We’re here. when you. need us. Helping you build a stronger, healthier business.
Peace of mind Comprehensive benefits Easy to use, fast access to treatment and care Support and guidance whenever you need it.
We’re here. when you. need us. W$irf here w en you •us.
Contents. | Business Priority Health | 2021. 1 Private healthcare with AXA Health 2 Help you get better What’s included in your plan 3 Support you when you need it How we can help look after you 4 Help you stay healthy Your membership gives you more.
1. Private healthcare cover with AXA Health.
Private healthcare explained. What is private healthcare? Healthcare insurance is often called a variety of names including PMI (private medical insurance), private health insurance, private healthcare and private health cover. Essentially health insurance is designed to pay for private medical treatment when you need it. As the treatment is private you have quick access to eligible treatment in a private hospital or medical facility. One of the key benefits is the convenience. Once you have a referral from your GP you can choose who you would like to see, where and when from a list of approved specialists and hospitals. Business Priority Health - terminology In-patient – a person who is admitted to a hospital and who occupies a bed overnight or longer, for medical reasons. Day-patient – a patient who is admitted to a hospital or day-patient unit because they need a period of medically supervised recovery, but does not occupy a bed overnight. Out-patient – a person who attends a hospital, consulting room, or out-patient clinic and is not admitted as a day-patient or an in-patien t..
2. Help you get better What’s included in your plan.
Business Priority Health. At AXA Health , we provide cover for eligible private medical treatment – plus incentives to support your health and wellbeing for as long as you’re a member . Your core benefits In-patients and day-patients Diagnostic tests, operating-theatre costs, drugs, dressings and surgical appliances at private hospitals and day-patient units Specialist fees for surgeons, anesthetists and physicians Cancer treatment – 12 months licensed drugs, radiotherapy & chemotherapy Hotel or hospital accommodation for one parent while their child under 16 is receiving eligible treatment Out-patients Surgical procedures PET, MRI & CT scans on specialist referral Other benefits Ambulance transport to another medical facility if you’re receiving private in-patient or day-patient treatment Cash payment if you have out-patient or day-patient chemotherapy or radiotherapy free on the NHS.
Business Priority Health. Cover options. You can also benefit from additional cover included in your healthcare plan: Enhanced out-patient £1000 per member per year for outpatient consultations and diagnostic tests Therapies Up to £500 a year for physio, osteopathy and chiropractic treatment Extra care Nurse to give you chemotherapy or antibiotics by intravenous drip at home NHS benefit of £100 a night (up to £2,000 a year) Oral surgery paid in full when your dentist has referred you Up to £150 a year for chiropody and podiatry treatment Mental Health Cover if you’re in hospital overnight or as a day-patient for psychiatric treatment, for up to 30 days a year Cover for up to £1,000 a year in total for out-patient psychiatric specialist consultations and psychologist or cognitive behavioural therapist charges. Stronger Minds Pathway.
Business Priority Health. Extra cancer care Treatment at all stages of cancer No time limits on drug treatment to kill cancer cells while you’re a member, without impact on any out-patient allowance* Unproven drug treatment Specialist consultations by the specialist treating your cancer Diagnostic tests Donation to a hospice (£100 a night) if you receive end-of-life care Up to £150 for wigs or up to £5,000 a year for external prostheses Care to relieve pain or other symptoms rather than cure cancer, if it becomes incurable Prostate, skin and breast cancer pathways at a Check4Cancer facility within 5 working days.
Business Priority Health. Excess £100 Underwriting terms 2 year moratorium Dentist and Optician Cashback Option 80% of the costs of dentist fees, up to £400 a year 80% of costs of prescribed glasses and contact lenses, up to £200 a year Up to £25 a year towards the cost of an eye test No cover for cosmetic treatment such as a whitening and braces Key exclusions Routine pregnancy and childbirth Treatment of on-going, recurring and long-term conditions (chronic conditions) Cosmetic treatment.
3. Support when you need it How we can help look after you.
Doctor@Hand. With Doctor@Hand, you can speak to a GP whenever you want, wherever you are: 24/7, by video or by phone, from anywhere in the world, day or night. 24/7 appointments available within 2 hours Choose a Doctor by name or gender Gain a GP referral for a private specialist consultation 20 minute consultation time GP prescriptions delivered to your office or home usually within the next working day Register via link to set up the Doctor@Hand service for unlimited GP consultations.
Fast Track Appointments. When you need to see a specialist quickly, our Fast Track Appointments team will make it happen. To use our Fast Track Appointments service: Ask your GP for an open referral (a referral that doesn’t name the specialist you’ll see) Call us on 0345 600 7696 . We can book an appointment for you, at a time and place that suits you best Or we’ll give you a choice of three specialists with the appropriate expertise to treat you, and you can get in touch when you’re ready With our Fast Track Appointments service, on average our members are seen twice as fast as those members whose GPs have referred them to a named specialist. *based on our 2016 Fast Track Appointments service data, recorded from the date the member called our Personal Advisory team.
Working Body. Problems with muscles, bones and joints have a habit of getting worse if they’re not treated. With Working Body , you can talk to a physiotherapist over the phone without a GP referral. They’ll assess your symptoms and talk to you about what it can mean If they think exercise could ease your pain, they’ll recommend some you can try at home If you need further treatment, they’ll help you plan what to do next The Working Body team can help with: Sports injuries Repetitive strain injuries Twisted ankles, muscle strains and tears Back problems Pain, swelling or stiffness in the knee Any other bone, joint and muscle condition.
Health at Hand. Expert help, anytime of the day. As a member, you get access to our 24/7 telephone health helpline. If you’ve got a concern about your health – day or night – we’re here for you. If you need reassurance, urgent support or help with living well every day, you can pick up the phone to us at Health at Hand . Confidential health information service Discuss your symptoms with a nurse Check your medication with a pharmacist Talk to a counsellor about how you’re feeling.
Customer Online. View your member information online.
4. Help you stay healthy Your membership gives you more.
Up to 50% off an annual PureGym membership. PureGym is all about making it easier for you to get the exercise you want – no matter how fit you are – or how pushed for time. We’ve teamed up with PureGym so you can benefit from up to 50% off an annual PureGym membership*. PureGym locations offer: Bright, friendly and fun places - most open 24/7 Equipment for the kind of workout you want - from beginners to pros Up to 50 free classes per week to suit everyone Book classes online or on the PureGym app To find out more visit, www.myactiveplus.com/puregym *Available to all AXA Health members or employees of AXA PPP healthcare business customers. Price based on 50% off PureGym's non promotional monthly price x12 including any relevant joining fee. For full terms and conditions visit: myactiveplus.com/legal/puregym-terms-and-conditions..
ActivePlus. Our online health and wellness shop. As a member of AXA Health, you have access to exclusive discounts and rewards through ActivePlus - our online health & wellness retailer. There’s something for everyone – from the sports fanatic to those beginning the journey to better health. We aim to offer the latest products at competitive prices. From Fitbits to facials, ActivePlus can help improve general health, fitness and wellbeing. Discover new technologies Receive personalised suggestions Enjoy further discounts, rewards and offers from AXA Health Visit www.myactiveplus.com/SME.
Adding family members. to your policy. If you have a single member policy, and would like to add people on, please see below different options and pricing: If you want to add a partner only, then the price is double the cost. For example, your single policy is £10 per month, so adding a member would then make it £20 per month. If you adding your full family , so your partner and then your children (does not matter how many children), then it is 2.5 times the cost. For example, £10 for single policy per month, adding your partner and your children would make it £25 per month. If you are adding your children only, then it is 1.6 times the cost. For example, £10 for single policy per month, adding your children only, would make it £16 per month..
Peace of mind Comprehensive benefits Easy to use, fast access to treatment and care Support and guidance whenever you need it.