[Audio] Hello, My name is Veerpal Kaur And my topic is black lives matter.
[Audio] Black lives matter is a social justice movement that emerged in the US in 2013. This was after the acquittal of George Zimmerman, who was charged with killing Trayvon Martin. The movement gained momentum with demonstrations occurring in most cities in the US and high-profile incidents of police brutality occurring. The previous campaigns addressed the issue of police brutality, but there have been criticisms of the movement and its violent protests. The social justice movement is supposed to provide awareness to both the victims and the perpetrators on the importance of unity, non-partisanship, and following the Constitution in allowing people their right to life. Blatant racism is unacceptable, and further pushing it with violence and not being remorseful is a mockery of the constitution and the civil rights order that fought for the equality of minorities in the United States of America (Richardson, 2019). The new campaigns, however, are meant to cite the failures of the previous movement and shine a light on new ways to ensure that the movement is well organized and passes on the exact message but with a less violent and pragmatic approach that will lead to further loss of lives. The new campaigns push for inclusivity since the minority population does not consist of only blacks but other minorities that fit within the category,.
[Audio] The new campaign shares the aim of having a new way of handling the social movement. This is the tangent between how Malcolm and Martin Luther King Jr dealt with the protests during the civil rights movement. The violent demonstrations are cited to be unrealistic if only more people die while advocating for the rights of Americans. The new campaign is keen on promoting the issue of stopping systemic racism towards minorities and, specifically, the black community (Szetela, 2020). In addition, the movement sought to increase public awareness of the problem through non-violent protests, inclusivity in the marches, and promoting policy change to address these issues. Also, through the sensitization, the campaign hopes to reduce the incidents of police brutality by creating awareness and communities to report any incidents that might be deemed to be unfair on any unarmed black person caught in a scuffle with the police and in danger of any uninformed and unnecessary violence..
[Audio] The new campaign targets young people who are active on social media and passionate about social justice. Statistics show that young people, especially in developed countries, are at the forefront of wanting change to occur for them. They are the vulnerable group since they are the most exposed to police incidents, and them being black, they are supposed to be consciously aware of the consequences of interactions with the police (Richardson, 2019). The new campaign also aims to educate young people on responsibility, cooperation, and being good citizens. It is not an easy conversation to have with a police officer whose mental health, social status, and general work environment is also a factor in having such an attitude when dealing with civilians. The social movement should create a meeting point that does not necessarily have to be an antagonistic relationship but an interaction whereby less violence is expected and more cordial conversations are made to help further promote peace. A timeline for the campaign will be developed, with regular updates on the campaign's progress..
[Audio] The measurement metrics for the new campaign are crucial since it helps with the general gauging of the direction of the conversation. Social media is the best place to start since most conversations make their way to these platforms. If the conversation provides positive analytics, the social movement can be curated further to help push the exact positive message that guarantees a more realistic outcome when the campaign continues to grow (Szetela, 2020). Any feedback is necessary since the new campaign aims to push nonviolence, inclusivity, young people, and the general policies review that will help push the message forward. It is prudent for the overall outcome to be realistic and work within the confines of the law to help guide the new campaign slogan on the suitable non-violent tactic that will help with the overall outcome of the process..
[Audio] Call to Action: We encourage everyone to join the movement since this is a new campaign of inclusivity and it helps people have a voice on the right way to advocate for policy and effective change in the society that we live in,.
References. Richardson, A. V. (2019). Dismantling Respectability: The Rise of New Womanist Communication Models in the Era of Black Lives Matter. Journal of Communication , 69 (2), 193–213. https://doi.org/10.1093/joc/jqz005 Szetela , A. (2020). Black Lives Matter at five: limits and possibilities. Ethnic and Racial Studies , 43 (8), 1358–1383. https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2019.1638955.