Team Efficiency - Centralized Visual Dashboard

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Good morning everyone. Today, we have the privilege of discussing Project Reignite, a new initiative from Community Brands Holdings, LLC. Our project uses the latest technology, such as Grafana and InfluxDB, to create a centralized visual dashboard to help teams optimize resource utilization and improve reliability and operational efficiency. So let's dive right in and learn more about this exciting new project..

Scene 2 (31s)

[Audio] Project Reignite has an idea to create a centralized dashboard to keep tabs on and graphically display team productivity. Implementing a single process would decrease the number of hours needed to complete quarterly tasks from 4-6 hours to just 50%. This centralized dashboard is the answer to optimizing processes and boosting team performance..

Scene 3 (55s)

[Audio] Grafana is a premier Open Source analytics and visualization platform that enables comprehension of complex data through the construction of remarkable dashboards and charts. It is tailored to store, query and manage time series data ably, making it the go-to choice for storing metrics, events and sensor data. With Grafana, users can visualize data, craft elaborate and effective dashboards, set alerts, and make use of templating. Try out Grafana to delve deeper into the data and effectively visualize it with tremendous impact..

Scene 4 (1m 30s)

[Audio] Grafana with InfluxDB enables organizations to access the valuable insights in their data that are essential for making informed decisions across their operations. By analyzing historical time series data, such as utilization, stock market, weather and sensor data, organizations can gain important insights and instantly react to anomalies or incidents. Grafana with InfluxDB allows organizations to make data-driven decisions in order to optimize resource usage, reliability, and operational efficiency..

Scene 5 (2m 4s)

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Scene 6 (2m 16s)

FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION. © 2018 Community Brands Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved..