[Audio] IOT – BASED AQUATIC ANIMAL ENVIRONMENT MONITORING WITH LOGS AND ALERT NOTIFICATION FEATURES FOR AROWANA KEEPER PHILIPPINES Capstone Project Group 1 BSIT-4Z Overview The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing how we perceive and engage with the world around us by providing ground-breaking solutions for a wide range of businesses using real-time data analytics, enabling informed decision-making and improved resource management. Specific Problems: Manual water quality testing Remote Monitoring Lack of Analytics With the new normal everyone is coming back onsite Objective of the study The objective of this research is to design and develop a cutting-edge prototype that will facilitate the automation of water quality monitoring process, seamlessly integrating with Internet of Things (IoT) technology to enhance system efficiency and accuracy. The features incorporated within this solution are designed to streamline and modernize traditional procedures, resulting in significantly increased speed and efficiency throughout the monitoring process HOW IT WORKS? 1. Submerged pH Sensor, TDS sensor and Temperature sensor on the water. 2. Place the (NH3) Ammonia sensor on the top of the aquarium where water wont splash on it. 3. Turn on the prototype and wait for the system to load. 4. Press the button to change sensor readings. You will see the pictures of the sensors. LCD I2C – Display of sensor readings will display the sensor reading one at a time and will change once the button is pressed In this section you will see teh web application of BLYNK IOT cloud. on the left side you will see the sensor reading of Temperature, TDS sensor, Ammonia Sensor and pH Senor value from the prototype. On the right sude will show the logs/chart of the sensors and you can change the duration on the top part. On this section you will is WEB application of Blynk IOT (Timeline) Threshold Warning with Date and time stomp in timeline when info is selected, the Information on the Threshold value is within range. On the resolved tab, you will see the treshold warnign that you resolve. This all comes with date stomp and timeline MOBILE APPLICATION Sensor readings will be shown on the top part of the mobile screen. Threshold Manual setting Manual setting of threshold can be set on the bottom part of the sesor reading. We have implemented an enhancement in our system which enables users to manually adjust the threshold settings according to their specific requirements, thereby improving overall functionality and user experience. Mobile Alert and email Notification A notification will appear when the the threshold value is exceeded. Email notification is sent once the value exceeds the threshold value. THANK YOU From Christopher Allain Mina Christopher Tan Arnel Tiong.
bit. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing how we perceive and engage with the world around us by providing ground-breaking solutions for a wide range of businesses. IoT technology is crucial for reducing procedures, boosting effectiveness, and fostering sustainability in aquaculture and hydroponics. Stakeholders may continuously monitor crucial environmental factors using cutting-edge sensor networks and real-time data analytics, enabling informed decision-making and improved resource management..
Nowadays, people turn to have a pet for stress reliever like dogs, cats, birds and fishes. Many people turn to have a fish pet because fish can be very therapeutic to have and relaxing to look at. There are many benefits to having a fish in the house, such as reducing your stress, helping keep you calm and improving your overall mood..
But because of the business in work and other activities pet owners sometimes neglect their pet which result on malnourishment of pet and some have died. But by thru integrating IoT technology into water quality monitoring has the potential to revolutionize how we manage and maintain aquatic environments. Real-time monitoring of ammonia, pH value, water temperature, and TDS ensures that necessary actions can be taken promptly. This helps maintain the overall health of aquatic ecosystems and ensures a safer water environment to prevent unanticipated outbreaks of fish diseases..
The goal of the IOT – Based Aquatic Animal Environment Monitoring with logs and alert notification features for fish owners is to continuously and accurately measure crucial parameters such as ammonia, pH value, water temperature, and TDS. To improve the management and maintenance of aquatic environments by enabling real-time remote monitoring and prompt action in response to deviations from desired water quality levels. This will ultimately benefit all Arowana Keepers community, inexperienced hobbyists, and small-scale entrepreneurs in aquatic pet stores..
The project were evaluated by IT experts and got a weighted average mean of 3.93 which interpret as Very good. Whereas, the users of the project evaluated the project and got an overall mean score of 4.4 which interpreted as Very good. The project study meets its objectives which the Blynk cloud is able to store sensor readings and can be checked the logs when needed for future comparison. That the project can check the quality of aquatic water in real time, either physically or remotely..
pH Sensor Ammonia Sensor TDS Sensor Temperature Sensor.
WEB application (Blynk IOT platform). abstract. AWOMS g Christopher Allain Myorgenizatior 9023Zu Dashboard Lit Timeline Device Info Actions Log Temperature Tossensor Amrronie Sensor PH sensor 6 92 Temperature logs DTS LOGS Ammonia Chart pH Chart o.
WEB application Blynk IOT Platform. Threshold Warning with Date and time stomp.
Sensor Readings. Threshold manual settings. We have implemented an enhancement in our system which enables users to manually adjust the threshold settings according to their specific requirements, thereby improving overall functionality and user experience..
Email Notification. Mobile Alert and email Notification.