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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] 210 Seconds. unesco g.4.w.W 4-4 9.0211 9041.411 JSJ.nJl Arab R.ional Centre for *rid (AK-WH).

Scene 2 (5s)


Scene 3 (10s)

Workshop on the Preparation of the World Heritage Nomination Files for Natural H eritage Properties - 2013.

Scene 4 (13s)

Comparative Analysis Workshop - 2015.

Scene 5 (17s)

World Heritage Management Effectiveness – The Implementation of the Enhancing our Heritage (EOH) Toolkit- 2018.

Scene 6 (21s)

Implementation of the Enhancing our Heritage (EOH) Toolkit – Training for Managers of Cultural, Natural, and Mixed Sites in the Arab Region- 2018 and 2019.

Scene 7 (25s)

Integrating Cultural Heritage into Conservation and Development Planning on Socotra - 2018.

Scene 8 (29s)

Conducting the Second Man and Biosphere (MAB) Workshop for the Preparation of Hawar Islands’ MAB Nomination Dossier- 2019.

Scene 9 (33s)

Online Workshop for the Draft N omination P roposal for the Site of the Fortifications of the City of Wahran in Algeria- 2021.

Scene 10 (38s)

The First Aid to Built Cultural Heritage in Syria - 2014.

Scene 11 (42s)

Mission to Palmyra (Syria) - 2016.

Scene 12 (46s)

Conducting a Needs Assessment Mission to Palestine- 2019.

Scene 13 (50s)

Mitigation of Hurricane Impact on Endemic and Threatened Plants in Socotra - 2020.

Scene 14 (54s)

6 th Governing Board Meeting - 2016.

Scene 15 (58s)

Development of a Strategic Plan- Planning Workshop - 2017.

Scene 16 (1m 3s)

Meeting of the 9 th Governing Board Meeting of the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage - 2020.

Scene 17 (1m 8s)

Virtual Meeting of the 10 th Governing Board for the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage - 2021.

Scene 18 (1m 13s)

(01). Information session concerning the Third Cycle of the Periodic Reporting of the Arab States - 2018.

Scene 19 (1m 17s)

Joint Organisation of the Third Cycle of the Periodic Reporting in the Arab States Regional Meeting of Focal Points for the Preparation of a Regional Plan - 2020.

Scene 20 (1m 20s)

Arabic Language Day - 2014.

Scene 21 (1m 24s)

World Heritage Volunteers: Heritage in our Hands- 2017.

Scene 22 (1m 27s)

Heritage Awareness Programme for Children in Socotra - 2020.

Scene 23 (1m 31s)

UNSECO World Heritage – Related Category 2 Centres and Institutes Meeting During 43 COM - 2019.

Scene 24 (1m 38s)

Historic Cities and Urban Regeneration Conference - 2015.

Scene 25 (1m 42s)

International Conference on Preserving Cultural Heritage of the Islamic World - 2017.

Scene 26 (1m 46s)

Organisation of the Online Regional Meeting with Permanent Delegations of Arab States to UNESCO- 2020.

Scene 27 (1m 50s)

unesco International Conference b Cmt« Integrated Reconstruction and Post-Trauma Impact on Communities and Socio-Economic Aspects of Recovery Manama. Bahrain/Online 8-10 November 2021.

Scene 28 (1m 54s)


Scene 29 (2m 1s)


Scene 30 (2m 7s)

Launch of the second edition of the book World Heritage of Arab Countries - 2021.

Scene 31 (2m 10s)

شكراً THANK YOU.

Scene 33 (2m 20s)

Special thanks to ARC-WH partners and participants that made these activities possible throughout the years..