[Audio] This presentation was automatically generated by PowerPoint Copilot based on content found in this document: https://shirokina-my.sharepoint.com/personal/dhaws_shiroki-na_com/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7BF3DC9580-EF52-4-9-9-8--ADE0-B6D55A8197D6%7D&file=Small%20Kaizen%20Quality%20Circle%20Presentation.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true&DefaultItemOpen=1 (A I ) generated content may be incorrect..
[Audio] Agenda * Introduction * Scope and Definitions * Definitions * Scope * Team Leaders/Group Leaders/Staff * Authority * Introduction Slide * Small Kaizen Executive Overview * Theme Selection * Problem Definition * Measurement and Analysis * Improvement Plan * Set a S M A R T Target * Solutions * Control Measures * Results and Benefits * Standardize and Control * Conclusion * Q&A Session * Records * Materials * QC Tools * Software Required.
[Audio] The purpose of Small Kaizen activities is to provide a structured approach for improving processes and solving problems within the organization. Original Content: 1. Purpose To provide a structured approach for implementing Small Kaizen activities to improve processes and solve problems within the organization..
[Audio] Small Kaizen is a continuous improvement process focusing on small, incremental changes. S M A R T Target refers to goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Original Content: · Small Kaizen: o A continuous improvement process focusing on small, incremental changes. · S M A R T Target: o Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals 3. Definitions.
[Audio] This work instruction applies to all departments involved in Small Kaizen activities, focusing on continuous improvement initiatives. Original Content: 2. Scope This work instruction applies to all departments involved in Small Kaizen activities.
[Audio] Team leaders, group leaders, and staff are responsible for overseeing Kaizen activities, identifying problems, proposing solutions, and presenting results to the team. Original Content: 4. Responsibilities Team Leaders/ Group Leaders/ Staff Oversee the implementation and monitoring of Kaizen activities. Identifies problems and propose solutions. Present the result with the team.
[Audio] Managers and General Managers must ensure adherence to the Kaizen process and support team members in following it. Original Content: 5. Authority Managers and General Managers: Ensure adherence to the Kaizen process and support team members.
[Audio] To develop a presentation, start with an introduction. Include a title slide with the presentation title, your name, date, and organization. Then, briefly state the purpose of the presentation. Original Content: 6. Instructions How to develop presentation 1. Introduction Title Slide: Presentation title, your name, date, and organization. Objective: Briefly state the purpose of the presentation..
[Audio] To develop a presentation, start with an introduction including a title slide with your name, date, and organization. Then, briefly state the purpose of the presentation. Original Content: How to develop presentation 1. Introduction Title Slide: Presentation title, your name, date, and organization. Objective: Briefly state the purpose of the presentation..
[Audio] This slide provides an executive overview of Small Kaizen, including its definition, company overview for outside members, a brief history, and its importance for the organization. Original Content: 2. Small Kaizen Executive Overview – Only for Quality Circle Event Definition: What is the Small Kaizen? Company overview for outside members History: Brief history Importance: Importance for the organization..
[Audio] The theme selection for Small Kaizen involves criteria for problem selection, understanding the 7 major duties, and the process of identifying and prioritizing problems. Original Content: 3. Theme Selection Criteria: How problems are selected for the Small Kaizen. 7 Major Duties Process: Steps taken to identify and prioritize problems..
[Audio] This slide covers the problem definition, including a detailed description, current condition comparing standard versus actual, and the impact on the organization. Original Content: 4. Problem Definition Description: Detailed description of the selected problem. Current Condition Std against Actual Impact: How the problem affects the organization..
[Audio] This slide covers measurement and analysis in root cause analysis. It includes data collection methods, data analysis techniques, fishbone analysis, 5 why analysis, and trial and error analysis. Original Content: 5. Measurement and Analysis (Root Cause Analysis) Data Collection: Methods used to collect data. Analysis: Tools and techniques used for analyzing data. Fishbone Analysis 5 Why Analysis Trial and error analysis (Failed Countermeasures).
[Audio] To improve, we need to set a S M A R T target. This involves defining a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goal. Additionally, we should consider and implement countermeasures. Original Content: 6. Improvement Plan (Consider and Implement Countermeasures) Set a S M A R T Target: How much do we want to achieve?.
[Audio] This slide covers the proposed solutions to the problem, the steps for implementing these solutions, and the tools required, including a Gantt chart. Original Content: Solutions: Proposed solutions to the problem. Implementation: Steps for implementing the solutions. Tools Gannt Chart.
[Audio] Control measures include monitoring the implementation and ensuring sustainability of solutions over time. Original Content: 7. Control Measures (Develop a check method) Monitoring: How the implementation will be monitored. Sustainability: Ensuring the solutions are sustainable over time..
[Audio] The results and benefits of Small Kaizen activities include achieved outcomes, before and after countermeasure results, and benefits to the organization and stakeholders. Original Content: 8. Results and Benefits (Check Result) Outcomes: Results achieved from the Small Kaizen activities. Tools: Show Before and After Countermeasure Results Benefits: Benefits to the organization and stakeholders..
[Audio] Standardize and control processes by implementing uniform procedures, adding verification steps, performing preventive maintenance checks, conducting PFMEA, and ensuring adherence to established procedures. Original Content: 9. Standardize and Control Other similar areas: Standardize Add Checks PM check Pfmea Procedure checks.
[Audio] Let's recap the key points discussed and outline the next steps to be taken. Original Content: 10. Conclusion Summary: Recap of the key points discussed. Next steps.
[Audio] Open the floor for questions from the audience. Encourage participation and address any concerns or clarifications. Original Content: 10. Q&A Session Questions: Open the floor for questions from the audience..
[Audio] Deviation Request Forms should be retained for the life of the job. Original Content: 7. Records Example Deviation Request Form Retain for life of job.
[Audio] There are no applicable materials for this section. Original Content: 8. Materials Not Applicable N/A.
[Audio] Quality control tools include Cause-and-Effect Diagram, Pareto Chart, Check Sheet, Histogram, Control Chart, Scatter Diagram, and Flowchart. Each tool serves a specific purpose in identifying, analyzing, and monitoring problems and processes. Original Content: Cause-and-Effect Diagram (Fishbone or Ishikawa Diagram): Helps identify the root causes of a problem by categorizing potential causes into groups. Pareto Chart: A bar graph that identifies the most significant factors contributing to a problem, based on the principle that 80% of problems are often due to 20% of causes. Check Sheet: A structured form for collecting and analyzing data, often used for frequency distribution. Histogram: A graphical representation of data distribution, showing the frequency of different outcomes. Control Chart: Used to monitor process variation over time and identify any out-of-control conditions. Scatter Diagram: Displays the relationship between two variables to determine if there is a correlation. Flowchart: A visual representation of a process, showing the sequence of steps and decision points Example: Line Yamazumi Process Yamazumi Work Combination Chart.
[Audio] The essential tools include PowerPoint, Excel, and Internet Access. Original Content: PowerPoint Excel Internet Access.