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Scene 1 (0s)


Scene 2 (12s)

AQUAVITA. . Biofloc technology. The Blue R evolution.

Scene 3 (31s)

Lebanese current status due to inflation and economic crisis.

Scene 4 (48s)

AQUAVITA introduces a new aquaculture technology.

Scene 5 (1m 8s)

Value proposition:. AQUAVITA introduces a new technology to the whole MENA region Local fish feed availability with lower costs Opens a new market with high demand.

Scene 6 (1m 21s)

Our product:. AQUAVITA is not only selling the fish tanks, it is selling the knowledge itself. We offer workshops, know-hows and long term services along with the tanks and its accessories. Adding to that, AQUAVITA is under REA trading company LTD, which produces fish feed complying with international standards with competitive prices and sustainable supply..

Scene 7 (2m 2s)

How it works:. Biofloc technology is the process of cultivating microorganisms responsible for the biofiltration and water quality improvement of fish tanks. It consists on cultivating beneficial bacteria that manifests as algae and fungal aspects which consumes the ammonia and nitrogen sources available in the fish tank which are considered toxic for fish and transforms it into protein sources for the fish to consume. In general, 70% of fish farms cost is the fish feed. Having this perk, the BFT will lower the usage of industrial feed by supplying a natural source of nutrition. In addition to that, BFT will minimize water consumption since there is no need to change water daily, weekly or even monthly..

Scene 8 (2m 29s)

C ompetition:. requirements Traditional farms RAS farms BFT limited water source water quality management Feed efficiency Low cost project Easy installation.

Scene 9 (2m 36s)

MARKET ANALYSIS:. Studies and statistics have shown that the fish consumption in Lebanon reached 10.5 kg per capita per year which a lot more than its production. This project will produce about 1400 kg per tank which has the area of a 4 squared meters. Hence, only one tank will be sufficient to feed 133 persons!.

Scene 10 (3m 3s)

TEAM:. Haidar Haidar – Founder Mechanical Engineer..

Scene 11 (3m 7s)

AQUAVITA. CONTACT: EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: +961 71 602563 COMPANY NAME: REA trading company LTD.