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Scene 1 (0s)


Scene 2 (5s)


Scene 3 (11s)

3. MYO RICO BAR -QTA Y TAP,. Team profile. Israa Sameh.

Scene 4 (23s)

Problem statement. The problem we identified as worth solving is that special needs segment who form about 11% of the population of Egypt feel isolated from society..

Scene 5 (34s)

Solution statement. We propose to provide special needs people with a platform to engage in the society through different activities to help improve their abilities , develop their skills and engage more in the community..

Scene 6 (47s)

Business Model Canvas. Key Partners IT developers Professionals (Educational and Therapists).

Scene 7 (1m 11s)

Business Model Canvas. Cost Structure Startup cost: IT Developer (5000LE then 100LE per hour) Office including rent, utilities and furniture (5000LE) Marketing implementation (3000-5000LE) Graphic designer (3000LE) Fixed cost: Rent and utilities (2000LE per month) Internet package (400LE per month) Variable cost: Wages for owners (1000 each) Staff (2000LE each per month) Professionals (1000LE each per month).

Scene 8 (1m 35s)

9 EGYPT, CAIRO t.. (+20) 12 03915064 ANGELS WORLD ANGELS WORLD For Every Child Explore Classes Home Class About Profile Sessions Enroll N" Po•wered.