[Audio] OPTCL Advt. No. MPP&R- 8/2022 Dated. 04. 01.2022 Page 1 RECRUITMENT OF JUNIOR MANAGEMENT TRAINEE ( ELECTRICAL) ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS Website: www.optcl.co.in ADVT. NO: MPP&R- 08/2022 Dated: 04.01.2022 Opening Date of online submission of Application 10.01. 2022 Closing Date of online submission of Application 10. 02.2022 Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited ( OPTCL), a State owned Power utility in Odisha is engaged in the business of Transmission of electricity with a vision to emerge as one of the leading power utilities in the country in Transmission space. The present asset value of the Corporation is about Rs. 6560 Crores. OPTCL operates in the entire state having 176 Grid Sub-stations. OPTCL is looking for young, promising and energetic aspirants with bright academic records to join the organization as Junior Management Trainees in Electrical discipline for placement at various units across the State, preferably in KBK and other backward districts of the State. 1. VACANCY The category wise vacancy position along with reservation thereof is given below: The candidate belonging to ST/ SEBC category can apply against UR category vacancies. Out of the total 40 number of vacancies mentioned above, the reservation of vacancies in respect of Ex-Serviceman and Persons with disabilities are given below. Candidates belonging to Ex-Serviceman and Persons with Disabilities (whose permanent disabilities is 40% and more) shall be adjusted against the categories to which they belong. SL NO CATEGORY NO. OF POSTS 1 SCHEDULED CASTE ( SC) 12 (W: 4) 2 UNRESERVED (UR) 28 (W: 9) 3 TOTAL 40(W: 13) ODISHA POWER TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED (A Government of Odisha Undertaking) Regd. Office: Janpath: Bhubaneswar CORPORATE IDENTITY NUMBER ( CIN) U40102OR2004GC007553.
[Audio] OPTCL Advt. No. MPP&R- 8/2022 Dated. 04.01. 2022 Page 2 Sl No Category Number of Posts Backlog 1 2 3 4 1 Ex-Serviceman 01 01 2 Person with Disabilities( HI & OL)) 02(w:1) HI-1 OL-1 06(W:2) HI-3 OL-3 The number of vacancies in any discipline may increase or decrease by the Corporation without any notice. 2. TYPE OF DISABILITY The physical requirement and functional classification of PWD suitable for the post of JR.MT-ELECTRICAL (Contractual) is as follows: Physical requirement: ST, W, SE, S, Functional classification: HI, OL Code Functions Physical Requirements: ST Work performed by standing W Work performed by walking SE Work performed by seeing S Work performed by sitting (on bench or chair) Functional Classification: HI Hearing Impaired OL One leg affected ( R and/or L) The PWD certificate is subject to verification of the candidate by the prescribed medical board. 3. PERIOD OF ENGAGEMENT AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT/ PROSPECTS The selected candidates shall be appointed initially as a Junior Management Trainee- Electrical (JR.MT-Electrical) for a period of one year. On successful completion of Training period they shall be appointed as Junior Manager (Electrical) on Contractual basis for a period of Five (5) years. Their services shall be governed by OPTCL Junior Manager (Contractual Appointment) Rules, 2021. On completion of 6( six) years (1 year Training + 5 years JM (Electrical on contractual basis), they may be considered for appointment to the post of Junior Manager (Electrical) ( Level: EE-1) on regular establishment in the Pay Matrix:- Rs. 44,900/- to Rs. 1,42,400/- with Initial Basic Pay of Rs. 44, 900/- 4. SERVICE AGREEMENT BOND The selected Junior Management Trainees have to execute a Training & Service Bond on Non-Judicial Stamp paper to serve the Corporation for a period of three years after successful completion of training..
[Audio] OPTCL Advt. No. MPP&R- 8/2022 Dated. 04.01. 2022 Page 3 5. REMUNERATION Stages Remuneration Remarks 1st Year ( Trainee) Rs. 20,000/- No other allowances or benefits would be admissible. However TA/ DA will be paid for official tours as per Rules of Corporation. 2nd Year Rs. 22,000/- 3rd Year Rs. 24,200/- 4th Year Rs. 26,620/- 5th Year Rs. 29,285/- 6th Year Rs. 32, 215/- 6. TRAINING Selected candidates have to undergo training for a period of 1( one) year at various units of OPTCL including Induction-cum-Orientation training at Power Training Centre ( PTC), Chandaka, Bhubaneswar. The training period will be for 1(one) year. During the training period, the trainees may be terminated without any notice or without assigning any reasons thereof. After successful completion of training, there shall be no obligation on the part of the Corporation to offer Contractual Appointment. 7. ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION Sl.No. Name of the Post Essential Qualification 1 JR.MT-ELECTRICAL Diploma in Electrical / Electrical & Electronics Engineering with at least 60% marks in aggregate from a recognized University/Institution For SC and PWD candidates, the minimum percentage of marks required is 50%. Note: - Degree / Diploma obtained from Open University (except IGNOU) / Distance Learning Mode / Part-Time / Sandwich Course shall not be considered. 8. AGE Candidate must not be under 21 ( Twenty one) years of age and must not be above 32 ( Thirty two) years as on 01. 1.2022 i.e. she / he must not have been born later than 01.01. 2001, and not earlier than 01.01. 1990. i. Relaxation for SC , PWD, Ex-Servicemen and Women: Category Age Relaxation For SC Upper age relaxation by 5 (five) Years For Women Upper age relaxation by 5 ( five) Years For Ex-SM To the extent of service rendered by them For PWD (whose permanent disability is 40% or more) Upper age relaxation by 10 ( Ten) Years..
[Audio] OPTCL Advt. No. MPP&R- 8/2022 Dated. 04.01. 2022 Page 4 ii. Provided that a candidate who comes under more than one category mentioned above (except PWD), shall be eligible for only one benefit of upper age relaxation, which shall be considered most beneficial to him/her . iii. Persons with Disabilities belonging to SC/ST/ SEBC categories are eligible for cumulative age relaxation benefit. iv. No age relaxation is allowed to ST/SEBC candidates applying against UR vacancies. v. The date of birth entered in the High School Certificate Examination or equivalent certificate issued by the concerned Board/ Council will only be accepted. THE AGE LIMITS PRESCRIBED ABOVE CAN BE IN NO CASE RELAXED 9. RESERVATION i. Reservation of posts including reservation for Women will be as per the ORV and other applicable Acts and Rules of Government of Odisha. ii. PWD candidates, whose disability is not less than 40% ( forty percent), are required to attach Disability Certificate indicating percentage of disability & type of disability issued by the concerned Medical board for consideration as per Rules. iii. Ex-Servicemen are required to attach copy of Discharge Certificate issued by the Competent Authority. iv. Concession meant for SC, ST and SEBC by birth are admissible to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes of Odisha State only. v. Candidates belonging to PWD and Ex-Servicemen when selected as per the reservation provided for them, shall be adjusted against the categories to which they belong. vi. In the event of non-availability or insufficient number of eligible / suitable women candidates belonging to any particular category, the vacancies or the remaining vacancies shall be filled up by male candidates of the same category. vii. Exchange of reservation between Scheduled caste and Scheduled Tribe will not be considered. viii. PWD candidates belonging to SEBC category shall submit their SEBC Certificate validated / renewed by the Competent Authority on or after 01. 01. 2019 failing which they shall be treated as unreserved category candidates. ix. Women candidates belonging to SC/ST/SEBC are required to submit Caste Certificate by birth showing " daughter of ………………" Caste Certificate obtained by virtue of marriage i.e. showing " wife of …………" is not acceptable. x. OBC Certificates will not be accepted in lieu of SEBC Certificate. xi. Community ( Caste Status) once mentioned by the candidates shall not be changed under any circumstances..
[Audio] OPTCL Advt. No. MPP&R- 8/2022 Dated. 04.01. 2022 Page 5 10. MEDICAL FITNESS Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to having sound health and being physically & mentally fit in the Pre-Employment Medical Examination to be conducted as per the norms and standards of Medical Fitness. Candidates selected under PWD category must be within the prescribed normal range for all other physical standard. The PWD candidates will have to undergo a verification process by the authorized Medical Board. 11.PROVISION FOR DEPARTMENTAL CANDIDATES Departmental candidates ( OPTCL regular employees only) fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply against this advertisement through proper channel to General Manager ( HRD), Hqrs. Office, OPTCL so as to reach within the stipulated time period. They shall also submit the online application form. There shall be no age bar for them and they are exempted from payment of application fees. Note: The children of the employee and the candidates engaged through outsourced agency not to be considered as Departmental candidates. 12. PROVISION FOR OUTSOURCED CANDIDATES 1. In case of candidates engaged through outsourcing agency in OPTCL before 05. 07.2017 and continuing in OPTCL till date, the relaxation in upper age limit shall be allowed as a special case, to the extent of service rendered by them, provided they satisfy all other eligibility criteria for the post. They shall also be allowed one percent (1%) extra marks on the total marks of CBT ( Computer based Test) for each completed year of service subject to a maximum of 15%, which shall be added to the marks secured by them in the CBT. ( This is as per the Judgment dated. 05.07. 2017 of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 8415/2017) 2. The persons provided by the manpower service providers/ outsourcing agencies, for similar nature of jobs in OPTCL, who shall be less than 45 years of age and shall have completed at least 1 ( One) year of continuous service as on 01. 09. 2021 and continuing in OPTCL till date, in case they apply, shall be allowed relaxation of upper age limit for entry, provided they satisfy all other eligibility criteria for the post. They shall be allowed one percent (1%) extra marks on the total marks of the examination for each completed year of continuous service subject to a maximum of fifteen percent, which shall be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position. 13.OTHER ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS i. The candidate must be a citizen of India. ii. She / he must be able to read, write and speak Odia fluently and must have: (a) Passed Middle School Examination with Odia language subject; or (b) Passed Matriculation or examination with Odia as medium of examination in non-language subject ; or (c) Passed in Odia as language subject in the final examination of class VII from a school or educational institution recognized by the Government of Odisha or the Central Government..
[Audio] OPTCL Advt. No. MPP&R- 8/2022 Dated. 04. 01. 2022 Page 6 ( d) Passed a test in Odia in Middle English School Standard conducted by the School and Mass Education Department. iii. A candidate who has more than one spouse living will not be eligible for appointment unless the State Government has exempted his / her case from operation of this limitation for any good and sufficient reasons. iv. The candidates must have a good character and high integrity. 14. SELECTION PROCEDURE I. The selection process involves Computer Based Test ( CBT) and Personal Interview. II. Eligible candidates will be called for Computer Based Test, comprising 200 number of Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs), out of which Subject knowledge ( 80%), Numerical / GK & Reasoning ( 10%) & English Knowledge (10%). The CBT will be of Three ( 3) hours duration. III. In addition, there shall be an online Psychometric Test of 30 Minutes for which there shall be no marking. However, the report of the psychometric test will be used at the time of Personal Interview. IV. There shall be no negative marking. V. Candidates who qualify in CBT and be shortlisted will be called for Personal Interview in 1:3 ratio in each category. VI. The merit list will be drawn purely on the basis of Performance in the CBT and Personal Interview. The weightage for CBT & Personal interview is 80% & 20% respectively. VII. The offer of appointment shall be issued to the selected candidates on the basis of merit. However the final appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their Medical Fitness as per the prescribed format. VIII. On selection, candidates can be posted at any of the existing / upcoming units of OPTCL throughout Odisha. 15. MINUMUM QUALIFYING MARKS IN CBT AND PERSONAL INTERVIEW Test Unreserved Category SC/ PWD* CBT 50% 40[ break]% Personal Interview No qualifying Mark 16. APPLICATION FEE AND MODE OF PAYMENT Unreserved/ SEBC SC/ST/ PWD Rs. 1000/- Rs. 500/- I. UR and SEBC candidates are required to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand) only and Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribe (ST) of Odisha only, PWD candidates are required to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred) only. OPTCL departmental candidates are exempted from payment of this fee. II. Candidates shall be required to make the payment of fee while filling up online application in on-line mode. III. For On-line Payment mode (Through Debit / Credit Card / Net Banking): In case of On-line payment mode, an applicant will be redirected to payment gateway page under Tech Process..
[Audio] OPTCL Advt. No. MPP&R- 8/2022 Dated. 04. 01. 2022 Page 7 After completing the On-line Payment, she / he shall take hard copy of the application form along with Fee Receipt. She/he shall retain the hard copy and proof of payment for future reference / record which shall be required at the time of verification of original certificates / testimonials as and when necessary. The candidate shall bear the online transaction charges extra as applicable. IV. Application fee once paid shall not be refunded in any case. V. The candidate has to retain the print out / hard copy of the online application for future reference. 17.CENTRE OF EXAMINATION The Computer Based Test ( CBT) for the post of JR.MT-ELECTRICAL (Contractual) will be held at Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Berhampur, Rourkela, Balasore, Sambalpur, Jeypore depending on the number of candidates from the respective zones. The candidates are to mention their choice of Examination Centre while filling the Online Application Form. I. The request for change of Centre shall NOT be entertained. Allotment of the test Centre is at the discretion of the Corporation. II. The Management reserves the right to change the Centre of Examination without mentioning any reason thereof at any stage of recruitment. 18.GENERAL INFORMATION & INSTRUCTIONS I. Wherever CGPA/ OGPA/ DGPA or Letter Grade in a Diploma is awarded, its equivalent percentage of marks must be indicated in the online application as per norms adopted by University / institute. II. Percentage of Marks obtained by the candidate in Diploma shall be based on the practice followed by the University / Board / Institution from where the candidate has obtained the Degree. In case the University / Institution does not have any scheme for converting CGPA into equivalent marks the equivalence would be established by dividing the candidates CGPA by maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the result with 100. III. Only the online applications are invited from the candidates for admissible to the Computer Based Test. No other mode of application is allowed. IV. Diploma Certificate, Caste Certificate, Odia Test Pass Certificate, Discharge Certificate of Ex-Servicemen, Certificate of Physically Handicapped Persons must have been issued by the competent authority within the last date fixed for submission of online application form. V. A candidate found guilty of seeking support for her/his candidature by offering illegal gratification or canvasing in any form or found indulging in any type of malpractice during the course of the selection or otherwise, shall, in addition to rendering herself/ himself liable to criminal prosecution be disqualified not only for the ongoing recruitment, but also may be debarred permanently from any future recruitment or selection to be conducted by OPTCL, VI. Applications submitted to OPTCL if found to be incomplete in any respect are liable for rejection. No correspondence shall be entertained in this regard. VII. Mere applying for the post and fulfilling eligibility criteria in reference to the advertisement does not confer any right for an applicant to claim appointment. VIII. Any dispute arising out of the ongoing recruitment shall be subject to jurisdiction of Hon'ble High Court of Orissa..
[Audio] OPTCL Advt. No. MPP&R- 8/2022 Dated. 04. 01. 2022 Page 8 IX. Candidates working in State / Central Government / PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies of Govt. shall apply online. However, he must produce a No Objection Certificate ( NOC) at the time of Personal Interview. X. Final selection of the candidates shall be subject to medical fitness. XI. Candidates selected in OPTCL are liable to be posted anywhere in Odisha. XII. While applying for the above posts, the applicant shall ensure that she / he fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned above, as on the specified dates and the particulars furnished are correct in all respects. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment / selection that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and / or that she / he has furnished any incorrect / false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his / her candidature will automatically stand cancelled. If any of the above shortcoming (s) / are detected even after appointment, her/his services are liable to be terminated without any notice. XIII. Candidates, who fulfill the prescribed eligibility criteria, on the effective date, may apply for the post. XIV. OPTCL Management reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process, if need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof at any stage. 19. HOW TO APPLY I. Before filling up On-line Application, candidates are advised to go through the advertisement carefully and understand the contents of the Advertisement, Instructions to fill up On-line Application and Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ) documents available on the OPTCL website: www.optcl.co.in II. On successful registration of the online application form, a unique Registration Number will be displayed on the screen as well as top of the application form. Candidates are required to retain the unique Registration Number and use it for future correspondence. III. Application received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected. IV. Uploading of Documents: Candidates are required to keep the following documents ready before initiating the On-line Application Form. a. Candidate shall upload the scanned copy of original documents. b. Recent colour passport size photograph and signature in prescribed format (.jpg/. jpeg) File Size Dimension Photograph 25KB to 50KB 3.5 cm X 4.5cm Signature 25KB to 35 KB 3.5 cm X 1.5cm Note : Candidates should ensure that the same passport size colour photograph is used throughout this recruitment process. Caste certificate, if belongs to SC/ST/ SEBC category. a) 10th Pass Certificate. b) Essential Qualification Passed Certificate. c) Essential Qualification Final Mark Sheet. d) Caste Certificate, if applicable. e) PWD certificate, if applicable..
[Audio] OPTCL Advt. No. MPP&R- 8/2022 Dated. 04.01. 2022 Page 9 f) Ex-Serviceman Discharge certificate / I card / NOC, if applicable. g) Experience certificate issued by the man power service provider / outsourcing agency, if an applicant is engaged through the outsourcing agency in OPTCL. Size of documents to be uploaded shall be 100KB to 200KB and in PDF format. Note : The uploaded documents must be clearly Identifiable / visible, otherwise the application is liable to be rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. V. Candidates are required to take a printout of the finally submitted Online Application form for future use. In case the candidate is shortlisted for Personal Interview, the candidate has to submit the same at the time of personal Interview. VI. Certificate of Admission / Admit Card for the Computer Based Online Test for the eligible candidates will be uploaded in the website of OPTCL prior to the date of examination. VII. The candidates are required to download their Admit Card from the website of OPTCL and produce the same for Admission to the examination Hall / Centre. No separate correspondence will be entertained in this regard. 20 . IMPORTANT DATES Sl. No Description Date & Time 1. Opening Date of online submission of Applications 10. 01.2022 2. Closing Date of online submission of application 10. 02.2022 Note: 1. All the important notification & updates regarding this recruitment shall be hosted in the OPTCL website in the Recruitment Section and accordingly all applicants are advised to visit the site regularly. 2. In order to avoid last minute rush, the candidates are advised to apply early enough. OPTCL will not be responsible for network problems or any other problem in submission of online Application. 21 . SPECIAL MESSAGES TO THE APPLICANTS 1. For OPTCL recruitment, they are advised to visit only official website of OPTCL i.e. www.optcl.co.in 2. They should be aware of FAKE websites put-up by unscrupulous elements/ touts. Chief General Manager ( HRD) During the registration process if you face any difficulties please contact at the Helpline Number or mail your queries to the email id given below: E-mail id : [email protected] Helpline No. : 9438907594 Timing : Working Days - 10 AM to 5 PM Closed on 2nd and 4th Saturday, Sundays and Holidays The candidates are advised to visit OPTCL website www.optcl.co.in time to time for any update ..
[Audio] OPTCL Advt. No. MPP&R- 8/2022 Dated. 04. 01. 2022 Page 10.