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Scene 1 (0s)


Scene 2 (16s)

What is File Sharing. File Sharing is a method of transferring data from one computer or device to another computer, a friend, or a team member in a different geographic location, etc. Files can be shared using a local network at the workplace or over the internet..

Scene 3 (41s)

History of File sharing. Files were first exchanged on removable media. Computers were able to access remote files using filesystem mounting, bulletin board systems (1978), Usenet (1979), and FTP servers (1970's). Internet Relay Chat (1988) and Hotline (1997) enabled users to communicate remotely through chat and to exchange files. Files were first exchanged on removable media. Computers were able to access remote files using filesystem mounting, bulletin board systems (1978), Usenet (1979), and FTP servers (1970's). Internet Relay Chat (1988) and Hotline (1997) enabled users to communicate remotely through chat and to exchange files..

Scene 4 (1m 8s)

Types of file sharing. File transfer protocol programs (FTP):.

Scene 5 (2m 15s)

Peer-to-peer networks:. Peer-to-peer networking involves computer hardware and software to communicate without the need for a central server. This type of file sharing indicates the direction of digital files over a p2p network where the files are located on one’s computer and shared with other members rather than on the main server..

Scene 6 (3m 0s)

Peer-to-peer networks. Strengths Weaknesses No need for a network operating system Because each computer might be being accessed by others it can slow down the performance for the user Does not need an expensive server because individual workstations are used to access the files Files and folders cannot be centrally backed up cheaper because there is no centralized server Every computer must do backups independently, and every machine must implement security measures independently. Much easier to set up than a client-server network - does not need specialist knowledge Ensuring that viruses are not introduced to the network is the responsibility of each individual user.

Scene 7 (3m 28s)

Removable storage media:. Unlike RAM, this involves anything that can be physically removed from a device or computer. The user can transfer or insert files from their device onto the removable storage media and then physically hand it to whomever they would like to share the files with. These can include an FTP server for security purposes, asking for a valid login and password from others to allow access..

Scene 8 (3m 48s)

Online file sharing services:. Online file sharing services include web services that allow users to store or share data on the internet for personal or professional use. One member may upload photos, documents, PDFs, etc. to an online file sharing platform which allows others to download these files using the same platform..

Scene 9 (4m 6s)

Benefits of File Sharing:. Simplified administration.

Scene 11 (4m 19s)

INTRODUCTION. Napster was an audio streaming service provider. It originally launched on June 1, 1999, as a pioneering Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing software service with an emphasis on digital audio file distribution. Audio songs shared on the service were typically encoded in the MP3 format. It was founded by Shawn Fanning and Sean Parker As the software became popular, the company ran into legal difficulties over copyright infringement. It ceased operations in 2001 after losing a wave of lawsuits and filed for bankruptcy in June 2002..

Scene 12 (4m 42s)

HISTORY. Although there were already networks that facilitated the distribution of files across the Internet, such as IRC, Hotline, and Usenet, Napster specialized in MP3 files of music and a user-friendly interface. At its peak the Napster service had about 80 million registered users. Napster made it relatively easy for music enthusiasts to download copies of songs that were otherwise difficult to obtain, such as older songs, unreleased recordings, studio recordings, and songs from concert bootleg recordings. Napster paved the way for streaming media services and transformed music into a public good for a brief period of time..

Scene 13 (5m 8s)

NAPSTER. Strengths Weaknesses Using Napster Napster's strengths to consolidate and expand the market position. Napster Napster's can use two approaches - building on present strengths, or analyse the trend and build processes to two pronged market penetration approach. Building strategies based on consumer oriented product development and marketing approach. Napster Napster's should just get out of these business areas and focus on strength and threats box , or on weakness and opportunities box..

Scene 14 (5m 29s)

GNUTELLA. 9 elle)nu.

Scene 15 (5m 35s)

INTRODUCTION. Gnutella is a peer-to-peer network protocol. Founded in 2000, it was the first decentralized peer-to-peer network of its kind, leading to other, later networks adopting the model In June 2005, Gnutella's population was 1.81 million computers increasing to over three million nodes by January 2006.In late 2007, it was the most popular file-sharing network on the Internet with an estimated market share of more than 40%..

Scene 16 (5m 57s)

HISTORY. The first client (also called Gnutella) from which the network got its name was developed by Justin Frankel and Tom Pepper of Null soft in early 2000, soon after the company's acquisition by AOL..

Scene 17 (6m 20s)

SCENARIO OF Gnutella protocol. Step0 : Join the network..

Scene 18 (6m 42s)

SCENARIO OF Gnutella protocol. Step2 : Searching.

Scene 19 (6m 58s)

GNUTELLA. Strengths Weaknesses Fully decentralized High overhead. Search cost distributed. More network resource consumption & Low scalability No Central server Search time may be quite large Simple architecture nodes come and go often Processing at each node permits powerful search semantics. Sometimes, existing objects may not be able to locate due to limited TTL..