CEO Integration Programme

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Scene 1 (0s)

eouepguoo 1.01M puen LA-neuues. CEO ONBOARDING - LAND WITH CONFIDENCE.

Scene 2 (10s)

01. Welcome. 02. Executive onboarding matters. 03.

Scene 3 (27s)

3. Welcome aboard. Dear Carl We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment as the CEO – Sanlam Investments Group. Your transitioning in your new role is important to us; so, we have created an onboarding plan to drive your seamless and speedy assimilation into your new role. The structured onboarding programme is critical in providing you with key information and stakeholder engagements to enable your integration into your new role. We are available to support you on your path to success while enabling you to accelerate your transitioning. We would like to wish you every success and look forward to your leadership as our new CEO. Congratulations, once again! May you have a confident landing. Regards Sipho Gumbi Chief HR Officer.

Scene 4 (1m 0s)

4. Executive Onboarding Matters. Timeline Description automatically generated.

Scene 5 (1m 10s)

In 2018, a PwC study of CEO turnover at 2,500 of the world’s largest companies found, 83% of successions involved internal candidates. There are specific challenges associated with their ascension..

Scene 6 (2m 1s)

Some of the pitfalls that have led to early CEO departures, and these can be avoided..

Scene 7 (3m 2s)

7. SIG Onboarding Framework. Main Source: Adapted from Dr Talya N. Bauer - Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM).

Scene 8 (3m 48s)

8. Transitioning Framework for Leaders. Source: Adapted from (HBR) Onboarding isn’t enough by Egon Zehnder / Genesis Advisers.

Scene 9 (4m 23s)

Role players to help you land confidently Roles and responsibilities.

Scene 10 (4m 31s)

Supporting you to land confidently. A successful transition into your new role depends on multiple role players who will support your transition and integration. These are process owners, process champions and new executives..

Scene 11 (5m 35s)

Supporting you to land confidently– Transition Coach.

Scene 12 (6m 33s)

A journey towards confident landing Activities per transition phase.

Scene 13 (6m 41s)

13. Your journey towards confident landing. Accelerate achievement and alignment that lead the way on key objectives, milestones and building a high performing team..

Scene 14 (7m 29s)

Taxiing (Pre-Boarding). The goal of the pre-boarding phase is to plan and prepare for the executive’s arrival and to ensure the executive’s successful entrance into the new role. Tasks Host Status Provide the new executive with: Bios / resumes of direct reports Forms to complete (HR, Payroll etc) PA Work with IT and facilities to coordinate the workspace and office equipment / tools. PA Order name plates, business cards, stationery. PA Pre-populate the executive’s calendar with tasks in the framework as well as other essential activities and training. PA Schedule meetings with key stakeholders as per onboarding plan and share an updated month calendar PA Assign and contract with the transition coach with input from the incoming CEO HR Develop a briefing book or website and populate information submitted by various key stakeholders as pre-readings before the meetings. per functional areas / key stakeholders PA / HR Order and send a welcome gift PA Engage with the marketing and communications team regarding the new CEO’s professional branding and communication plan PA / HR Share the pre-reading information with the new CEO PA/HR Share the onboarding plan with the new CEO for review and additional input HR / PA Plan a welcoming event for Day 1 and Week 1. Decide whether this will be virtual or face to face and inform the new CEO. Manager / PA Executive to prepare an elevator speech before starting in the new role, summing up why they are taking up the new role and what he / she hopes to contribute to the company. (This enable one to communicate own intentions more clearly to their teams and peers in their first weeks in the role. Executive.

Scene 15 (8m 38s)

Take Off ( Day 1 /week 1). The goal of the first day is to ensure that the Executive is welcomed into the organization by senior leadership, new staff, and other stakeholders. The remainder of the week will be dedicated to deliberate introductions and acclimation of the Executive into the role. Tasks Host Status Welcome email communication to the busines Manager Review the onboarding plan and the planned week 1 activities Attend a welcome session with direct reports Manager Complete any paperwork and any requirements that were not completed during the pre-boarding phase Executive Meet with HR / remuneration around the Executive’s compensation and benefits and package structure HR Conduct an executive briefing, transition meeting or other forum to provide the executive with information about the current status of the business. The briefing should include: Previous year focus areas from the previous executive to gain a perspective on the organization,, culture, priorities and “lessons learned” Fact sheets on the “hot issues” that will require the executive’s attention within the first 100 days A quick introduction to human resources policies and rules (financial “dos and don’ts”, hiring, firing, approval processes) A discussion of initial projects and roles and responsibilities, including past performance standards Training and information designed to provide initial familiarity with crucial systems and procedures. These are crash courses but will serve their purpose by making executives aware immediately of vital systems, policies, processes, etc. Brief the Executive and provide insights on the identified key stakeholders (included in the deck) scheduled for meetings and determine who should be prioritized for early meetings. Manager / HR Key Onboarding framework objectives covered Culture, Connections, Communication / Check-back, Clarification, Compliance, Confidence building Leadership framework objectives covered Understand the current business landscape, take charge of the team.

Scene 16 (9m 46s)

Take Off ( Day 1 /week 1) cont…. The goal of the first day and week 1 is to ensure that the Executive is welcomed into the organization by senior leadership, new staff, and is satisfactorily in-processed. The remainder of the week will be dedicated to deliberate introductions and acclimation of the Executive into the organization, as well as training to help the Executive understand pitfalls and critical issues. Tasks Host Status Introduce the executive to his or her assigned onboarding transition coach and agree on feedback processes. Manager / HR Executive should review the list of key contacts and stakeholders and be briefed prior to the scheduled introductory calls/meetings. Executive Executive should attend any necessary training as described in the pre-boarding phase. Executive Executive should create an action plan. This can take the form of a set of strategic questions an executive should ask and get the answers to over time, in order to better understand the business and his or her role in contributing to the organization. Executive Provide the executive with the resources, tools and time to successfully accomplish tasks in this phase. Manager / HR Build relationships with the Board members as part of the introductory meetings to gather their views on the company’s strategic direction and key risks to the strategy, tone and culture of the organization. Manager Meeting with Marketing & Communications around plans for internal and external Executive profiling / branding Leverage existing communications channels to announce transition. Establish an internal communications campaign to introduce executive to all employees. Create an introduction program that fosters rapport and trust between the new executive and core stakeholders (internal to the org and external). Strengthen internal communication lines with the new executive by maintaining interactions and ongoing communication with employees Communications / HR Meeting at the end of week 1 to review the onboarding experience HR Key Onboarding framework objectives covered Culture, Connections, Communication / Check-back, Clarification, Compliance, Confidence building Leadership framework objectives covered Understand the current business landscape, take charge of the team.