[Audio] In accordance with CHED Memorandum Order No. 104, s. 2017 (Revised Guidelines for Student Internship Program in the Philippines (SIPP) for all Programs with Practicum Subject), CHED Memorandum Order No. 22, s. 2013 (Revised Policies, Standards and Guidelines on Student Internship Abroad Program) and Amando Cope College Norms of Conduct for College Students, the following policies and guidelines for Internship Training in Amando Cope College are hereby adopted for the information, guidance and compliance of all concerned..
[Audio] ARTICLE I POLICY STATEMENT Section 1. It is the policy of the school to facilitate local and international practical exposure for student trainees for them to gain related learning experiences and opportunities to become better professionals of global standard. Section 2. The Internship Training program aims to cater quality, relevant and responsive related learning experiences for all bona fide students through a carefully planned, progressive and closely monitored actual work experiences required in a globally competitive labor market..
[Audio] ARTICLE II SCOPE AND COVERAGE Section 3. The guidelines set herein shall be applicable to all students of the school who are enrolled in the Internship Training subject. This also covers all local internship training program and student internship abroad program (SIAP) entered into by the ACC students. College courses/programs which internship program is guided by a different order by the Commission on Higher Education shall be guided by such order..
[Audio] ARTICLE III OBJECTIVES Section 4. General Objectives Provide students the opportunity to acquire practical knowledge, skills and desirable attitudes and values in reputable local and international establishments/industries. Enhance the students’ work competencies, and discipline as they relate to people in the workplace; Promote competitiveness of students through their training; Strengthen and enrich the degree programs in the university; Provide opportunities to learn from and network with experienced professionals; Handle new challenges and complex tasks or problems; and Identify future career directions and become candidates for future job opening.
[Audio] ARTICLE IV DEFINITION OF TERMS Section 5. Acceptance Letter – This refers to the communication issued by the host training establishment to the university confirming the acceptance of the student trainees Certificate of Completion – This refers to the certificate issued to the student-trainee upon completion of the internship training. Host Training Establishment – This refers to any establishment, private or government, including industrial firms, agencies, schools or hospitals, which accommodate student -trainees for practical exposure. Internship Training – This refers to training or practical exposure include the in the course curriculum which is conducted in any establishment given to student –trainees. Student – trainees – This refers to students who are enrolled in internship training subject.
[Audio] ARTICLE V RESPONSIBLE OFFICIALS/PERSONNEL Section 6. OJT Coordinator. Under the supervision of the Student Affairs and Services, the OJT Coordinator shall be responsible for directing and coordinating all internship trainings and placements of the university in their respective campuses/colleges.
[Audio] ARTICLE VI POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Section 9. Local Internship Training Program. To be admitted to this program, a student must have the following qualifications: A bona fide student of Amando Cope College who is pursuing a degree program in BS Tourism Management; Must be currently enrolled in the Internship Training subject required by his/her curriculum Must be recommended by his/her College Dean/Department Chair and by the OJT Coordinator of the Department Must be physically, mentally, and emotionally fit Must have completed all his/her subject’s prior the internship training as per the curriculum. However, a student who is currently enrolled in other subjects other than the internship training may take his/her OJT subject provided that his/her petition or request is approved by the College Dean concerned..
[Audio] 9.1 An admitted student-trainee must abide with the rules and regulations set forth by the school and the host training establishment where he or she is undergoing internship. Further, he/she is expected to perform the assigned task as provided in the Internship Training Plan. 9.2. The training placement/company may be assigned by OJT Coordinator or chosen by the student-trainee provided that the latter case is approved by the concerned authority. 9.3. The student-trainee must have to accomplish the Related Learning Experience Journal. This journal must be noted by his/her training supervisor and approved by the OJT Coordinator. This journal shall be issued by the OJT Coordinator once the requirements stated in Section 9.6 are complied with. 9.4. The student-trainee must attend the scheduled Internship Training Orientation Seminar. Students who are not able to attend the orientation seminar may request for another scheduled orientation provided that their request indicates a valid reason as to cause of their absence and the said request is duly approved by the On -the -Job Training Office. 9.5. The required number of hours of internship training shall be in accordance with the approved curriculum of each program. (eight (8) hours per training per day)..
[Audio] 9.6. Required documents prior the start of the training. The following documents must be submitted to the respective OJT Coordinators before the start of the program: Received copy of the Recommendation Letter/Endorsement Letter for Training. A student is allowed to secure only one (1) endorsement letter for training at a time. A second endorsement will be released if the establishment where the student was previously endorsed to could not accommodate the student; or the establishment has not replied for two (2) weeks after the endorsement. Copy of Acceptance Letter from the host training establishment Photocopy of the Notarized MOA, Training Agreement and Liability Waiver; Photocopy of Student-Trainee’s Personal History Statement/Resume’; Photocopy of Enrolment/Registration Form; Copy of OJT Time Frame certified by the Host Training Establishment;.
[Audio] Medical Certificate (Need to submit a pregnancy test, girls only) Copy of Grades from the Registrar’s Office for the subjects taken from Freshmen to previous semester or a copy of evaluation of the grades signed by the Department Chairs or Adviser; Students are not allowed to start their internship training if they failed to complete and submit the documents stated in Section 9.6. Further, the training hours of students who have started their training without first completing the said requirements will not be honored or credited. A grade of dropped (DRP) may be given to students if they fail to comply with the said requirements before the deadline set by the OJT Coordinator. In case of working student, where the internship training subject is concurrent with the job, and his/her job description is relevant to the program enrolled, the employment of the said student may be considered as his/her internship training, provided that, he/she submits the requirement stated in Section 9.6 and 9.7 of these guidelines.
[Audio] Section 11. Rendering of Overtime Hours. Student-trainees may render overtime hours subject to the following procedures: 11.1 Upon the Request of the Host Establishment. The authorized representative of the company has to write a request letter addressed to the Director of Student Affairs and Services with an attached parents’ consent. It is the discretion of the Director of the Office of Student Affairs and Services if the students will be allowed to serve overtime hours for the company. Once approved, the student is only allowed for a maximum of two (2) overtime hours per training day.
[Audio] Section 12. Grading System. The grading system shall consist of the evaluation of the Host Training Establishment and the evaluation of the OJT Coordinator Evaluation given by the Company through Student-Trainees’ Performance Appraisal Report 60% OJT Coordinator’s Evaluation Departmental Technical Report/Narrative Report Evaluation Assessment of the Requirements submitted to OJT Coordinator 30% 10% Total 100%.
[Audio] 12.1. Student’s failure to finish the program and to submit the requirements on the required period shall render him/her a grade of INC (Incomplete). Completion of the OJT must be done on the following semester. 12.2. If the program is not completed on the following semester, failure of the subject or a grade of 5.0 will be the given grade for his/her OJT and the OJT subject must be re-enrolled. A grade of (DRP) dropped in OJT means the OJT subject must also be re-enrolled. In cases of misbehavior, upon evaluation, a grade of dropped (DRP) or 5.0 may be given depending upon the gravity of the violation..
[Audio] Section 13. Offenses. 13.1 Violations by the Host Training Establishment. Any Host Training Establishment that shall be found to have committed the following violations of these guidelines shall be meted with the appropriate sanctions stated in Section 14.1 of these guidelines: Changing provisions of signed agreement without the consent of the student trainees and the university. Non–compliance with prescribed internship training plan Placing student trainees in unsuitable training venues Such other acts similar or analogous to the foregoing and activities classified as harassment that is in violation of the provisions herein.
[Audio] 13.2 Violation of Student Trainees Any act in violation of the Norms of Conduct for College Students related in the conduct of internship training (as defined in the Norms of conduct for College Students: Pregnancy) Any act in violation of the Host Training Establishment’s rules and regulations Any act in violation of the provisions herein.
[Audio] . ARTICLE VI POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. 13.2 Violation of Student Trainees Any act in violation of the Norms of Conduct for College Students related in the conduct of internship training (as defined in the Norms of conduct for College Students: Pregnancy) Any act in violation of the Host Training Establishment’s rules and regulations Any act in violation of the provisions herein.
[Audio] Section 14. Sanctions 14.1. Any host training establishment found guilty of violating any of the provisions contained under Section 13.1 of these guidelines shall be subjected to deprivation of sending/getting of student trainees. 14.2. Any student trainee found guilty of violating any of the provisions contained under Section 13.2 of these guidelines shall be subjected to sanctions in accordance with the school and host training establishment’s rules and regulations. Sanctions to be given shall be determined jointly by the school and the host training establishment..
[Audio] ARTICLE VII DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES Section 15. Duties and Responsibilities of the University. The following must be performed by the University: 15.1. Pre – qualify student trainees in accordance with the school off campus training policies and requirements as specified herein and from the receiving host training establishment. 15.2. Select Host Training Establishment and ensure acceptability of internship training plan and practicum venue in order to protect the student interest. 15.3. Execute memorandum of agreement with host training establishment. 15.4. Monitor and evaluate performance of the student trainees jointly with the Host Training Establishment based on the prescribed internship training plan. 15.5. Monitor the student trainee and attend to his/her needs and concerns by coordinating with host training establishment. 15.6. Conduct general orientation for qualified student trainees. 15.7. Conduct initial and regular visit/inspection to ensure safety of students. 15.8. Issue a final grade to the student trainee upon completion of requirements on prescribed period..
[Audio] Section 16. Duties and Responsibilities of the Host Training Establishment. The following must be performed by the Host Training Establishment: 16.1. Facilitate the processing of the documents of the student trainee in coordination with the university. 16.2 Provides training and activities to student trainees in accordance with internship training plan 16.3. Assign a competent training supervisor responsible for the implementation of all phases of internship training plan. 16.4. Conduct a post training review and evaluation of the training program 16.5 Issue Certificate of Completion of the student trainees. 16.6. Provide safe and healthful working/training environment 16.7. May provide necessary incentives to the student trainee as contained in the memorandum of agreement, such as free duty meals, travel allowance and uniform if possible..
[Audio] Section 17. Duties and Responsibilities of the Student Trainee. The following must be performed by the Student Trainee: 17.1. Complete the agreed duration of his/her internship 17.2. Undergoes the required orientation program conducted by the school and host training establishment. 17.3. Submit the necessary documents in the conduct of training. 17.4. Follow and abide with the rules and regulations of the school and the host training establishment in the conduct of internship training..
[Audio] ARTICLE VIII MANDATORY EVALUATION AND REVIEW Section 18. By the end of each academic year, the School shall conduct a mandatory review of the policy as to the status of its implementation and compliance to existing rules and regulations for possible revisions or amendments..
[Audio] ARTICLE IX EFFECTIVITY Section 19. These guidelines shall take effect immediately upon the approval of the School Board of Regents and shall be effective unless otherwise repealed or amended..