[Audio] Class – Reptilia.. Class. Reptilia. Made By Velide Shanmukha Srinivas.
[Audio] What Is Reptilia?. What Is The Class Reptilia About?.
[Audio] Characteristics of Reptilia.. Characteristics Of Reptilia.
[Audio] Importance Of Reptiles.. Importance Of Reptiles.
Human Interactions : Play a role in traditional Chinese medicine. The venom of a snake is used often to derive vaccines, and reptile scales are considered fashionable in many cultures. Carrion Control : Reptiles such as the infamous Komodo Dragon are one of many organisms that play a role in clearing dead animals from the environment. Prey : Reptiles themselves are often used for food. Birds of prey will eat anything from boas to lizards. Young turtles are preyed upon by all manner of animals. Sea turtle hatchlings provide a veritable feast for hungry animals..
Jurassic Period Of Reptiles. Ichthyosaurus was a more fish-shaped reptile that was most common in the early Jurassic. Large fishes and marine reptiles were common. The largest bony fish ever to live existed at this Jurassic time was ‘Leedsichthys’. Leedsichthys ‘Ichthyosaurs’ are the largest marine reptiles during this time. Ichthyosaurs .
[Audio] Hylonomus! The Earliest Reptile.. Hylonomus – The Earliest Reptile.
[Audio] Orders Of Reptilia.. Classification Of Reptilia.
Chelonia. Turtles & Tortoises.
[Audio] Chelonia mydas. Chelonia mydas (Green Turtles).
Respiratory S ystem. Upper Respiratory Tract: Can make difficult anesthetic patients. They can easily switch to the dive reflex and employ anaerobic respiration. They have the highest bicarbonate (HCO 3 ) level of all vertebrates, which helps them buffer lactic acid accumulation during anaero-biasis. Breath via the external nares into the nassal cavity and passes through the partial hard palate to the Pharynx. The glottis is easily visible at the back of the short, fleshy tongue. The trachea has complete cartilaginous rings..
Lower respiratory tract: Lungs are spongy and occupy a large volume in the dorsal half of the body cavity. They are multicameral. They are attached dorsally to the periosteum of the carapace and tightly against the pectoral and pelvic limb girdles. Lungs are confined only to the dorsal half of the body, with the heart lying cranially near the pectoral inlet..
Rhynchocephalia. Sphenodontids : Wedge-Teeth.
Overview. Rhynchocephalians as a group are considered the sister taxon to squamates, and together, they comprise the Lepidosauria . Have a transverse cloacal opening (the vent ). Tongue notched distally and used to capture prey (lingual prehension) . Teeth are attached superficially to the jaw bones. Pelvic bones are fused in adults. Have fracture planes or septa in the caudal vertebrae. Differ from squamates by the presence of gastralia..
Why Do They Differ From Squamata. By the presence of gastralia. A narrow quadrate with greatly reduced or lateral concha. Lower temporal fenestra enclosed or partially. Jugal in the mid-temporal arch touching the squamosal posteriorly. Prominent coronoid process on the mandible. Several anterior teeth of the palatine series enlarged. Dentary and mandibular teeth generally enlarged, regionalized, and fused to dorsal margin of bone..
Squamata. Snakes & Lizards.
Overview. Squamates are a monophyletic group that includes lizards, amphisbaenians, and snakes Characterized by the presence of two hemipenes. The transition from oviparity to viviparity involves changes in the timing of egg retention, thickness of the eggshell, and the development of a placenta . Some are limbless and many have very reduced limbs . Most are terrestrial or arboreal. Few are subterranean or aquatic..
Lizards. Approximately 9200 species of squamates , more than 5800 are “lizards” and are represented by 44 families . Highly variable both morphologically and ecologically. Well-developed limbs . Their global distribution includes all continents except Antarctica ..
Snakes. Snakes are limbless squamates that share a set of unique skeletal traits that separate them from remaining squamates . Approximately 3400 species of snakes are placed in 22 families . They capture , manipulate, and consume their prey using only the body and mouth . Some inject highly toxic venoms that disable or kill prey . Aid in subduing and swallowing prey (Unique in Snakes). Similar to lizards, they occur on all continents except Antarctica..
Crocodilia. Crocodiles.
Abstract. Are an ancient and unique group of reptiles. Inhabit tropical and subtropical regions. Largest and the heaviest of present-day reptiles. Have a relatively long snout, or muzzle, which varies considerably in shape and proportion. Scales & thick, bony plates occur on the back. Families and genera are primarily distinguished by differences in skull anatomy. Found mainly in the lowland, humid tropics of the Northern and Southern hemispheres..