture which keeps high level of communication withing employees while encouraging them to think innovatively. Opportunities 01. Potential BIM integration in to their current design work flow. 02. Possibilities to utilise immersive BIM technologies like VR, AR in to their design practices to enhance design coordination and review processes. (Platforms like WILD) 03.0pportunities to introduce clash detection in their design reviews to ensure final design model is clashes free against structural, MEP elements. 04.0pportnuities to achieve cross border design workflow in a live collaborative work environments accords Australia, United Kingdom and Canada through BIM 360 and Sharp Cloud. 05. Well established corporate strategy which enables WWP to invest in more software and hardware skills for BIM capability enhancements. Weaknesses WI.No centralized platform to monitor different department work progresses and status in a single dashboard for management. (Expect Construction Cloud Interfaces). W2. Horizontal leadership structure which seems to make regular operations cluttered. W3. No major research and development concerns. W4. Lack of fully BIM integrative design work practices. W5. Lack of BIM integrative immersive technologies especially like AR and MR usage in design development. W6. No inhouse BIM training and practices for development of employees BIM based work capabilities. W7.No Defined BIM goals and objectives aligning to their business model Threats T 1. Predicting market downturns and economic recessions which can impact the upcoming construction project market. T2. Possible trained skilled and talented employees turnover. T3. Existing competition in between employees as the pressure among the organization to come up with new design ideas. (This positive competition which derived employees performance can be negative in a longer run where it can creates unnecessary tension between employees which can restrict innovative working culture). T4. Possible restrictions to change among the employees since WWP have few experienced professionals who prefer their traditional practices..
Swati Sood. Sanjaya Fernando. Risk Associating with the Focused BIM Road Map Concerns.
[Audio] This is the Road map for the placement company, a method to map its corporate BIM strategy via a number of clear steps or layers. Followed by a company vision, mission and BIM assessment results. We came to analyse that Information, Bim uses, processes, strategies, personnel and infrastructure are the main elements where this company needs to work effectively to elevate its BIM maturity level. The short-term goal of 1- 3 years can be achieved by the points mentioned at the top half part of slide while for the long-term goal the organization needs to integrate more toward the Digital twin, A.R, V.R.
[Audio] Some key points where the company need to focus is the personal, Intelligent, learning, Analytics, Finance and Inforgraphic. By infographics it means the uplift of the projects level of detail and Finance it means the monitory support for the Bim enhancement tranings to the staff and by research, it means the research-based evidence that gives directions for new implementations.
[Audio] The case studies an in-depth, detailed examination of a relevant case within a real-world context that can act as a reference of direction for the bim team, to meet their short-term and long-term goals. This case study belongs to the campus building in University of the atlanta, where the Bim model was used to select the optimum building orientation and to select the ideal façad design. Ecotech and IES , REVIT AND archicad software was used for this study..
[Audio] The case study -2 relates to cultural museum in china, where the lca and green building assesmnts was used to find the results of energy consumption..
[Audio] The last case study relates to the company's long-term goals and it's quite interesting. It's an amalgamation of LCA and V.R. The different building façade design was proposed and a unique bar code was assigned for each building façade types. A computer system generated for the off-site clients with V.R TO to give the user an immersive feel of a virtual world. They can access the building design with the bar code..
[Audio] The last phase of this presentation comprises of the reflection of the student comp-B REPORT. Because this organization is working on architecture and engineering based practices. I would like to research more towards the Design processes. How bim can helps the organisation TO IMPROVE THEIR DESIGN REVIEWS AND SATISFY THE CLIENTS NEED. Since this business interacts with clients in a variety of industries and with clients in a variety of ways, I think BIM-enabled design review processes can help them improve their user experience and raise their profile. So this is the end of my part. Following slides coverup by Sanjaya.
Focus for the Component B. Key Identifications during the Placement; EDGE is not fully Compatible and compliable with current WWP design work flow practice due to; Manual Process Unavailability of automation No integration with REVIT (Major Design Tool At WWP Requirement of primary level design information's and material specification EDGE process is comparatively more technical than other initial stage Embodied carbon calculators Lack of security and confidentiality concerns because of third party freeware in web,.
Ocoveiool o Projects Settings Floors + Name Floor 1 About Elev (mm) 0.0 Contact Us Project Opacity Object Visibility Building elements Primitive Objects Shading Deviæs Exterior Walls Interior Walls Air Walls Roofs X : 304M0 Y : 201.680 Grid Structural Outdoor Floors Below Grade Walls 0.500X Endpoint - Trial 1 Line Grid os.
Main > DEMO - DGNB and LEED project in Germany A DEMO - DGNB and LEED project in Germany General information Results and benchmarking • Design: 2 - Optimized design-DGNB Embodied carbon benchmark kg C02e/m2 Cradle to grave (A1.A4, B4.B5, Cl .C4) (<290) A (290400) 1400-510) (510-620) (620-730) CH 03 2021 Western Europe - office Download as image 390 Embodied carbon by life-cycle stage A1-A3 Materials- 78 % B4-B5 Replacement- 21 % CI-C4 End of life- 1 % Download as image 0% design Embodied carbon by structure A1-A3 Foundations and substructure - 2% Vertical structures and facade - 32% Horizontal structures: beams, floors and roofs - 60% Other structures and materials - 6% Download as image.
. Focus for the Component B – Sanjaya Fernando. Comparison Against Their,.
Conclusions & Summary. Image result for conclusion logo.
References,. Weston Williamson + Partners Company Profile: Acquisition & Investors | PitchBook (2022). Available at: https://pitchbook.com/profiles/company/493376-41#overview (Accessed: 3 October 2022). Azhar , S. and Brown, J. (2009) “ Bim for sustainability analyses,” International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 5(4), pp. 276–292. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/15578770903355657. Kamari, A., Paari , A. and Torvund , H.Ø. (2020) “ Bim -enabled virtual reality (VR) for Sustainability Life Cycle and cost assessment,” Sustainability, 13(1), p. 249. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/su13010249. Sulaiman , M. et al. (2020) "Matterport: Virtual Tour as A New Marketing Approach in Real Estate Business During Pandemic COVID-19", Proceedings of the International Conference of Innovation in Media and Visual Design (IMDES 2020). doi : 10.2991/assehr.k.201202.079. Ocean, J. (2020) BIM Standards Overview. Different Levels of BIM. BIM Levels Diagram, Revizto . Available at: https://revizto.com/en/bim-standards-level-of-information-bim/ (Accessed: 10 October 2022)..