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Scene 1 (0s)

. . Optical Flow. From images to videos. • A video is a sequence of frames captured over time • Now our image data is a function of space (x, y) and time (t).

Scene 2 (32s)

. . Hamburg Taxi Sequences. .

Scene 3 (38s)

. . • Optical Flow Applications. – Motion based segmentation – Structure from Motion(3D shape and Motion) – Alignment (Global motion compensation).

Scene 4 (56s)

. . . The problem of optical flow may be expressed as:.

Scene 5 (1m 46s)

. .  Optical flow interpretation:. The Optical Flow equation has essentially two unknowns..

Scene 6 (2m 34s)

. . Horn & Schunck represent this mathematically through optimization or cost function as following.

Scene 7 (3m 15s)

. . (fxu + + + — 11m,) = O discrete version. ?ℎ??? ??? ????????? ?ℎ? ??????? ??? ????ℎ???ℎ??? ??????, ℎ?? ??? ?????????? ???, ???.

Scene 8 (3m 38s)

. . . The result of optical flow calculation after one iteration and 10 iterations are shown below..

Scene 9 (4m 12s)

. . To calculate (u and v) it must find A-1 which is impossible because A is not square matrix. Then to find solution used Pseudo Inverse..

Scene 10 (4m 27s)

. . . Then. Eftll+Ef Efuf„ -Ef„fn = -ELL -Efyrfä.

Scene 11 (4m 35s)

. . . Lucas-Kanade without pyramids Fails in areas of large motion.

Scene 12 (4m 42s)

. . Comments. • Horn‐Schunck and Lucas‐Kanade optical methods work only for small motion..