An Introduction to Chest Imaging

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Scene 1 (0s)

An Introduction to Chest Imaging. Dr Maysaloon Shaman Saeed M.B.Ch.B . - F.I.B.M.S. ( Diag.Rad .) University of Duhok -College of Medicine.

Scene 2 (25s)

Learning Objectives. Requesting Technique for obtaining chest x-ray (CXR) Anatomy relevant to interpretation Basic x-ray physics and technical aspects Common chest pathologies.

Scene 3 (55s)

[Audio] tour7.html Explain IRMER. Radiographer needs a valid request otherwise they cannot, by law, carry out the investigation. This needs to be clearly stated on the card. A request for a CXR is a request for a clinical opinion for a radiologist, who will be reporting the examination. PMH is relevant as the radiologist does not know the clinical history and any ongoing disease will help with interpreting the film correctly and in patient context. It is important to not irradiate the patient if they are pregnant as the risk to the developing fetus is higher than for the adult, despite the relatively low dose..

Scene 4 (2m 43s)

[Audio] Chest_X-ray. jpg Explain the physics of a CXR Bone is bright white, fluid white, fat grey, air black. Important for interpretation later. PA if patient well enough to stand. More often AP slumpogram in recumbent, unwell inpatient. Explain the sequence of events, in the context of the last slide. Request made, patient goes to department for X-Ray and comes back with it, for you to look at. The chest XRay is eventually reported by a radiologist, but you will have the first look at an inpatient film..

Scene 5 (5m 2s)

STRUCTURES TO BE IDENTIFIED Supenor vena cava Azygoesophaged recess Ri91t main pulrnonary arte descending pulrnonary artery Right atrium angle Liver Breast shadow Descendng aorta Aortic arch ortopulmon Descending ptimonry ventricle Gastric bubble Splenic nexure of colon.

Scene 6 (6m 52s)

BRONCHOVASCULAR MARKING(which are not present in pneumothorax).

Scene 7 (8m 40s)

. PA(standard) CHEST For well patient True heart size Scapula is projected away from the chest Both lung appear clear, normal Broncho vascular marking(upper Broncho vascular are more exaugurated than of lower lobes).

Scene 8 (11m 39s)

Lateral view Scapula Hilar Region Thcxac:iC vertebrae Angles wiki Lung Apicies Oesophagus Sternum Ribs Heart.

Scene 9 (13m 48s)


Scene 10 (13m 57s)


Scene 11 (15m 39s)

RADIOPAQUE – too white ( opaque ) RADIOLUCENT – too black ( lucent).

Scene 12 (16m 34s)

Technical aspects both lungs of equal transradiancy , and nearly the size Divide the lungs into 3 zones (area within lung hilum (correspond) to it is considered as middle lung zone) Area superior to hilum is superior zone and the area inferior to zone is lower lung zone Trachea should be centrally located Identify the horizontal fissure ,It should run from the hilum to the sixth rib in the axillary line. Both hila Costophrenic , cardio phrenic angles.

Scene 13 (19m 51s)

Technical factors. If we see the marker (R) that mean its the right side and also we can determine the appext of heart which is in left side while in dextrocardia its diviated to right site If we see the marker, that mean the apex is in the appropriate site(left) The marker can be used to determine whether the heart is in apporopraiate site(left) or in right site due to (dextrocardia or situs inversus).

Scene 14 (21m 32s)

Over exposed Dark lung(hyper-lucent) Heart appear as small shadow Hilum is very prominent Appears like that in emphysema and asthma, COPD(big chest).

Scene 15 (23m 6s)

Non rotated. The trachea should be centrally We will check the relation of both medial site of clavicle to the spinal process and their distance to spinal process should be equal.

Scene 16 (25m 34s)

Inspiratory. Is the normal one Taken at full inspiration Both costophrenic angle are clear Both lung field are clear There is no misleading condition.

Scene 17 (27m 20s)

. Hyper inflated chest. We can count more rib anteriorly and posteriorly In COPD.

Scene 18 (30m 10s)

Air bronchogram sign when we see patent airway inside the consolidated alveoli.

Scene 19 (31m 6s)

Silhouette(border) sign(its presence is normal and its absence is abnormal) : is the loss of normally sharp interface of lung and soft tissues by a pathology that obscures the borders of the lung with these soft tissues (diaphragms, cardiac and aortic outlines , silhouette means border, loss of silhouette means pathology ..

Scene 20 (32m 59s)

Air bronchogram due to infection(pneumonia, T.B, fungal infection) loss of bronchogram in malignancy(consolidation and collapse).

Scene 21 (33m 19s)

[Audio] pulmonar/cxr/airb.htm Fluid in the " airspaces" Explain a bit about pneumonia ( pathology) bacterial infection (usually) infect alveoli, attacked by immune cells leading to pus (dead cells, inflammatory exudate) in the alveoli). Lung contusion, pulmonary haemorrhage other causes of consolidation Air bronchogram, illustrates the concept of contrast once again, bronchi are filled with air and are against a backdrop of water in consolidation Lobar and bronchopneumonia.

Scene 22 (36m 9s)

Collapse consolidation. Replacement of left hemi-thorax by consolidation ( exudate ) Non-homogenous , opaque , with internal lucency Trachea is shifted to site of cosolidation Presence of air-bronchogram.

Scene 23 (37m 50s)

Answer : due to obliteration of a major or minor bronchi by the consolidation.

Scene 24 (38m 0s)

Answer : Because in the collapsed lung , the alveoli ARE no more containing air so the negative pressure in the pleural space will PULL the mediastinal structures towards it..

Scene 25 (38m 14s)

Collapse ( Atelectasis ). Loss of volume either completely ( hemi-thorax ) or partially ( lobar collapse ) Trachea is not completed to carina and bronchi or cut of one major bronchi.

Scene 26 (42m 30s)

Right UL collapse Left lower lobe collapse.

Scene 27 (44m 24s)


Scene 28 (44m 38s)

2-diffuse lung disease (interstitial) : is diffuse non- homogenous and includes various patterns such as linear, septal lines, miliary, reticulo-nodular, nodular, honeycomb shadowing, cystic , ground-glass pattern..

Scene 29 (46m 1s)

31001 miliary tb. Miliary Reticulonodular.

Scene 30 (46m 55s)

Honey comb. Diffuse Cystic.

Scene 31 (47m 55s)

Ground glass appearance. Nodular Septal thickening.

Scene 32 (49m 26s)

3-nodules / masses/cavities. > 3 cm – Mass < 3 cm – Nodule Cavity is air containing lesion surrounded by walls..

Scene 33 (50m 0s)

CH032A. Pulmonary mass: when lesion measure more than 3 cm. 1-brochogenic CA. 2-hydatid cysts. 3-lung metastases..

Scene 34 (51m 17s)

Nodule. TB focus Hamartoma AV malformation Cancer ( primary or secondary).

Scene 35 (52m 31s)

Pulmonary cavities: 1-cavitating tumours (squamous cell CA) . 2-cavitating pneumonia(staph. Coccus strepto . , klebseilla ) , TB cavity , fungus ball . 3-complicated hydatid cyst, abscess ( air fluid level ).

Scene 36 (53m 41s)

4-air ways related disorders: COAD (asthma , emphysema).

Scene 37 (55m 15s)

over inflation of the lungs causes excessive hyperlucency of the lungs , flattening of the diaphragms ,increased rib spaces ,small looking heart shadow , prominent hila ..

Scene 38 (56m 0s)

Bronchectasis : irreversible dilatation of terminal bronchioles associated with bronchial wall thickening, cystic dilation of the bronchioles sometimes containing air fluid levels ..

Scene 39 (56m 54s)

[Audio] help/default. asp? page= 2992 Causes of pleural effusion..

Scene 40 (57m 41s)

pleural effusion. Fluid is white - Homogenous. Initially loss of costophrenic angle.

Scene 41 (58m 47s)

Air in the pleural cavity. Pneumothorax.

Scene 42 (1h 0m 4s)

ptx2. Air in pleural space. Lung collapses down. Clear lung edge ..

Scene 43 (1h 1m 28s)

5-vascular pattern : A-Pulmonary plethora: due to increased pulmonary vascular flow, seen in cases of left to right shunts (ASD, VSD & PDA). B-Pulmonary oligaemia: due to decreased pulmonary vascular flow , seen in pulmonary artery stenosis. A B.

Scene 44 (1h 2m 56s)

Heart failure. Stage of Congestive Heart Failure Stage 1 Redistribution pcwp 13-18 mmHg stage 2 Interstitial edema PCWP 18-25 mmHg stage 3 Alveolar edema RWP > 2S mmHg Redistribution vessels Cardiomegaly Broad vascular pedicle (non •cute CHF) Kerley lines Peribronchial cuffing Hazy contour of vessels interlobar fissure Consolidation Air bronchogram Cottonwnl apRarance Pleural effusion.

Scene 45 (1h 5m 38s)

. Butterfly. Batwing. abstract.

Scene 46 (1h 6m 49s)

THANK YOU for your attention.