BEST M. Nakayama KARATE Gojüshiho Dai. Gojüshiho Shö. Meikyö BEST KARATE SERIES BASICS I Comprehensive 2. Fundamentals 3. Kumite I 4. Kumite II KATA 5. Heian, Tekki 6. Bassai, Kankü 7. Jitte, Hangetsu, 8. Gankaku, Jion The three advanced kata in this ADVANCED KATA 9. Bassai Shö, Kankü Shö, Chinte 10. Unsu, Söchin, Nijüshiho Empi 11. Gojüshiho Dai, Gojüshi- ho Shö, Meikyö book are a challenge to the per- former's level of maturity. From the smooth and flowing movements of Gojüshiho Dai through the transformations in the equally long Go- jüshiho Shö to the serene and mellow Meikyö kata, both the techniques learned in the basic kata and more sophisticated tactics call on the deepest reserves of balance, coordination, timing and technical skill. Masatoshi Nakayama carries on the tradition of his teacher, Gichin Funakoshi, the Father of Modern Karate. Long professor and director of physical education at Takushoku University, his alma mater (1 937), he was chief instructor of the Japan Karate Association from 1955 until his death in 1987. A ninth degree black belt and a familiar face at tour- naments, he was among the first to send instructors overseas and to en- courage the development of karate as a sport along scientific lines. 90000 9 780870 117589 ISBN 0-87011-758-0 ISBN4-7700-1258-6 C2375 P1960E (in Japan) 9038).
BEST KARATE 11 Gojüshiho Dai. Gojüshiho Shö. Meikyö M. Nakayama // 1392. KODANSHA INTERNATIONAL Tokyo & New York.
CONTENTS Introduction 9 What Karate-dö Is 11 Kata 12 Gojüshiho Dai 15 Important Points, 58 Gojüshiho Shö 67 Important Points, 108 Meikyö 113 Important Points, 138 Glossary 142 Front cover photo by Kei2ö Kaneko Distributed in the United States by Kodansha International/l_JSA Ltd., 114 Fifth Avenue, New York. New York 10011. Published bv Kodansha International Ltd., 17-14, Otowa I-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112 and Kodansha International/USA Ltd. Cowright @ 1989 by Kodansha International Ltd. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan. LCC 77-74829 ISBN 087011-758-0 ISBN 4-7700-1258-6 (in Japan) First edition, 7989 Second printing, 1990.
INTRODUCTION• The past decades have seen a great increase in the popular- iW of karate-dö throughout the world. Among the many at- tracted to it have been college students and teachers, artists, businessmen and civil servants. It has come to be practiced by policemen and members of Japan's self-defense forces. In a number of universities, it has become a compulsory subject, and that number increases yearly. Along with the booming popularity, there have been certain unfortunate and regrettable interpretations and performances. For one thing, karate has been confused with so-called Chinese boxing, and its relationship with the original Okinawan te has not been sufficiently understood. There are also people who have regarded it as a mere show, in which two men attack each other savagely, or the contestants battle each other as though it were a form of boxing in which the feet are used, or a man shows off his talent for breaking bricks or tiles with his head, hand or foot. If karate is practiced solely as a fighting technique, this is cause for regret. The fundamental techniques have been developed and perfected through long years of study and prac- tice, but to make any effective use of these techniques, the spiritual aspect of this art of self-defense must be not only recognized but play the dominant role. It is gratifying to me to see men and women who understand this and who know that karate-dö is a purely Oriental martial art and train with the pro- per attitude. To be capable of inflicting devastating damage with one blow of the fist or a single kick has indeed been the objective of this Okinawan martial art. But even the karateka of old placed stronger emphasis on the spiritual side of the art than on the techniques. Training means training of body and spirit, and above all else one should treat his opponent courteously and with the proper etiquette. It is not enough to fight with all one's might; the true objective in karate-dö is to do so for the sake of justice. Gichin Funakoshi, a great master, never tired of pointing out that the first purpose in pursuing this art is the nurturing of a sublime spirit, a spirit of humility, Simultaneously, power sulfi-.
Standardization The basic Heian and Tekki kata and the free kata from Bassai to Jion are all the essentially significant Shöto-kan kata, In 1948, disciples from Keio, Waseda and Takushoku universities met with Master Gichin Funakoshi at Waseda University, Their purpose was to formulate a basis for the unification of the kata, which in the period after the war had been subject to varied, idiosyncratic and subjective interpretations. The kata as they are presented in this series embody the standardization criteria 16-11 29 • 30 56 • 57 10 • 10 11 Gojüshiho Dai established at that time. Rh ythm GOJÜSHIHO DAI 17 1é.i9 20 21 29 . h 33 . h 34 35 36 37 48 49 50 51 52 53 GOJÜSHIHO SHÖ 17 32 63 MEIKYÖ 17 18 19 continuous, 4 16 • 20 33 . ä5 50 64 65 4 20 5 21 36 51 21 fast 22 37 52 6 22 36 54 26 3B 23 24 . 39 55 • 24 39 24 9 25 40 25 40 55 9 25 26 41 26 56 26 27 . 42 58 27 5 27 12 . 43 59 2B . 43 58 12 28 13 60 29 44 59 13 29 • 14 61 14 30 60 14 30 15 16 31 46 47 62 15 16 31 46 61 62 15 16 31 32 slow, powerfully kiai.
Kamae Embus en Take the natural open-leg stance. Migi uraken jödan tate mawashi uchi Hidari ken migi hiji shita ni soeru Migi zenkutsu-dachi Upper level vertical roundhouse strike with fist under right elbow Haiso right list, striko tot ward in a widocircular motion,.
Hidari zenkutsu-dachi Middle level augmented forearm block Bring both fists diagonally from right hip to left front. Straighten elbows (backs of fists outward), gradually increase power. Chüdan morote uke Migi zenkutsu-dachi Mldd/e leva/ augmented forearrn block Cower and lists to Strike in direction of stance, straightening arms and gradually powor,.
Hidari chüdan tate shutö uke Hidari zenkvtsu-dachi Left middle love/ vertical sword hand block Bring leit hand from under right arm to the left oblique front, gradually increasing power..
Migi chüdan gyaku-zuki Hidari zenkutsu-dachi Right middle level reverse punch Withdraw kicking leg to the rear. Execute Movements 7 and 8 quickly, in a single breath. Hidari chüdan gyaku-zuki Migi zenkutsu-dachi [en rynddlo love/ reverso punch Migi chüdan tate shutö uke Right middle level vertical sword hand block Sweep right hand from left underarm forward to the right oblique front, gradually increasing power. Migi chüdan oi-zuki rrndd/o 'eve/ lunge punch Hidari chüdan mae-geri 12 Migi ashi-dachi [olt mydd/e level tront kick.
Hidari chüdan gyaku-zuki 13 Migi kokö gedan tsukidashi 15 Hidari shö sukui uke 14 Migi tate empi jödan uchi Hidari zenkutsu-dachi mouth/[etl hand scooping block upward, brinq loft hand undor right elbow, Rotate hips to the left, ScoopMock reverse diroc•.
Migi keitö chüdan uke 16 Hidari shö migi hiji shita ni soeru annum ashi mae neko ashi-dachi nnnmaa Right middle level ch'cken-head wrist block/Lett hand under right elbow Without moving elbow, raise the chicken-head wrist in an inside-outward arc. Slide right Migi keitö migi mimi yoko 17a foot half a step to the front, describing a semicircle. Move hands and legs slowly and simultaneously. 1 7b Migi ippon nukite chüdan otoshi-zuki Hidari ippon ken migi hiji uchigawa ni soeru Migi ashi mae neko ashi-dachi h, wun Onemnger spear hand/loft one-knuck/o fist ward, l•qhtlv 0Ktond lott hand to tho front, r.qht woot bosido tho right oar, o/bow top woll forward with right foot, loft loot lorvvard.
Hidari ippon nukite chüdan otoshi-zuki 18 Migi ippon ken hidari hiji uchigawa ni soeru inside left elbow Migi keitö chüdan uke 20 Hidari shö migi hiji shita ni soeru 1 9 Migi ippon nukite chüdan otoshi-zuki Hidari ippon ken migi hiji uchigawa ni soeru Middle level dropping punch with right one-finger spear hand/Left one-knuckle fist inside right elbow Do Movements 18 and 19 quickly as if a single action, Migi ashi mae neko h:' I tool p.vwt, Gliding loot hall a step lorward in a shallow arc, Move vvnfil block/lo,q hand elbow Keeplng h.nds and foot slowly and simultaneously. the elbow in placo, svsnnq riql't in a circular motion. Hotato hips to tho left.
Migi keitö migi mimi yoko 21a Right chicken-head wrist beside right ear While twisting rightward, extend left hand lightly to the front and raise the chicken-head wrist beside right ear. Hidari ippon nukite chüdan otoshi-zuki 22 Migi ippon ken hidari hiji uchigawa ni soeru Middle love/ dtoppjng punch lett onodingor spear hand/fiight onounucklo [ist inside loft elbow 21 b Migi ippon nukite chüdan otoshi-zuki Hidari shö migi hiji uchigawa ni soeru Migi ashi mae neko ashi-dachi Middle level dropping punch with right one-finger spear hand/Left hand inside right elbow Take a long step forward, then slide left foot into stance. 23 Migi ippon nukite chüdan otoshi-zuki Hidari ippon ken migi hiji uchigawa ni soeru Mlddlo lovel dropping punch with right one-finger spear one-knuck/o list inside right o/bow Do Movements 22 and 23 quickly in a single breath..
Hidari haitö gedan uke 24 Migi shutö suigetsu mae kamae -aaaa. Downward block with left ridge hand/Right sword hand in front of solar plexus kamae Rotate hips to the left with right foot as pivot. 25 Ryö shö Kyodö 24 no mama Hands as in Movement 24 Cross right foot in front of left. 26 a Ryö shö migi naname Kiba-dachi Two-handed sock t)/ock up- ward to light Both fists strongly, Unjgona/lv downward to left Stamp down with Iolt loot, Back o' loft list upward, nght fist, back downward,.
Hidari ashi mae kösadachi Downward block with right ridge hand/Left sword hand in front of solar plexus Hands as in Movement 27 kamae Ryö ken tsuyoku migi naname kahö e Ryö shö hidari naname jöhö ni bö uke 29b 29a {o nght t;tonvp to tho right with right Two•handod stick block (J'agonallv upward to dock 01 lett hand clovvnvvald, back 01 riqhl hand upward. nqht knoo h•qh..
Migi keitö chüdan uke 30 Right middle level chicken-head wrist block/Lett hand under right elbow Same as Movement 16. Move hands and feet slowly and simultaneously. Migi ippon nukite chüdan otoshi-zuki 31b Hidari shö migi hiji uchigawa ni soeru Migi ashi mae neko ashi-dachi Middle love/ dropping punch right one-flinger spear hand/[oft hand inside right o/bow Tako stop forward, loft loot into stanco. Migi keitö migi mimi yoko 31a Migi ashi mae neko ashi-dachi Right chicken-head wrist beside right ear While twisting upper body rightward, extend left hand and raise right wrist. Hidari ippon nukite chüdan otoshi-zuki 32 Migi ippon ken hidari hiji uchigawa ni soeru M" /ovvl (Itopping punch le/t on04ingor spear hand/fiight onomnuckle fist o/t)ovv.
Migi ippon nukite chüdan otoshi-zuki/Hidari ippon ken 33 migi hiji uchigawa ni soeru Middle level dropping punch with right one- finger spear hand/Left one-knuckle fist in- side right elbow 34 Migi shihon nukite gedan-zuki Hidari ken hidari koshi Hidari zenkutsu-dachi Downward punch with right four-finger Spear hand/Left fist at left side With right leg as pivot, rotate hips to the left to reverse direction. Migi uraken jödan tate mawashi uchi 35 Hidari ken hidari koshi Migi zenkutsu-dachi Upper love/ vernca/ roundhouse strike with oght back-list/Lett /isl at Side slowly and usanq tho olbow as a p•vol. Slido right loot a stop lorward iro a shallow arc. Coordinate this with tho mov..
Hidari shihon nukite gedan-zuki 36 Migi ken migi koshi Downward punch with left four-finger spear hand/Right fist at right side Migi washide gedan otoshi uchi 38 stoke hanu Slide tight loot a Iono tho hand downward trom ovorhoad; snap wrist whom Swung Hidari uraken jödan tate mawashi uchi 37 Migi ken migi koshi Hidari zenkutsu-dachi Upper level vertical roundhouse strike with left back-fist/Right fist at right side Slide left foot a step forward in a shallow arc, coordinating hand and foot actions. 39 Migi washide jödan tsuki-age Migi zenkutsu-dachi (Jpper level rising punch with right eagle hand Keep elbow stable, snap list into position..
Migi keitö migi mimi yoko 43a Right chicken-head wrist beside right ear While twisting upper body rightward, lightly extend left hand to the front and raise the right chicken-head wrist. Hidari ippon nukite chüdan 44 Otoshi-zuki/Migi ken hidari hiji Mldd/o level d/opping punch with left Ono-linger spoor hand/l+ght one- Knuck/o lott Migi ippon nukite chüdan otoshi-zuki 45 Hidari ken migi hiji Middle level with right onodingor one, knock/" Migi ippon nukite chüdan otoshi-zuki 43b Hidari shö migi hiji uchigawa ni soeru on Migi ashi mae neko ashi-dachi Right middle level dropping punch with right one-finger spear hand/Left hand in- side right elbow Hidari haitö gedan sokumen uke 46 Migi shutö suigetsu mae kamae Kiba-dachi Downward side block with ridge hanU/Right sword hand in (ront o/ solar plexus kamao With right log as pivot, rotato hips to tho loft until loot on Imo,.
47 Ryö shö Kyodö 46 no mama Migi ashi mae kösa-dachi Hands as in Movement 46 Kiba-dachi Middle 'evol punch with right tour-finger standing spear hand/lo/t o/t»ovv loft side guard kamao Stamp loft loot into stance. Hidari tate shutö chüdan uchi uke 48a Migi ken migi koshi Migi ashi- dachi Left middle 'eve/ vertical sword hand block, inside-outward/Right fist at right side Raise left knee in front of chest. aaaA Downward Side block with light ridge hand/[eft sword hand in front of solar plexus karnae.
Ryö shö sono mama 50 Hands as before Move calmly. Kiba-dachi Hidari tate shu- Hidari ashi mae kösa-dachi Left middle level vertical sword hand block, in- Upper level vertical righl backdist/[eft [ist under rig/" o/hovv loot for Migi shihon tate nukite chüdan-zuki uchi uke/Migi side-outward/Right fist at right side Middle level punch with right four-finger standing spear hand/Left elbow left side guard kamae Stamp right foot into stance. Migi zenkutsu-dachi wald irl Shallow Executo hand arid loot rnovernents slowly and simultaneousn.
Hidari kentsui chüdan yoko uchi 53 Migi ken migi koshi Kiba-dachi nznnna Migi zenkutsu-dachi Right middle level lunge punch/Le/t list at left Side Slide right loot stop lorward..
55 Ryö ken ryö chichi mae kamae Ann Fists at mpp/es kamae With right leg as pivot, rotate hips to the left and align left foot with right foot. Elbows out to the sides. Fists at nipples kamao Elbows out to the sides. 56 Ryö kentsui köhö chüdan hasami uchi Gi Middle level hammer fists scissors strike to the rear Keep natural stance and push hips strongly backward. Hidari zenkutsu- dachi hists as belono With right leg Pivot, rotate hips to the left to change attitude 01 upper body,.
59 Ryö shö kakiwake gedan nagashi uke axan nan - aaa Two-handed downward sweeping reverse wedge block Moving slowly right foot forward in a shallow arc. , slide 60 Ryö keitö chüdan uke Middle level block with chicken-head wrists Keep elbow stable, raise forearms slowly. Migi ashi mae neko ashi-dachi Middle love/ dropping punch one-flinger spear hands Take a long step for- right loot slightly lor stance, ward, advance loll toot,.
62 Migi keitö chüdan uke Hidari shö migi hiji shita ni soeru Migi ashi mae neko ashi-dachi Right middle level chicken-head wrist block/Left hand under right elbow With left leg as pivot, rotate hips to the left. Naore Shizen-tai Retract right loot and return to shiren-tal..
GOJÜSHIHO DAI: IMPORTANT POINTS With sixty-two movements, Gojüshiho Dai is one of the long kata—a bit longer than when it was named "fifty-four steps." Among its distinguishing characteristics are varied smooth and flowing tech- niques, stances like the cat leg and single leg which require excellent balance, and its turning movements. There are several chicken-head wrist blocks and at- tacks utilizing a dropping punch. A high level of technical skill is needed to perform this advanced kata effectively. 1. Movement 1. Counter your opponent's middle level attack by pressing down with the left arm. Execute the vertical roundhouse strike with your right back-fist. With the elbow as the pivot, swing the fist in a wide circular motion, upward and forward. the left vertical sword hand from under the right arm to the middle level in a wide circular motion. Simultaneously advance the left foot. Compare this with the regular sword hand block, which is swung down from above the shoulder, as shown in the lower photos. It is essential to master the difference between the two types of sword hand..
3. Movement 15. To block a kick with a left hand scooping block, extend the left palm forward, then scoop the back of the kicking foot. At the same time, use the right hand to counterattack to the assailant's knee with the downward tiger mouth thrust. 4. Movement 16. With this you can hook an adversary's middle level punching arm from the inside and deflect it with a right chicken-head wrist. Keep tho olbow stable to act as a pivot point for the forearm action, 5. Movement 17. For the middle level one-finger spear hand counterattack, snap the right elbow and thrust the forearm diagonally downward. Even if your oppo- nent blocks, the momentum from the elbow snap will enable you to carry through the downward punch..
8. Movement 56. When bear hugged from the rear, raise your elbows horizontal- ly, bend forward, and thrust your buttocks backward into your attacker's groin. Follow through with a two-fisted counterattack to the sides of his body. If something more is needed, step sideways with one foot, turn with strong rotation of the hips, and knock him ofl balance..
Gojüshiho Shö 10. Movements 60/62. Block a two-fisted punch to the midsection with chicken- head wrists from inside upward, then counter with both one-finger spear hands. Study this technique from all angles and learn to turn rapidly..
Left middle level reverse punch Migi chüdan oi-zuki Right middle level lunge punch Move- ments 10 and 1 1 are alternate punches. Hidari chüdan mae- Migi ashi-dachi Left middle level front kick 14 Migi tate empi uchi Hidari zenkutsu-dachi Right vertical O/t»ovv strike Pivot on nqht loq, pull lott loot back and rovorqo direction. Hidari chüdan oi-zuki Left middle level lunge punch Execute Movements 12 and 13 without a pause. Migi zenkutsu-dachi.
Migi shutÖ chüdan uke 15 Hidari te migi hiji shita ni soeru Right middle level sword hand block/Left hand under right elbow Rotate hips to the left. Execute slowly. Migi shihon nukite Chüdan tate-zuki 17 Hidari shö migi hiji uchigawa ni soeru /ovo/ vortical punch with t/ ht lourJingo,r spoor hand/[ott hand insu]e right oll)ow Movomontq I / , 1B thrusts with tho hands movinq as il each other, Migi haishu chüdan osae 16 Hidari shutö gedan-barai Right back-hand middle level press-down/Left downward sword hand block Move hands simultaneously but keep right elbow fixed and bring right forearm to the right. Hidari shihon nukite chüdan tate-zuki 18 Migi shö hidari hiji uchigawa ni soeru Migi zenkutsu-dachi Middle level vertical punch with left four- finger spear hand/fiight hand inside loft elbow.
Migi shihon nukite chüdan tate-zuki 19 Hidari shö migi hiji uchigawa ni soeru Migi shutö chüdan uke 20 Hidari te migi hiji shita ni soeru Migi kökutsu-dachi Right middle level sword hand block/Left hand under right elbow Slowly Middle level vertical punch with right four-finger spear hand/Left hand inside right Right back-hand middle level press-down/[eft sword hand downward block Move both hands simultaneously. Migi zenkutsu-dachj Middle level vert'Ga/ punch with 'our-tingor spear hand/[e/t hand inside' elbow.
Hidari shihon nukite chüdan tate-zuki 23 Migi te hidari hiji uchigawa ni soeru Middle level vertical punch with left four-finger spear hand/Right hand inside left elbow Hidari haitö sahö gedan uke 25 Migi shutö suigetsu mae kamae 24 Migi shihon nukite chüdan tate-zuki Hidari te migi hiji uchigawa ni soeru Middle level vertical punch with right four-finger spear hand/Left hand inside right elbow Execute Movements 23 and 24 continuously, moving hands as if rubbing them together. Kiba-dachi Downward block to lott side with left ridge hand/High1 sword hand in front of solar plexus kamao With right leg as pivot, rotate hips to the loft..
Ryö te sono mama 29 Migi ashi mae ni hidari ashi o kösa Hands as before Do this slowly. Kiba-dachi Both fists at right Sido Same as Movement 27. Movomonts 29 and 30 aro continuous, 30a Ryö shö awase chüdan bö uke Middle level stick block with both hands Ryö kon 30b migi koshi Migi kökutsu-dachi tniddle level sword hand block/l_eft hand light elbow With loft log p•vot, pull right loot backward. Execute slowly..
Migi haishu chüdan osae 32 Hidari shutö gedan-barai Right back-hand middle level press-down/Left downward sword hand block Hidari shihon nukite chüdan tate-zuki 34 Migi te hidari hiji uchigawa ni soeru Middle love/ vertical punch with loft fourdinger spear hand/lliqht hand inside left o/bow 33 Migi shihon nukite chüdan tate-zuki Hidari te migi hiji uchigawa ni soeru Migi zenkutsu-dachi Middle level vertical punch with right four-finger spear hand/Left hand inside right elbow Slide right foot a step forward. 35 Migi shihon nukite chüdan tate-zuki Hidari te migi hiji uchigawa ni soeru lovel voun:a/ tour-finger spear hancl/[ott hand inside right olbovv Movernont% continuous,.
36 Migi shutö jödan soto mawashi uchi Hidari zenkutsu-dachi Upper level outside-inward roundhouse strike with right sword hand With right leg as pivot, rotate hips to the left and reverse direction. Migi zenkutsu-dachi tho tune, power. Upper levol Slide right loot stop whilo kool)'nq olbow ponition. Move.
40 Migi chüdan uchi uke Right middle level block, inside-outward Pull left fist strongly to the left to take the reverse half-front-facing position. Hidari gedan-zuki 42 Migi jödan tsukamiyose Hidari ashi-dachi [0/1 punch/hlght upward graspwu// Bling tho kickinq toot down 41 Migi chüdan mae-geri Right middle level front kick Migi ashi mae kösa Iront and cross left foot behind it, Keep hips low..
Migi gedan-barai 43 Hid?ri zenkutsu-dachi Right downward block Facing straight ahead, rotate hips and slide left foot back. Lean torso slightly toward left leg. Execute Movements 41—43 one after the other without pause. 44 Migi Shutö chüdan uke Hidari te migi hiji shita ni soeru Migi kökutstedachi flight middle level swo'd hand block/[e/l hand under right elbow Execute slowly..
Migi haishu chüdan osae 45 Hidari shutö gedan-barai Right back-hand middle level press-down/Left downward sword hand block Bring right forearm to the right with elbow in a fixed position. Move hands si- multaneously. Hidari shihon nukite chüdan 47 tate-zuki/Migi te hidari hiji Middle level vertical punch with /o[t {our [ingot spear hand/[dighl banc] insido loll Migi shihon nukite chüdan 48 tate-zuki/Hidari te migi hiji Middle love/ vortical punch with right {ourJingor spoor hand/lo[l hand inside right v/t»ow Exocuto a V' 48 rapidly. 46 Migi shihon nukite chüdan tate-zuki Hidari te migi hiji Migi.zenkutsu-dachi Middle level vertical punch with right four-finger spear hand/Left hand inside right elbow Hidari haitö sahö gedan uke 49 Migi shutö suigetsu mae kamae Kiba-dachi block to left side with lett ridge hand/Right sword hand in front of solar plexus karnae.
Ryö te sono mama 50 Hidan ashi mae ni migi ashi o kösa Hands as before Kiba-dachi Hight middle level punch Starnp lott toot down to the loft. executing the punch at tho same limo. Movornonts and b I flow ono into tho other v Hidari tate shutö chüdan uchi uke 5 la Left middle level vertical sword hand block, inside-outward Raise left knee in front of chest. l.)ownward block to right side with right ridge hand/Left sword hand in front of 'Olar plexus kamae.
Ryö te sono mama 53 Hands as before Kiba-dachi the punch- No pause between Movornonts 63 and Migi ashi mae ni hidari ashi o kösa Upper level vertical roundhouse strike right back-fist/[eft fist under right elbow Hidari tate shutö chüdan uchi 54a uke Left middle level vertical sword hand block, in- side-outward Raise right knee in front of chest. 54b Migi chüdan-zuki Right middle level punch Stamp right foot down to the right, simultaneously executing Migi zenkutsu-dachi Slide fight foot forward, moving hands and feet slowly and simultaneously..