PowerPart 1

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Scene 1 (0s)


Scene 2 (10s)

2. “ They never stop dreaming for the success of every learner.”.

Scene 3 (26s)

13 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. 2016. Logo Description automatically generated.

Scene 4 (45s)

CATANAUAN I. 2016. Logo Description automatically generated.

Scene 5 (56s)

5. . May be an image of child and sitting. . MDL.

Scene 6 (1m 10s)

MDL. A picture containing text tree person ground Description automatically generated.

Scene 7 (1m 23s)

7. Graphical user interface Description automatically generated.

Scene 8 (1m 35s)

8. 'ctn-aröed •ideo naarnyan mg ko at nengang gali ..kakatuwa... salamat po.

Scene 9 (1m 49s)

9. . abstract. Assessment and Evaluation. A couple of people in a classroom Description automatically generated with low confidence.

Scene 10 (2m 3s)

10. abstract. A picture containing text Description automatically generated.

Scene 11 (2m 16s)

Assessment and Evaluation. 11. (iii "li. . . abstract.

Scene 12 (2m 32s)

12. A picture containing text, different, various, bunch Description automatically generated.

Scene 13 (2m 41s)

13. Online and Offline Reading and Numeracy Program.

Scene 14 (2m 53s)

14. Online and Offline Reading and Numeracy Program.

Scene 15 (3m 9s)

15. A picture containing tree, person, ground, outdoor Description automatically generated.

Scene 16 (3m 22s)

16. Online and Offline Reading and Numeracy Program.

Scene 17 (3m 35s)

17. Solid and th MATEAMA-TECH. Online and Offline Reading and Numeracy Program.

Scene 18 (3m 44s)

18. abstract. . abstract. Online and Offline Reading and Numeracy Program.

Scene 19 (4m 0s)

cynthia naman po ay MAM S SCIENCE O. pm po ginang,kumu kaya si cariel? Tagas ba sya magsagot? nd quarter na po ka 4 nah m.. JAN 502 P" Maarn.ipapahabol q nalang Kasi nag kameron Lang nng nararamdaman ung anak q Naga Sinakit Kasi Ang ulo pe•o ma'am, okie Napo ma'am we NG module nya.paSinsya NaiX) maim. Bka po Kasi mapaslaminan q ot pmmon g ako at huling huli na po a..Sya rinpo Okie ma'an at.

Scene 20 (4m 28s)

Graphical user interface application Teams Description automatically generated.

Scene 21 (4m 41s)

A group of women painting Description automatically generated with low confidence.

Scene 22 (5m 0s)

PPAs under the 7-Banner Projects of CID Lights. “ We support the Lifelong Learning of our Pupils amidst Pandemic Crises.”.

Scene 23 (5m 14s)

CID LIGHTS -. 2016. 7 Banner Program. PROJECT SHINE.

Scene 24 (5m 26s)

PROJECT SHINE. S trengthening H olistic I nstructions to N orture Teaching E mpowerment.

Scene 25 (5m 36s)


Scene 26 (5m 44s)

26. Tre ecrnrg smce free fom 2 Ire well Tre gl.ardicn gvæs tre n ris \ mos. o pupils' place that are corn3 lighted and thereis their study area tor Milieu povided a learning. It is well n tilati,m. They are gathered at rg assesgnent and summative Milieu Paraaa.a7 Ice 'm It-ot.

Scene 27 (5m 59s)

27. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF SAN ROQUE ELEMENTARY SCHtm MARCH -JULY 2021 Method Department of Education(DepEd) and Basic Education Setor Transformation (&ST) join hands to guide school heads, teachers in planning, implementing and ass"sing school-based prof"sional development. As the mechanism for the professional development of teachers operationalized by DepEd Oder 35 s.2016. San Roque Elementary School. through the leadership Of Mrs. Julieta Au Malaya. Principal II and Daisy 8. Fortin. School ELI-N Ccuordinator. implements Learning Action Cells (LAC) sessions on March 24 to July 7, 2021 to solve shared challenges dunng pandemic. This endeavor uses the group learning activities that includes and facilitated group of leaming. Moreover, these strategies are presented with different learning varieties to identify *liCh mcKtaIity is best suited to their learring context. Hence, strengths and in each member cf the school are determined. The sesSons are successfulty implemented with purposeful and cost efficient professional development activities which aim to conbnuously Improve teachers pedagogical skills, instructional strategies. and assessment practlces, which in turn, will result in Improved academy: achievement. -Daisy B, Fomn. VIII.

Scene 28 (6m 44s)

28. PROJECT SHINE. 2016. I. The ernployed the purpos.ful and well planned. 2. The strategy by 'he teachers respor- swe to the needs Of the learners n diffvcv•lt Silva 3. Tho s'rafegy used by 'he teachers the 'he Of the mdxated a. The strategy utiEzed by the teacher new normal appropnote 5. The strategy by the teacher helm the school about tho desired loaming Out. 6.Th• t.n•d varied strategies to depending 'he nature Of 'he learners. 7. The stra'egy appropriate to the level of rnaiunfy and sophitication of the learners. strategy used by the quote 'o attain the desired leorrung outcomes. Method o employ a purposeful and well planned strategies, tecrhers should responsive to the needs of their learn- ers despite the pandemic situation. Several strategi% are used bæed on the learners' nature and Of to Come up with the desired outcornes. Grade two texhers defvered these strategies through specialized one-on-one setting on home v6itation. Moreover, the materials used in implementing the corn*fencies of MELCs are localized to make sure that it is appropriate to every' learner. SRES supports eading Recovery '21 To support quality education desp e ponderric situation, Son Roque Elementary School implements stratOes that are tad to learners' need; for the year 2020-2021. Reading Recovery is one Of the San Rcnaue Elementcyy School hß been irnplernenting cluing fris situation. The g of the progrorn airm to provide aids to pupils who hove dfficulties in reading Several rategies are tauO"t to pcrents on how to rooke their chid while at horne without hcssle of fhdhg materiaS to used. They are given tasks and guides for the inplernent ion. 9. The learner is instructed properly on how to effciently the leaming activities with- 10, The strategy used by the teacher is nomical in terms oftime,.

Scene 29 (7m 48s)

29. READERS & NON- READERS IN FILIPINO ELEMENTARY NAMEOFSCHOOI AJOS ANUSAN CAMANDIISON CATANAUANCS DON ABADIIIA DOONGAN MILAGROSA PEREGRINO NATIVIDAD SAN JOSE ANYAO SAN SAN ROQUE TAGBACANIBABA TAG3ACANSIlANGAN ENROLMENT 43 35 431 141 14 18 56 58 28 88 41 ENROLMENT R 19 10 66 63 32 45 10 73 24 25 365 78 24 13 16 15 32 14 382 136 10 37 43 21 232 68 14 21 19 20 10 68 43 13 15 ENROLMENT R 46 15 21 130 13 20 41 81 16 31 26 68 24 21 10 13.

Scene 30 (8m 1s)

30. PROJECT SHINE. 2016. READERS & NON. READERS IN ENGLISH ELEMENTARY NAME OFSCHOOI mos ANUSAN CAMAN)IISON CATANAUANCS DON DOONGAN MILAGROSA PEREGRINO C. NATIVIDAD SAN JOSE ANYAO SAN SAN ROQUE ENROLMENT 43 14 56 58 88 20 47 43 NR ENROLMENT 63 27 382 136 13 26 45 33 20 116 42 17 26 56 30 94 47 17 31 ENROLMENT R 46 21 437 130 20 41 81 26 29 239 98 8 14 37 26 24 58 16 17 10 198 32 13 25 15 23 10.

Scene 31 (8m 14s)

31. PROJECT SHINE. 2016. READERS & NON- READERS IN ENGLISHO & SECONDARY NAME OF SCHOOL CATANAUAN NHS SAN JOSE NHS SAN ROQUE NHS TAGBACAN NHS CATANAUAN NHS SAN JOSE NHS AN ROQUE NHS TAGBACAN NHS GR.IO ENROLMENT 96 31 134 96 31 134 ENROLMENT 110 46 146 110 46 146 76 ENROLMENT R 94 31 127 96 31 131 88 108 142 110 46 144 75 NR 2 161 145 161 49 146 62 161 145 161 49 145 62 ENROLMENT 132 138 110 132 138 110 132 136 110 132 41 138 110.

Scene 32 (8m 25s)

PROJECT BLAZE. B uilding L earners’ A uthentic Z eal of E xcellence.

Scene 33 (8m 35s)

33. PROJECT BLAZE. 2016. . Project TEAM-UP Project AKLAT Project ARM Project KIOSK Project READ Project GERMS Project MA-TEAM-ATIC Project ACT.

Scene 34 (8m 46s)


Scene 35 (10m 34s)

PROJECT SPARK. S ystematic P latform for A cademic R esources K iosk.

Scene 36 (10m 44s)

36. PROJECT SPARK. 2016. DepEd DIVISION OF QUEZON CATANAUAN DISTRICT 1 Nabatasan St. Catanauan — e• mail add : [email protected] "Croat in camaraderie Makin uezon SPARK oo Systematic Platform for Academic Resources Kiosk SPARK District's Best Practices and Other PPAs To increase the performance level of the learners through contextualization and localization which are focusing on the access to quality learning resources, the District schools conducted and implemented the different activities. Moreover, some of those projects and programs are still under implementation so that the district can assure or anticipate that continuous improvement will be observed along the way. Some of the Best Practices, Highlights, and Other PPAs of the District in relation to project SPARK are the following:.

Scene 37 (11m 12s)

37. PROJECT SPARK. 2016. SPARK 00 1 2021 Project SPARK Schools' Competition Æghltt: Creation Presentation of the Locaüzed Storybook (Wri-bnk and Big Bnk) District Research Plenum 1.0 - *ight: Writirc ard presenting action researches with some are fruirc on the implementation and utitition of the baited and contextualized materials.

Scene 38 (11m 30s)

38. PROJECT SPARK. 2016. SPARK 00 _ ONISION OFLCUEZON_ CATANAUAN 01STRtT I Means of Verification THISISHOWWEM, 1.2021 SARXSchools'Competition .rtles of the stories written and presented by the 17 PartiipatingSchools .Newsletter of accomplishment.

Scene 39 (11m 45s)

39. PROJECT SPARK. 2016. DepEd — DIVISION OF_QUEZON CATANAUAN DISTRICT 1 Nabatasan St. Catanauan Quezon e- mail add : [email protected] "Creatin camaraderie Makin reatness SPARK Systematic Platform for Academic Resources Kiosk Participating teachers Pictures of sample outputs Sample pictures of awardin SPARK Means of Verification THIS IS HOW WE DO IT. 1.2021 Project SPARK Schools' Competition Ang Gtntong Sagwan CATANAUAN DISTRICT 1 Brgy. (B Nabatasan St. Catanauan, Quezm [email protected] Hid aen Mede' I.

Scene 40 (12m 2s)

40. PROJECT SPARK. 2016. o DepEd — DIVISION OF_QUEZON CATANAUAN DISTRICT 1 Nabatasan St. Catanauan Quezon e- mail add : [email protected] "Creatin camaraderie Makin reatness " o SPARK Systematic Platform for Academic Resources Kiosk SPARK Means of Verification THIS IS HOW WE DO IT. 2. District Research Plenum 1.0 -Program of plenum -Different contextualized and localized learning materials used in action researches and showcased during the presentation (ex. development of e- learning resources: MSEL, project RODEL, Project MaTEAMa-TECH, etc. CATANAUAN DISTRICT 1 Brgy. Nabatasan St. Catanauan, Quezm cannaymdiÜ@Ehnnnm.

Scene 41 (12m 25s)

41. PROJECT SPARK. 2016. o DepEd — DIVISION OF_ QUEZON CATANAUAN DISTRICT 1 — Nabatasan St. Catanauan Quezon e- mail add : catanauands@qmai/.com "Creatin camaraderie Makin reatness" o SPARK oo Systematic Platform for Academic Resources Kiosk SPARK Means of Verification THIS IS HOW WE DO IT. District Research Plenum 1.0 Slide 8 of II hcreasing Mean in Among Gra± Pupils PRACTICES/ACTIVITIES by tat b Ying Rea'% "ins in rheo* Project Bo": rad r ie ing the MPS of Pupils of PCNES Through Use of Micro Science E- ng (MSEL): An Interactive Module Material Rea« Ib•ou$ z:uxr.axr: ESTABLIS* PUPILS THROUGH READ -Some of the action researches that showcased the utilization of some self-made learning resources presented during the conduct of the district research plenum 1.0 CATANAUAN DISTRICT 1 Brgy. 09 St. Catanauan, Quezm [email protected].

Scene 42 (12m 55s)

42. PROJECT SPARK. 2016. -1 SPARK o DepEd — DIVISION OF_QUEZON CATANAUAN DISTRICT 1 Nabatasan St. Catanauan Quezon e- mail add : [email protected] "Creatin camaraderie Makin rea tness" Means of Verification SPARK THIS IS HOW WE DO IT. 3. Creation and Compilation of the Schools 2N-AIP (Area of Concern: Learning Materials) oo Systematic Platform for Academic Resources Kiosk Samp eo t e 2N-AlP compi ation focusing on the localized, contextualized, or compiled learning resources as the area of concern Note: All the schools of the district are encouraged to create and compile their 2N-AlP files 2N-AlP E LEM ENTARY O — CA TANAUAN DISTRICT I Brgy. (B Nabatasan St. Catanauan, Quezon.

Scene 43 (13m 20s)

43. PROJECT SPARK. 2016. -4 o SPARK Systematic Platform for Academic Resources Kiosk DepEd — DIVISION OF_QUEZON CATANAUAN DISTRICT 1 - Nabatasan St. Catanauan Quezon e- mail add : [email protected] "Creatin camaraderie Makin rea mess " o Self —made science video lesson submitted to the division Some of the localized story books used for reading activities Means of Verification THIS IS HOW WE DO IT. 4. Contextualization/Localization/Compilation of the Learning Modules, Learning Resources, and Reading Materials DA'.AMPASIGAN Opi»al n. Ain Ehnnntary Of Yrs. Martyn S. was committed support the DREAMS project under SENE mission Of the 9-4NE kens" O CATANAUAN DISTRICT 1 Brgy. 09 Nabatasan St. Catanauan. Quezon [email protected].

Scene 44 (13m 46s)

44. PROJECT SPARK. 2016. SPARK uezon Means of Verification THISISHW/WEDOIT, 4, Contextuafization/lnüütionlCompilation of the Learning Moduks, Learning Resources, and Readng Materials.

Scene 45 (14m 3s)

PROJECT SPOT2LIGHTS. S trengthening P otentias of T eachers, L eaders and L earners T owards a G reater H eight of T eacmwork and S uccess.

Scene 46 (14m 14s)

46. PROJECT SPOT2-LIGHTS. 2016. PROJECT 4 2016 Catanauan I District Project SPOTLIGHTS provided professional development activities that equip school heads and reading ctk)rdinators with a solid knowledge of reading program and its implementation, monitoring and evaluation This is a Division Reading Program which aims to address reading gaps among learners across the division. It is indeed an effective tool in raising the performance among DepEd Quezon learners. In line with this, different SchOOlS"frOhi Catanauan I district conceptualized reading programs anchored to Project SPOTLIGHTS of DepEd Quezon These school reading programs are gateways to strengthen students' literacy rate. 2.

Scene 47 (14m 37s)

47. PROJECT SPOT2-LIGHTS. 2016. nducted LAC sessions twice a month from June 22, 2019 —Ma 13, 2020 by cluster Cluster Name of %hool Ajos ES, Milagrosa ES & Tagbacan Ibaba ES Catanauan Central School & Camandiison ES Abadilla ES San Jose Anyao & Tagbacan Silangan ES Peregrino C. Natividad ES, Doongan Ibaba ES & San Pablo Suha ES San Roque ES & Anusan ES No. of Participants 16.

Scene 48 (14m 56s)

48. PROJECT SPOT2-LIGHTS. 2016. Elementary-District/School Initiated Activities.

Scene 49 (15m 4s)

49. PROJECT SPOT2-LIGHTS. 2016. Elementary-District/School Initiated Activities.

Scene 50 (15m 13s)

50. PROJECT SPOT2-LIGHTS. 2016. Elementary-District/School Initiated Activities.