Big Data for supply chain management in industry 4.0

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Scene 1 (0s)

(0)0. Big Data for supply chain management in industry 4.0.

Scene 2 (57s)

2 elements. To provide justified recommendations for the technology that is needed to support the company R ecommendations on how the business may make best use of the information generated by these systems..

Scene 3 (2m 5s)

The problem. Not propose specific recommendations for the technology needed to support the company which is in need of a data analytics tool.

Scene 4 (4m 10s)

Illustration. retailers might conduct research on how other enterprises make use of sentiment analysis or AI recommendation engines to develop their customer experience, or a financial services business might be more in need of fraud detection tools. Examples and statistics could be used to make the situation analysis more precise and understandable..

Scene 5 (5m 31s)

The problem. Specific codes of action were not listed out for the chosen company to take best use of the information generated by the systems.

Scene 6 (7m 0s)

Solutions. Identify the goal and priority Select and present appropriate data Research, analyze and made conclusion from that selected data Design a well-constructed strategy Measure the success and conduct repetition.

Scene 7 (7m 45s)

REFERENCE. Gai , P. J., & Klesse , A.-K. (2019). Making recommendations more effective through framings: Impacts of user- versus item-based framings on recommendation click-throughs. Journal of Marketing, 83(6), 61–75. Retrieved from Wood, M. (2009). The pros and cons of using pros and cons for multi-criteria evaluation and decision making. SSRN Electronic Journal. Retrieved from ..