Camera Basics

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Virtual Presenter] Good morning everyone. Today I'm going to discuss the basics of using a camera and the two main types of cameras available today, fixed lens cameras and single lens reflex (SLR)/digital SLR cameras. We'll be looking at their features, benefits and cost, so let's get started..

Scene 2 (21s)

[Audio] Fixed lens and single lens reflex cameras are the two types of still cameras that are most common. Fixed lens cameras have lenses that are not interchangeable, but the zoom feature on these cameras is operated with a servo controller. These cameras tend to be user friendly with fewer manual features, making them more affordable than single lens reflex cameras..

Scene 3 (44s)

[Audio] SLRs offer the highest level of creative control for photographers. Manual settings and interchangeable lenses are some of the reasons why professionals rely on these cameras, which are able to capture high quality images with excellent depth of field and precise autofocus. The downside is that SLRs are quite costly and lenses may need to be purchased separately. Compared to fixed lens cameras, SLRs are the highest quality cameras in terms of image and cost..