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Page 2 (2s)

1.1 Wearing of improper, incomplete, or altered Company uniforms, footwear or other Company-provided personnel equipment in relation to the employee’s designated duties/responsibilities.

Page 3 (12s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.2 Non-observance of Company-prescribed Dress Code and Appearance. WR 3DS 10DS 15DS 30DS D.

Page 4 (26s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.3 Non-observance of Company-prescribed e-mail or internet decorum and etiquette. WR 3DS 10DS 15DS 30DS D.

Page 5 (40s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.4 Failure of an employee to inform and/or make a written report to his/her superior within 24 hours from the occurrence of any loss or damage, involving Company property, machinery, tools, equipment, vehicle or supply whether the same is assigned to the employee or not. 3DS 10DS 15DS 30DS D.

Page 6 (1m 3s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.5 Failure to report immediately any injury or accident that occurred to any employee while discharging his/her duty and/ or within the company premises. 3DS 10DS 15DS 30DS D.

Page 7 (1m 20s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.6 Failure to relay important or urgent information to person/s concerned when required or when necessary to his/her assigned duties. 3DS 10DS 15DS 30DS D.

Page 8 (1m 36s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.7 Failure to observe, comply or perform any other act resulting in deviation or departure from the employee’s designated duties and responsibilities or Company-issued policies, systems, memorandums, procedures, standards or operational guidelines without due authorization from the employee’s superior and/or Management. 3DS 10DS 15DS 30DS D.

Page 9 (1m 58s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.8 Operating, using or processing of any Company machinery, tools, equipment, vehicle or supply not assigned or designated to the employee unless authorized by the employee’s superior or the Company. 10DS 15DS 30DS D.

Page 10 (2m 16s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.9 Permitting or allowing any unauthorized person to operate, use or process Company machinery, tools, equipment, vehicle or supply without justification or permission from the Company 10DS 15DS 30DS D.

Page 11 (2m 33s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.10 Furnishing of incorrect or misleading data as a result of the employee’s negligence or failure to verify the correctness and accuracy of the information in relation to the employee’s designated duties/responsibilities. 10DS 15DS 30DS D.

Page 12 (2m 51s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.11 Failure of the employee or the superior to exercise due diligence in the performance of his/her designated duties/responsibilities resulting in negligence of duty. 10DS 15DS 30DS D.

Page 13 (3m 9s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.12 Failure or neglect or unjustified delay in following Company procedures (such as filing of incident reports). 10DS 15DS 30DS D.

Page 14 (3m 24s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.13 On the part of a superior, clear abuse of status, power or discretion. 10DS 15DS 30DS D.

Page 15 (3m 38s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.14 Engaging in or committing negligent acts that cause destruction, damage, impairment or waste of Company property, equipment, materials or products. 15DS 30DS D.

Page 16 (3m 54s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.15 Failure to report the gross misconduct or negligence of other employees, to the detriment of the Company. 15DS 30DS D.

Page 17 (4m 9s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.16 Driving Company vehicles without the physical possession of a driver's license. 15DS 30DS D.

Page 18 (4m 23s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.17 Willful or deliberate condoning, tolerating, participating or colluding in any manner by the superior in any offense committed by a subordinate employee. 15DS 30DS D.

Page 19 (4m 39s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.18 Unintentional sharing/disclosure of confidential information as a result of negligence in performing functions/ duties. 15DS 30DS D.

Page 20 (4m 54s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.19 Driving Company vehicles or equipment recklessly or at excessive speed or above the work area limit within the work area. 30DS D.

Page 21 (5m 9s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.20 Gross negligence or omission in performance resulting in serious loss or damage to the Company. D.

Page 22 (5m 23s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.21 Gross inefficiency or failure of the employee to get a passing grade for 2 consecutive times in his/her performance appraisal report. D.

Page 23 (5m 39s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OR WORK PROCEDURES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1.22 Willful neglect of duty or leniency of a Company officer in-charge (Supervisors and/or Managers) who tolerates and/or permits employee/third-party personnel to violate Company rules and regulations or policies. D.

Page 24 (5m 57s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.1 Unauthorized reproduction of Company's minor computer system/programs/database, Company records, reports, policies and procedures, training modules, other pertinent documents, and the like. 10DS 15DS 30DS D.

Page 25 (6m 14s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.2 Unauthorized use or incorporation of the Company’s name, logo, insignia or brand for any activity, event, league or similar circumstances which are not sanctioned, permitted or sponsored by the Company. 10DS 15DS 30DS D.

Page 26 (6m 33s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.3 Conflict of interest or outside commercial activities that interfere or compromise one's duties as an employee of the Company. 30DS D.

Page 27 (6m 47s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.4 Any misrepresentation made for the purpose of attempting to draw or drawing another employee's salary. D.

Page 28 (7m 1s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.5 Knowingly giving false or misleading information in the employee’s employment application as a result of which employment is secured, or if already employed, giving false or misleading information to seek or qualify for any promotion or benefit from the Company. D.

Page 29 (7m 20s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.6 Falsification, forgery, alteration, tampering or the submission (with knowledge of the employee) of falsified, forged, altered or tampered Company records, data, memorandums, reports, policies, vouchers, receipts, timecards or any other work-related documents for the employee’s personal gain or in circumvention of his/her designated duties/responsibilities. D.

Page 30 (7m 43s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.7 Falsification, forgery, alteration, tampering or submission (with knowledge of the employee) of falsified, forged, altered or tampered third party/supporting documents (e.g. official receipts, cash vouchers, reports, certifications etc.) for the employee’s personal gain or in circumvention of his/her designated duties/responsibilities. D.

Page 31 (8m 5s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.8 Planting or fabrication of evidence against a co-employee for the purpose of imputing the commission of a crime or offense punishable by this Handbook against the said employee. D.

Page 32 (8m 21s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.9 Falsification, forgery, alteration, tampering or submission (with knowledge of the employee) of falsified, forged, altered or tampered medical reports/clearances/certificates in support of the employee’s claims for sick leaves or expense reimbursement. D.

Page 33 (8m 40s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.10 Forging, altering, counterfeiting or imitating the handwriting or signature of a co-employee, superior or any of the Company’s top-ranking officials. D.

Page 34 (8m 56s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.11 Deliberately signing Company documents or correspondences that one is not authorized to sign. D.

Page 35 (9m 9s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.12 Misrepresenting that one possesses authority or power in dealing with third parties on behalf of the Company. D.

Page 36 (9m 23s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.13 Any form of collusion between a co-employee/superior or directing others in the performance of the acts stated in the above. D.

Page 37 (9m 38s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.14 Unauthorized possession, giving of, supplying or disclosing to any unauthorized person or entity any confidential information classified as trade secrets/intellectual property and other confidential materials, information, data or documents relating to the Company’s operations, programs, formulae, processes, market studies and other classified information or documents similar to those enumerated above obtained by the employee by virtue of his/her employment with the Company. D.

Page 38 (10m 4s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.15 Receiving, soliciting, obtaining or accepting money, gifts or anything of value as consideration for the execution or approval of any unauthorized or inappropriate contract, arrangement, dealing or transaction with the Company’s patrons, clients, suppliers or third parties. D.

Page 39 (10m 23s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.16 Receiving, soliciting, obtaining or accepting money, gifts or anything of value as consideration for the performance of an act, decision or service which the employee is bound to perform under his/her designated duties/responsibilities. D.

Page 40 (10m 42s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.17 Soliciting business under false pretenses with the use of Company forms or materials. D.

Page 41 (10m 55s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.18 Engaging in any business or activity, which directly or indirectly competes with the Company’s business operations or products. D.

Page 42 (11m 10s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.19 Fraud or solicitation of money, gifts, benefits or favors for the employee’s personal gain or interest. D.

Page 43 (11m 24s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.20 Stealing, robbery or theft or any attempt to commit the same against Company property or the personal belongings of a co-employee, superior or any other personnel within Company premises, branches, satellite offices or any other place where a Company-initiated/sponsored event is being held. D.

Page 44 (11m 45s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.21 Buying, selling, receiving, possessing, concealing or disposing of any Company property or product that has been derived from the proceeds of theft or robbery in accordance with the Anti-Fencing Law of 1979. D.

Page 45 (12m 3s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.22 Attempting to steal or misappropriate or malversation or attempted malversation of Company funds, regardless of amount involved. D.

Page 46 (12m 17s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.23 Theft or malversation of Company funds, regardless of sum involved. D.

Page 47 (12m 30s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.24 Failure to immediately turnover to the Company, upon collection, funds paid to or due to the Company. D.

Page 48 (12m 45s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.25 Substituting or attempting to substitute Company materials or equipment with intent to defraud the Company. D.

Page 49 (12m 59s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.2 FRAUD AND DISHONESTY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 2.26 Unauthorized reproduction of Company's confidential computer system/programs/database, Company records, reports, policies and procedures, other pertinent documents, and the like. D.

Page 50 (13m 15s)

PROVISIONS DEGREE, NATURE, FREQUENCY, AND GRAVITY OF OFFENSE Art.3 MISAPPROPRIATION OF COMPANY FUND, PROPERTY AND/OR RECORDS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 3.1 Failure or refusal to follow Company prescribed procedures in the safety, care and handling of Company property, tools or equipment. 3DS 10DS 15DS 30DS D.