[Audio] INTRODUCTION Barangay is the smallest administrative division in our country and every town is composed of many Barangays that holds many residence as part of population. Every barangay undertakes different processes in order to give service and to fulfill the needs of the residence while recording it to a log book manually and keep them in steel cabinet; since majority of the transactions operate manually several barriers such as difficulty in planning, tracking, and monitoring of government transactions as well as the generation of up-to-date documents hinder barangay's success in the delivery of better public services. Thus, this system aims to bring technology to Barangay Origuel Majayjay, Laguna by making a system that the officials may able to use in updating, making, releasing, discussing,and keeping important documents of each and every resident who is asking for some papers and documents in the Barangay.
[Audio] STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM General Problem How to develop and design an Alternative Barangay System CatersBarangay Origuel Majayjay, Laguna needs that will help them lessens their task in traditional way such as creating, storing and releasing request data by at least 75% before the end of of the year. Specific Problem How to create a module that will store and keep all the important data in a safe manner? How to create a module that will lessen the time of creating different certificates such as Barangay Certificates, Barangay Permits, Barangay Clearance and Reports?.
OBJECTIVES. General Objective To develop and design an Alternative Barangay System Caters Barangay Origuel needs that will help them lessen their task in traditional way such as creating, storing and releasing request data by at least 70% before the end of the year.
OBJECTIVES. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1. To create a module that will store and keep all the important data in a safe manner. 2. To create a module that will lessen the time of creating different certificates such as Barangay Certificates, Barangay Permits, Barangay Clearance and Reports..
01. The log-in form is designed to provide security for the system. This form will need a username and a password in order to open and access the system..
07. It is where the schedule of events in the Barangay can be seen. It also the form where reminds the users of different upcoming events such as birthdays, fiesta and so many more..
Scope and Limitations. Limitations. Offline Service Offline service means a data not connected to internet which is a large network that could evade its privacy by others. This module is focusing on the need of a specific barangay office which is Barangay Origuel, so the transaction made is not requiring the use of an internet connection, it means that it cannot be manipulate by the other barangays because this module only focuses for the said barangay.Other thing is that, unlike the manual way of doing data, it can easily got or stole by someone else.
Scope and Limitations. Recovery System. This system contains buttons that has function to manipulate such data, once the user delete the information or the data on the database he/she may not be able to restore it. It is either accidentally or intentional.
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OBJECTIVES. SYSTEM OVERVIEW Alternative Barangay System Caters Barangay origuel Needs was developed using Microsoft Vb.net as programming language and MySQL version. 14.0(32bit) and MySQL(32bit) as database. It is a stand-alone system that covers Barangay needs, Residence, Permits, Reports, Personnel, Events and History.