[Audio] Welcome to this training session, In this we are about to see CHEMICAL SAFETY TRAINING.
[Audio] There are 5 types of hazards: Physical Chemical Psycho-social Ergonomical and Biological hazards.
[Audio] In this training session, We are going to see about chemical hazards: A chemical hazard is any substance that can potentially cause physical and health hazards to people or result in harm to the environment due to its chemical properties. It can also be defined as the actual risk associated with specific chemicals, such as skin burns, long-term negative impacts on health, lasting environmental damage, fires, or even explosions. The effects may be acute or chronic. Acute effects: The effects may be acute: after a short exposure an immediate effect may be experienced. Chronic effects: Chronic effects usually require repeated exposure and involve a delay between the first exposure and appearance of adverse health effects. TYPES OF CHEMICAL HAZARD: Oxidizers – This pictogram shows a flame over a circle and symbolizes chemicals or substances that, under certain conditions or exposure to other chemicals or elements, can cause severe physical hazards such as fires or explosions. Hazardous to the environment – The symbol for this is a dead tree and fish. It refers to chemicals that can cause lasting damage to the environment. Explosives – This is symbolized by an exploding bomb and pertains to chemicals that may explode or can cause a mass explosion. Flammable – The symbol for this is a flame and it pertains to chemicals or highly flammable gases that may catch fire or ignite once exposed to air or other ignition sources or elements. Gas under pressure – The symbol for this is a gas cylinder and it pertains to gases that are stored under pressure and may explode if heated or refrigerated gases that may cause burns or injury. Irritant/hazardous/hazardous to the ozone layer – This is symbolized by a big exclamation point and refers to chemicals that usually cause redness, rashes, or inflammation of the affected area. Corrosion – This pictogram shows corrosion of material and skin. It refers to chemicals that can cause severe skin burns and damage to the tissue once contacted with. Toxic – This pictogram shows a skull and crossbones, and symbolizes chemicals that even at a very low exposure—can cause irreversible changes or mutations to a person's DNA, damage to health, or even fatality. Health hazard – This symbol shows a person with damage and pertains to chemicals that can cause serious and long-term negative impacts on health. Carcinogens are also substances that are known to be cancer-causing chemicals..
[Audio] Routes of exposure of hazards Inhalation : Breathing in chemical gases, mists, or dusts that are in the air. Absorption: Getting chemicals on the skin, or in the eyes. They can damage the skin, or be absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream. Ingestion : Swallowing chemicals that are in food, water, or other substances. Injection: Getting chemicals into the body through a puncture, wound, or bite. Severity of health effects depend on Duration of exposure Frequency of exposure Route of exposure Personal health Type of chemical.
[Audio] GHS & HAZCOM SYMBOLS. Sloqul/fs LuoozeH SHO.
[Audio] NFPA 704 – standard system for the identification of the hazards of the materials for emergency response..
[Audio] Blue color indicates health hazard. The rating And its severity of Health hazards are explained below If the rating is 4 - Lethal to living beings 3- Cause serious or permanent injury 2- Cause temporary incapacitation or residual injury. 1- Cause significant irritation 0- No hazard beyond ordinary combustible materials Red color indicates flammability hazard. The rating And its severity of fire hazards are explained If the rating is 4 - Burn readily & rapidly. 3- Readily ignited under most conditions. 2- Under high temp it will get ignited. 1- It required pre-heating before ignition. 0- Will not burn under typical fire condn..
[Audio] Yellow color indicates instability hazard. The rating And its severity of instability hazards are explained below If the rating is 4 - Explosive reaction at normal temp 3- Strong initiating source req for reaction 2- Violent reaction at elevated temp & pressures.. 1- Normally stable, unstable at elevated temp & pressures. 0- Normally stable under fire condn. White color indicates special hazard. The rating And its severity of special hazards are explained below If W cross is present in the white box the material may react with water. If OX is present in the white box it may have oxidising properties..
[Audio] Hazchem code means hazardous chemical code, it is also known as 'Emergency action code'. It is a warning plate system used for vehicles that transport hazardous substances. Actually, it gives information's about the actions to be taken in case of accidental fire or spillage or leakage, or any emergency. This above label 3YE indicates that a fire must be fought using foam or dry agent (if a small fire), that it can react violently and is explosive, that fire fighters must wear a portable breathing apparatus at all time while fire fighting. And Consideration of evacuation is necessary..
[Audio] Earthing need to provided to the structure. Eye wash station should be used incase of emergency. Spill kits should be used incase of spilage. Fire protection devices should be installed and free of access. Chemicals should be kept out of direct sunlight. Before storing compatability should be checked. It may lead to hazardous reactivity. Improper Stacking and arrangement should be avoided. Ventilation should be provided to the storage room. ESD facility should be provided. Floor bunding should be checked to prevent the leakage from coming outside. Secondary containment pit need to be in clear condition to contain the leakage. Flame proof fitting should be provided and checked..
[Audio] What Is MSDS ? MSDS refer to Material Safety Data Sheet A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), also known as a Safety Data Sheet (SDS), is a detailed informational document prepared by the manufacturer or importer of a hazardous chemical. It describes the physical and chemical properties of the product. Whether you're an employer, an employee, or a safety officer, understanding the relevance and application of MSDS can significantly enhance safety practices and compliance. Purpose Of Using Material Safety Data Sheets Identifying Hazards Protecting Workers Emergency Preparation Environmental Safety MSDS contains Identification (product, manufacturer, contact) Hazard Identification Ingredients First Aid Measures Fire Fighting Measures Accidental Release Measures Handling and Storage Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Physical and Chemical Properties Stability and Reactivity Toxicological Information Ecological Information (non-mandatory) Disposal Considerations (non-mandatory) Transport Information (non-mandatory) Regulatory Information (non-mandatory) Other Information Benefits Of Using MSDS: Worker Safety Compliance Efficient Emergency Response Knowledge and Training.
[Audio] Compatibility chart should be used before using or storing the chemicals. Or it may lead to violent reaction or explosion or fire.
[Audio] Organizational measures Identify chemicals in use; Obtain information of their hazards; Collect this data and make an inventory list of all chemicals used in the factory: create a Register for Workplace Chemicals; Active participation in Safety committee meeting to address and resolve the issues. Technical measures An effective control method for any hazardous chemical is substitution. Enclosing the hazardous process or chemical is an effective method. Local exhaust ventilation Special attention should be paid to incompatible substances, suitable location of products within the storage area and proper arrangements and climatic conditions Chemicals react in the same characteristic ways whether they are wastes or are used in a production process. The hazards are also the same. Where chemicals are used, the enterprise should plan labelling, collecting and handling of wastes.