2 Sided Pyramid presents: Global Carbon Footprint.
What is the purpose of Global Carbon Footprint?. The main purpose of Global Carbon Footprint is to show individuals their Carbon Footprint and how it impacts the globe while providing better options for travel. Everyone plays a part in global warming and we are trying our best to make sure that it does not get worse..
Prototype 1. We decided to make multiple prototypes for our app We would take the best elements from both.
MAIN MENU. Takes you to the relative information based on which subject you want to find out about Different from drop down menu (contains more options like a log in and back to menu option).
TRAVEL EMISSIONS. Comparison of travel emissions for different modes of transport Scroll down for more Find out more for more detailed information.
MORE INFO PAGE. More in-depth information about the chosen mode of transport Emission checker using API to calculate total emissions per year through the input of miles.
ROUTE PLANNER. A route planner to find the most efficient route to your destination Menu before this page to choose type of transport Works out best route through input of start point and destination, will work out the time of journey and nearest stops..
Prototype 2.
App design test – page layouts. The page layouts for this test are simple and reduce clutter to create a better user experience. At the top of the page is the page title which changes based on what page the user is on. The design includes a circle that shows the total number of emissions the page produces with a box underneath telling their total carbon emission. The circle and box changes colour based on the number of emissions. Below this are the questions where the user inputs their information into the boxes which then gets calculated by the API and returned in the circle above. At the bottom of the page are the navigation buttons to switch between the different pages, more buttons could be introduced as the API expands to add new options for the calculations. An option for a future implementation that should be considered is a route map which helps calculate the distance the user travels, this would use the google maps API. This would improve the app greatly as it would stop the user from needing to switch between multiple apps to calculate the distance..
App design test - House Emissions. The first page this app design has was the home page. This calculates the number of emissions your household produces from the number of occupants, the energy usage per year and the gas usage per year. The result would be returned within the circle which changes between red, amber and green depending on how high the emissions are..
App design test - Travel Emissions. The second page this app design has was the travel page. This calculates the number of emissions you produce per year while travelling, it includes cars, busses, trains and planes. I decided to leave out walking or cycling as the emissions would be 0. The result would be returned within the circle which changes between red, amber and green depending on how high the emissions are..
App design test - Food Emissions. The second page this app design has was the food consumption page. This calculates the number of emissions you produce per year based on food consumption, it takes into consideration the amount of organic food the user eats, the amount of meat and dairy they consume, how much of the food is produced locally and the amount of food waste they use per year. The result would be returned within the circle which changes between red, amber and green depending on how high the emissions are..
Flowchart or rough way how the App will work. Here is showing the way that the app how will work, the individuals will be give some options to select what type of transportation they wish to see or take it After you have selected the transportation method, you will be able to see some stats about carbon footprint per travel per person in kg and then the individual will be asked to input how far they travel and map will be also display to individual where they can see the distance and destination, example, if an individual choose like bus and train the will be able to use map to locate their destination and see their distance Once individual has entered the distance, the app will do calculation about distance and carbon footprint and show to individual how much CO2 wasting or doing because of their transportation method and help individual to understand and select the best way to travel and reduce CO2..
Calculator Program Menu. Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated.
Travel Calculator. Utilizing the application programming interface given for us to use, we decided to use the request link for solving the total emission of a user due to transport. Through concatenation, the user's input in the program will be passed through the api request link's parameters as data for the server to work with and return a rough estimate on their total emission from their different methods of transport..
Home and Food. Similarly, the API has been used for two other calculator, one which uses the occupants, energy and gas usage for house total emissions and another which focuses on the sources of food of the user's diet and their wastage of it to identify the user's carbon emissions..