Basic life support 2015

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Scene 1 (0s)

ASP Medical Clinic/ sept 2012ASP Medical Clinic/ sept 2012 1 BASIC LIFE SUPPORTBASIC LIFE SUPPORT.

Scene 2 (16s)

BACKGROUND. Approximately 700,000 cardiac arrests per year. Survival to hospital discharge presently approximately 5-10% Bystander CPR with vital intervention before arrival of emergency services – double or triple survival from SCA ( sudden cardiac arrest ) Early resuscitation and prompt defibrillation (within 1-2 minutes) can result in >60% survival.

Scene 3 (34s)

CPR Outcome. In first 4 minutes – brain damage is unlikely, if CPR started 4 – 6 minutes – brain damage possible 6 – 10 minutes – brain damage probable > 10 minutes – severe brain damage certain C ells of the b rain cortex Most sensitive for the stop page of pefusion and oxygenation without perfusion and oxygenation  irreversible damage after 3-5 minutes.

Scene 4 (52s)

Ventricullar fibrilation – better than asystole in case of immediate CPR Special Emphasis on early defibrillation 1 minute- survival 90% 5 minute- survival 50% 7 minute- survival 30% 10 minutes- survival 10%.

Scene 5 (1m 6s)

ASP Medical Clinic/ sept 2012ASP Medical Clinic/ sept 2012 7 Chain of Survival The 5 links in adult chain of survival are:....

Scene 6 (1m 17s)

Image result for aha cpr guidelines 2015 ppt. 6. Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research (MIMER) Accredited by NAAC with A Grade.

Scene 7 (1m 26s)

Step1-Assessment & scene safety. Assess the scene safety - yourself -victim -bystanders Check the victim for responsiveness Check breathing.

Scene 8 (1m 37s)

Step 2. Activation of emergency response system& get an AED.

Scene 9 (1m 47s)

Step 3-pulse check. Locate trachea Slide the fingers in the groove between trachea & muscles Feel for pulse for at least 5 sec & max 10 sec &begin CPR..

Scene 10 (2m 0s)

Image result for aha cpr guidelines 2015 ppt. 10.

Scene 11 (2m 8s)

CHEST COMPRESSIONS Place the heel of one hand in the centre of the chest Place other hand on top Interlock fingers.

Scene 12 (2m 26s)

AIRW AY & VENTILLATION. Head tilt, chin lift, jaw thrust manoeuvre nasal or oropharyngeal airway Give 2 slow rescue breaths using face mask,ambu bag to deliver 100%oxygen after every 30 compressions Give 1 breath over 1 sec (no rapid ventilation no high tidal volume).

Scene 13 (2m 42s)

Step 4. Requires AED. 13. Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research (MIMER) Accredited by NAAC with A Grade.

Scene 14 (2m 50s)

Automated External Defibrilators (AEDs). A new generation of “smart“ defibrilators has Advanced computer technologies Ability to interprete heart (ECG) rhythm Ability to determine whether defibrilation is required Delivery of electric shock Guides the operator through every action Provides voice and message prompts.

Scene 15 (3m 6s)

SWITCH ON AED. Some AEDs will automatically switch themselves on when the lid is opened.

Scene 16 (3m 16s)

ATTACH PADS TO PATIENT’S BARE CHEST. (J. (J. 16. Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research (MIMER) Accredited by NAAC with A Grade.

Scene 17 (3m 26s)

ANALYSING RHYTHM DO NOT TOUCH VICTIM. 17. Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research (MIMER) Accredited by NAAC with A Grade.

Scene 18 (3m 34s)

18. Ventricular fibrillation Ventricular tachycardia Asystole Electro-mechanical disociation (EMD) Pulseless ventricular activity (PVA).

Scene 19 (3m 44s)

CONTINUE CPR 30 2 AND ONLY STOP : .... 19. Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research (MIMER) Accredited by NAAC with A Grade.

Scene 20 (3m 53s)


Scene 21 (4m 6s)

CPR Animation Video. 21. Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research (MIMER) Accredited by NAAC with A Grade.

Scene 22 (8m 10s)

Thank you. 22.