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Scene 1 (0s)

KHAFAD. NAMA SAYA. HI. HI. MY Name IS. Hafidz Ilham Pasha.

Scene 2 (12s)


Scene 3 (20s)


Scene 4 (27s)

I Was Born On 28 November 2001. Im Born. 2 8. 11.

Scene 5 (39s)

educational background. Elementary School 4 Wonogiri 2006-2014.

Scene 6 (56s)

Working Experience. Bussiness Construction On November 2020 – November 2020 I once worked to help my father bussines on a construction project . I helped my father in construction for one week.

Scene 7 (1m 6s)

In University Islam Indonesia I am currently following an organization called the Islamic Student Association as a member ..

Scene 8 (1m 15s)

Skill. Time Management.

Scene 9 (1m 33s)

Proficient in communicating with others. Skill.

Scene 10 (1m 43s)

Microsoft Office. Skill. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

Scene 11 (1m 55s)

Accounting. Skill.

Scene 12 (2m 3s)

Filmora (Editing). Skill. 2421. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.

Scene 13 (2m 15s)

I have a high interest in accounting, especially in taxation courses because it can support my career as an accountant in the future, taxation will help me in the future because my goal is to be able to work in the office of the directorate general of taxes. And I have a hobby that reading a books,reading a books help me to help my career in the future.

Scene 14 (2m 37s)

My Social Media. instagram.com/ hafidzpasha. youtube.com/hafidzpasha5.