[Audio] A warm welcome to our P6 parents. In this presentation, I will give you an overview of P6 Standard and Foundation Math..
[Audio] Learning Math is important as it prepares our students for a productive life in the 21st century. A strong grounding in Mathematics is essential to support the wide range of value-added economics activities and innovations. At the individual level, mathematics underpins many aspects of our everyday activities from making sense of information in the newspaper to making informed decisions about personal finances. It also supports learning in many fields of study whether it is the the sciences or in business. The learning of Math also provides an excellent vehicle to train the mind and to develop the capacity to think logically, ly, critically and creatively. These are important 21st century competencies that we must imbue in our students, so that they can lead a productive life and be life-long learners..
[Audio] Thus, learning Math is a 21st century necessity. The overarching goal of the Math curriculum is to ensure that all students will achieve a level of mastery of Math that will serve them well in life, and for those who have the interest and ability, to pursue mathematics at the highest possible level. For these reasons, these are the objectives of Learning Math..
[Audio] The central focus of the mathematics curriculum is the development of mathematical problem-solving competency. Supporting this focus are 5 inter-related components –concepts, skills, processes, metacognition and attitudes. The math curriculum framework sets the direction for and provides guidance in the teaching, learning and assessment of mathematics at all levels..
[Audio] Our teachers use the 'I do we do you do' approach in the teaching and learning of Math. "I do" starts with some demonstration by the teacher, then moves to supported practice ( ie We do), before finally turning into independent work. It is also known as the 'gradual release of responsibility'. It matters how students learn, thus learning experiences are provided in the classrooms to make learning meaningful and effective. In 2024, we have also introduced the use of Success Criteria. Success criteria describe, in specific terms and in a child-friendly language, what successful attainment of the learning intentions looks like. When teachers share with students what they will be learning and what they are looking for in their students' work, this supports students in developing the skill of managing themselves. They will also develop other key skills such as communicating (as they give and receive feedback) and become more confident and positive about their learning. Thus, students take more responsibility for their own learning and achieve greater learning independence..
[Audio] The table shows the topics covered in Semester 1 and 2 for Standard Math. Revision for PSLE will start once the topics have been covered around July..
[Audio] This table shows the topics covered for Foundation Math in Semester 1 and 2. Revision for PSLE will start once the topics have been covered..
[Audio] The following few slides will focus on the dept's expectations in terms of Presentation of Word Problems and the doing of Corrections.
[Audio] In terms of presentation of word problems, students are encouraged to draw models as this helps them to analyse the problem by putting it in pictorial form. Referencing or labelling helps them to organise their train of thoughts. Workings are to be shown in the working column for non-calculator paper. Finally they have to write the final answer in the answer blank. They only need to write units for standard units of measurement (eg m cm kg litres etc.) There is no need to write units for non standard units eg boys or sweets..
[Audio] Diagnostic marking is carried out to provide feedback to students. It allow students to identify and understand their errors and misconceptions when learning math. The rationale for doing Corrections getting students to do corrections is to send a message to all students that their teachers believe they can be successful, we are here to support them, and we expect them to achieve. Making them revisit their work more thoroughly. gets them to think about their original work in a more analytic way, thereby self-regulating their own learning processes which is one of the component of the math curriculum framework..
[Audio] For Assessment matters for P6 Standard and Foundation Mathematics, please refer to the assessment letters sent via PG by Semester for more details. This slide shows the Week, marks, duration and topics to be tested for Weighted Assessment 1 and Prelims.
[Audio] For Foundation, its one hour each for Paper 1 and Paper 2..
[Audio] In preparation for On-screen marking for PSLE, kindly help to reinforce that only 2B pencils are to be used for the shading of OAS. Use only dark blue or black ballpoint pen with 0.5mm tip size. Highlighters are allowed for annotation purpose but they are not to highlight their final answers. The use of correction tape is also discouraged. Instead, students are to cancel their errors neatly using a ballpoint pen / pencil and a ruler..
[Audio] This table shows the format for the Prelim Exam for P6 Standard Mathematics. Both papers will be scheduled on the same day with a break between the 2 papers. The use of an approved calculator is allowed in Paper 2 but not in Paper 1..
[Audio] This is the format for the Prelim Exam for P6 Foundation Mathematics. Like the Standard Math papers, Paper 1 and 2 will be scheduled on the same day with a break between the 2 papers. The use of an approved calculator is allowed in Paper 2 but not in Paper 1..
[Audio] This slide shows the list of approved calculators for PSLE..
[Audio] Our children do best when schools and parents work hand in hand to support them. Using the acroymn PRAISE, let me share with you how we could work together for your child, our students. Participate in School Events, for example, avail yourself and be present at briefing sessions or PTM so as to know how to help your child Relate learning to daily lives, for example, you can incorporate math into daily activities by involving your children in tasks such as: Budgeting Grocery shopping These activities provide practical opportunities to practice math skills. When parents are actively involved in their child's education, they provide valuable support and reinforcement for classroom learning. The child will develop a sense of responsibility and accountability for their learning and understand the importance of completing homework and doing self-revision. Inculcate and nurture good habits like time management, completion of homework, packing of the schoolbag daily and coming to school regularly and punctually. It takes a village to raise a child so work with the teachers and supervise your child's learning at home. And lastly encourage your child so as to build self-confidence and affirm small progress, use the power of Yet and work closely with your child's teachers Above all, look out for their overall well-being beside academic achievements. Every child matters to us and everyone can make a difference..
[Audio] We have come to the end of this presentation. If you have any clarification or questions, kindly scan the QR code and we will get back to you. Thank you once again and have a nice day..