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[Audio] I am clowee duran jondonero, a faculty of Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology College of Nursing. Presently, I am on-study leave for three years for PhD in Nursing Education major in Leadership and Management at Saint Paul University – Manila under the Commission of Higher Education - Scholarship for Instructor's Knowledge Advancement Program or ( SIKAP). I have worked as a staff nurse in Adventist Medical Center – Iligan in the various departments like I c u, O r or d r and wards for 3 years on ( 1994 to 1997) before deciding to go for a master's degree in Chemistry Education in M S U –I I T. In 1997, I took bridging subjects including units in education and passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers or ( LET) in 1999. In the same year, I was hired as a Graduate Teaching Assistant or ( G T A) for one year and hired as a regular faculty in year 2000. In my stay with the College of Education, I have worked as an adviser for the BSE Chemistry program until 2003. In 2003, when the university decided to offer BS Nursing, I was tasked to prepare the documents and propose the said program to the University Curriculum Committee and consequently approved by the Board of Regents chaired by the CHED Commissioner. In 2004, M S U -I I T offered the program having me acting as the head of the program. In the same year, I established linkages with Gregorio T Lluch Memorial Hospital (serving as our base hospital), Dr. oy Hospital, Lanao del Norte Provincial Hospital, Holcim – Luga it for our industrial nursing together with Granex, DepEd, and Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center (for our psychiatric nursing exposure). In 2008, first batch of 90 graduates took the board exam and became the testimony of hardwork and sacrifices which placed MSU-IIT as the 2nd performing school in the Philippines with two takers landed in top No 6. This fueled the college to do better in the classroom, clinics, even in extension programs. Few engagements in research were started until reaching the national and international venues. Throughout my stint as the dean of M S U- I I T CON from 2004- 2020, these are some of the achievements: Developed a simulated-hospital as Nursing Arts Laboratory Formed and established local and international linkages which resulted to co-hosting a research conference, and other scholarly activities; Sent 6 faculty for PhD Studies; Sent faculty members for poster and oral presentations both in local and international platforms; The college has published papers locally and internationally; College had 3 funded researches by Northern Mindanao C H R D of D O S T, 5 researches funded by the Department o Research of M S U- I I T; Sent 6 faulty members for PhD studies from 2013- 2018; Has managed to have the program accredited to Level III under Ah Ah Cop; and One of the top performing schools in the Philippines also producing topnotchers among others. When 3 faculty has returned after their PhD study in 2017, I said to myself that after my appointment as a dean, I will apply for PhD under the CHED-SIKAP program which became a reality in January 2020. These are few of my plans I the next 5 years: Offer masters ad PhD programs in M S U- I I T to develop experts in the Lanao region, Apply as a CHED Center of Development or Excellence, Establish more international linkages and work on exchange students and faculty programs, Intensify research and extension activities, Publish more research works in international journals, and Perform tasks assigned to me by the administration with diligence and excellence..