Monday Beginner Call

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Welcome to #TeamVizy! VizyPay Account Executive.

Scene 2 (7s)

[Audio] VizyPay: Doing Things Differently Our mission began in 2017 to empower small business owners by offering options that other processors won't. To-date, we've serviced over 7,000 clients in all 50 states and have totaled 1 billion in processing volume, and are on target to hit well over 2 billion in 2021. We believe merchants should be able to not only understand the fees associated with credit card processing, but have the option to avoid them completely..

Scene 3 (42s)

[Audio] VizyPay: Doing Things Differently We were founded by small business owners to look out for small business owners, and that mentality still drives our business today. Look Local First Programs strategically built for small businesses Full transparency at every level Top-rated support No long-term contracts, ever Free terminal program, no hidden fees or mark ups.

Scene 4 (1m 16s)

[Audio] Create a cause Disarm your prospect Gives you a way to introduce yourself and a different initiative Helps you build your brand and create buzz LLF is also great as a leave behind program Look Local First We believe that small businesses need an advocatesomebody who is actively spreading the message to "Look Local First" on their behalf..

Scene 5 (1m 46s)

[Audio] Offset 100% of CC processing fees Build 4% into current prices, eliminating the unpredictability of CC costs Terminal automatically provides discount for cash paying customers VizyPay isolates 4% price increase & takes care of fees for businesses They can now process unlimited credit cards for a flat, monthly fee! Cash Discount Merchants Processing $5,000/month or less. Merchants Processing $ 5,000 - $ 10,000/month. Merchants Processing over $10,000/month. $ 25 $ 50 $100 Mini Merchant Core Merchant Prime Merchant.

Scene 6 (2m 53s)

[Audio] Take Ownership You have a vested interest in the success our programs creates in the business community. Just like these local business owners flourish or fold based on their reputation so does yours. Business relationships are more successful when all parties interests are aligned. You run the VizyPay sales channel in your local community..

Scene 7 (3m 18s)

[Audio] Finding Prospects Start with businesses you know Phone & Email Social Media ( Facebook pages and Groups) Business' Websites (About us) Lead websites like InfoFree & Referrals Boots on the ground!.

Scene 8 (3m 43s)

[Audio] Smile! Be patient (you're on their time) Relax Follow up. ( 85% of sales happen after the 5th follow up) Do's Mention CC processing/ merchant services off the bat Ask for manager/owner Be late Make Excuses - always be transparent Insult the competition Don'ts... Cold Calling.

Scene 9 (4m 19s)

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