part 1

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Scene 1 (0s)

! ! ! Page!1!of!44! Pakistan Theme Park Project Proposal 巴基斯坦主题游乐园项目计划书 BUSINESS PLAN.

Scene 2 (12s)

! ! ! Page!2!of!44! 摘要/Abstract: 本文主要介绍了巴基斯坦主题游乐园项目的经济效益分析、投资回收期计算及经济 可行性评估,同时深入探讨了市场、技术与运营等方面的风险及应对策略。文章强 调了市场需求波动、竞争环境、游客偏好变化等市场风险,以及技术创新、设备故 障与运营管理等技术与运营风险。针对这些风险,提出了市场多元化、技术创新与 引进、建立风险管理机制及加强政府合作等应对策略。结论部分总结了项目在市场 需求、地理位置、投资回报及社会经济效益等方面的可行性,并制定了详细的下一 步工作计划,包括完善项目规划、筹集资金、办理审批手续、推进工程建设、市场 营销推广及运营管理优化等。 This article mainly introduces the economic benefit analysis, investment payback period calculation, and economic feasibility assessment of the Pakistan theme amusement park project. At the same time, it deeply explores the risks and response strategies in the market, technology, and operation aspects. The article emphasizes market risks such as fluctuations in demand, competitive environment, and changes in tourist preferences, as well as technical and operational risks such as technological innovation, equipment failures, and operational management. In response to these risks, strategies such as market diversification, technological innovation and introduction, establishment of risk management mechanisms, and strengthening government cooperation have been proposed. The conclusion section summarizes the feasibility of the project in terms of market demand, geographical location, investment return, and socio-economic benefits, and develops a detailed next step work plan, including improving project planning, raising funds, handling approval procedures, promoting engineering construction, market promotion, and optimizing operation management..

Scene 3 (1m 17s)

! ! ! Page!3!of!44! Table of Contents Ø! 第一章 项目概述/Project Overview!................................................................................................................................!6! 1.! 项目背景与目标/ Project Background and Objectives!...............................................................................................!6! 项目背景与战略意义/Project background and strategic significance!............................................................................!6! 国家发展需求与战略契合/ National development needs and strategic alignment!........................................................!6! 中巴经济走廊建设下的发展 Development under the construction of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor!........!7! 旅游资源优势与市场需求分析/ Analysis of Tourism Resource Advantages and Market Demand!............................!7! 项目目标与综合效益展望/ Project Objectives and Comprehensive Benefit Prospects!................................................!7! 2.! 游乐园项目预期效益/ Expected benefits of amusement park projects!.....................................................................!8! 经济效益层面/Economic benefits:!.....................................................................................................................................!8! 社会效益方面/In terms of social benefits:!.........................................................................................................................!9! 环境效益上/In terms of environmental benefits!...............................................................................................................!9! Ø! 第二章 市场分析与需求预测/ Market Analysis and Demand Forecasting!.................................................................!10! 1.! 巴基斯坦旅游市场分析/Analysis of Pakistan Tourism Market!..............................................................................!10! 旅游市场现状的深度剖析/ In depth analysis of the current situation of the tourism market!...................................!10! 旅游资源优势的全面展现/ Comprehensive display of tourism resource advantages!.................................................!10! 市场潜力的深入挖掘/ In depth exploration of market potential!......................................................................................!11! 2.! 主题游乐园市场需求预测/ Market demand forecast for theme parks!...................................................................!11! 全球趋势下的市场契机/ Market opportunities under global trends!...........................................................................!12! 本土需求的精准对接/ Accurate matching of local demands!........................................................................................!12! 国际游客的吸引力提升/ Increased attractiveness of international tourists!................................................................!12! 3.! 目标客户群体分析/Target customer group analysis!................................................................................................!13! 家庭游客:亲子互动与寓教于乐/ Family tourists: parent-child interaction and educational entertainment!.........!13! 年轻人群:追求刺激与创新的潮流引领者/ Young people: trendsetters who pursue excitement and innovation!..!13! 教育团体:实践与学习的双重平台/ Educational groups: a dual platform for practice and learning!.....................!13! 国际游客:探索异国风情的窗口/ International tourists: a window to explore exotic cultures!................................!14! Ø! 第三章 项目选址与建设条件/Project Site Selection and Construction Conditions!....................................................!15! 1.! 选址分析/ Site selection analysis!.................................................................................................................................!15! 地理位置优势与市场需求融合/ Integration of geographical advantages and market demand!................................!15! 竞争环境评估与差异化策略/ Competitive environment assessment and differentiation strategy!............................!15! 政策导向与规划契合/ Policy orientation and planning alignment!...............................................................................!16! 2.! 土地使用条件/ Land use conditions!...........................................................................................................................!16! 土地性质与用途的严格界定/ Strict definition of land nature and use!........................................................................!16! 土地面积与规划的科学布局/ Scientific layout of land area and planning!..................................................................!16! 土地成本与投资回报的精细分析/ Fine analysis of land cost and investment return!.................................................!17! 土地获取与确定/ Land acquisition and determination!.................................................................................................!17! 3.! 基础设施建设情况/ Infrastructure construction situation!.......................................................................................!18! 交通设施/ Transportation facilities!.................................................................................................................................!18! 供水供电/ Water and power supply!................................................................................................................................!18! 通讯网络/ Communication network!................................................................................................................................!18! 环保设施/ Environmental protection facilities!...............................................................................................................!19! 配套设施/ Supporting facilities!........................................................................................................................................!19!.

Scene 4 (2m 22s)

! ! ! Page!4!of!44! Ø! 第四章 游乐园规划与设计方案/ Amusement Park Planning and Design Scheme!.....................................................!20! 1.! 游乐园主题概念/ Theme concept of amusement park!..............................................................................................!20! 多元文化融合/ Multicultural integration!........................................................................................................................!20! 科技创新体验/ Technological innovation experience!.....................................................................................................!20! 环保可持续发展/ Environmental protection and sustainable development!................................................................!21! 2.! 游乐设施规划/ Amusement facility planning!............................................................................................................!21! 3.! 景观与建筑设计方案/ Landscape and Architectural Design Scheme!.....................................................................!23! 4.! 乐园发展规划/ Park Development Plan!.....................................................................................................................!24! 项目一期:规划由无动力设备加动力设备综合园/ Project Phase One: Planning for a comprehensive park consisting of unpowered equipment and powered equipment!.......................................................................................!24! 项目二期:水上综合乐园/ Project Phase II: Water Comprehensive Park!.................................................................!24! 项目三期:萌宠动物乐园、高科技充气城堡乐园/ Project Phase III: Cute Pet Animal Park, High tech Inflatable Castle Park!.........................................................................................................................................................................!24! 项目四期主题综合游乐园/ Phase IV Theme Comprehensive Amusement Park!........................................................!24! Ø! 第五章 技术与设备方案/ Technical and Equipment Solutions!.....................................................................................!26! 1.! 游乐设备技术选型/ Selection of amusement equipment technology!.......................................................................!26! 游乐设备行业的趋势分析与策略建议/ Trend analysis and strategic recommendations for the amusement equipment industry!...........................................................................................................................................................!26! 多样化游乐设备的选择与布局/ Selection and layout of diversified amusement equipment!.....................................!26! 先进技术与创新设计的应用/ Application of advanced technology and innovative design!........................................!26! 环保与节能理念的融入/ Integration of environmental protection and energy-saving concepts!...............................!27! 2.! 智能化管理系统方案/ Intelligent Management System Solution!............................................................................!28! 智能化票务系统的革新/ Innovation of intelligent ticketing system!.............................................................................!28! 智能化监控系统的构建/ Construction of intelligent monitoring system!.....................................................................!28! 智慧导览系统的应用/ Application of Smart Navigation System!..................................................................................!28! 3.! 安全技术措施/ Security technical measures!..............................................................................................................!29! 严格遵循安全标准,构建坚实防护网/ Strictly follow safety standards and build a solid protective net!................!29! 强化定期检测与维护,保障设备持续安全/ Strengthen regular testing and maintenance to ensure the continuous safety of equipment!...........................................................................................................................................................!29! 完善应急预案体系,提升应急响应能力/ Improve the emergency response plan system and enhance emergency response capabilities!..............................................................................................................................................................!30! Ø! 第六章 环境保护与节能减排/ Environmental Protection and Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction!......!31! 1.! 环境影响评估/ Environmental Impact Assessment!..................................................................................................!31! 评估范围与深度/Scope and depth of evaluation!............................................................................................................!31! 污染源识别与潜在影响分析/ Identification of Pollution Sources and Potential Impact Analysis!............................!31! 风险评估与应对措施/ Risk assessment and response measures!...................................................................................!31! 法规符合性与环境安全保障/ Compliance with regulations and environmental safety assurance!............................!32! 2.! 节能减排技术应用/ Application of energy-saving and emission reduction technologies!.......................................!32! 3.! 绿化与生态恢复方案/ Greening and ecological restoration plan!............................................................................!33! Ø! 第七章 项目管理与运营计划/Project Management and Operation Plan!....................................................................!35! 1.! 项目组织架构与管理团队/ Project Organizational Structure and Management Team!........................................!35! 项目组织架构的精细化设计/ Refined design of project organizational structure!......................................................!35! 管理团队的专业化配置与国际化视野/ Professional configuration and international perspective of management team!........................................................................................................................................................................................!35!.

Scene 5 (3m 27s)

! ! ! Page!5!of!44! 团队培训与发展:持续赋能,共创未来/ Team training and development: continuous empowerment, co creating the future!......................................................................................................................................................................................!36! 2.! 我公司简介/ Our company profile!.............................................................................................................................!36! Ø! 第八章 风险评估与对策/ Risk Assessment and Countermeasures!...............................................................................!37! 1.! 市场风险分析/ Market risk analysis!..........................................................................................................................!37! 2.! 技术与运营风险识别/ Technical and operational risk identification!......................................................................!38! 3.! 风险应对策略与措施/ Risk response strategies and measures!................................................................................!39! Ø! 第九章 结论与建议/ Conclusion and Suggestions!..........................................................................................................!41! 1.! 项目可行性总结/ Feasibility Summary of the Project!..............................................................................................!41! 市场潜力与需求深度剖析/ In depth analysis of market potential and demand!..........................................................!41! 地理位置与资源禀赋的有机结合/ Organic combination of geographical location and resource endowment!.........!41! 投资回报与风险评估的严谨考量/ Rigorous consideration of investment returns and risk assessment!...................!41! 社会经济效益的广泛辐射/ Widespread radiation of socio-economic benefits!............................................................!42! 案例启示:城市新地标的崛起/ Case study inspiration: The rise of new urban landmarks!.....................................!42! 2.! 下一步工作计划/ Next step work plan!.......................................................................................................................!42! Ø! 附录/ Appendix!..................................................................................................................................................................!44! ! !.

Scene 6 (4m 29s)

! ! ! Page!6!of!44! Ø 第一章 项目概述/Project Overview 1. 项⽬背景与⽬标/ Project Background and Objectives 项⽬背景与战略意义/Project background and strategic significance 在当前全球经济一体化的背景下,旅游业作为促进国家经济增长、文化交流与民生改善的重要驱 动力,其战略地位日益凸显。巴基斯坦,作为南亚地区的一颗璀璨明珠,凭借其得天独厚的自然 风光、深厚的文化底蕴和独特的地理位置,正积极寻求通过旅游业的多元化发展,以实现经济的 全面增长与社会的持续繁荣。特别是在全球经济逐步复苏、人们生活水平提高及休闲旅游需求日 益增长的当下,我们中国企业非常重视巴基斯坦的市场,提出了建设一座集娱乐、教育、文化于 一体的主题游乐园项目,旨在通过这一创新举措,为巴基斯坦旅游业的蓬勃发展注入新的活力 In the context of current global economic integration, the tourism industry, as an important driving force for promoting national economic growth, cultural exchange, and improving people's livelihoods, has become increasingly prominent in its strategic position. Pakistan, as a shining pearl in South Asia, is actively seeking diversified development in the tourism industry to achieve comprehensive economic growth and sustained social prosperity, thanks to its unique natural scenery, profound cultural heritage, and unique geographical location. Especially with the gradual recovery of the global economy, the improvement of people's living standards, and the increasing demand for leisure tourism, Chinese enterprises attach great importance to the Pakistani market and have proposed the construction of a themed amusement park project that integrates entertainment, education, and culture. The aim is to inject new vitality into the vigorous development of Pakistan's tourism industry through this innovative measure. 国家发展需求与战略契合/ National development needs and strategic alignment ! 巴基斯坦政府近年来高度重视经济结构的调整与优化,尤其是将旅游业视为推动经济多元化、增 强国家竞争力的关键领域之一。随着“一带一路”倡议的深入实施,巴基斯坦作为重要节点国家, 其旅游业的发展不仅关乎国内经济的持续增长,也直接影响到区域合作的深化与拓展。因此,建 设主题游乐园项目,不仅符合国家发展战略方向,也是响应时代需求、顺应发展潮流的重要举措 。该项目将有效促进巴基斯坦旅游资源的整合与提升,吸引国内外游客,为巴基斯坦的经济发展 注入强大动力。 The Pakistani government has attached great importance to the adjustment and optimization of economic structure in recent years, especially regarding tourism as one of the key areas to promote economic diversification and enhance national competitiveness. With the in-depth implementation of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, Pakistan, as an important node country, its tourism development is not only related to the sustainable growth of the domestic economy, but also directly affects the deepening and expansion of regional cooperation. Therefore, the construction of theme amusement park projects is not only in line with the national development strategy direction, but also an important measure to respond to the needs of the times and follow the trend of development. This project will effectively promote the integration and enhancement of Pakistan's tourism resources, attract domestic and foreign tourists, and inject strong impetus into Pakistan's economic development..

Scene 7 (5m 34s)

! ! ! Page!7!of!44! 中巴经济走廊建设下的发展 Development under the construction of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor 随着中巴经济走廊(CPEC)的稳步推进,两国在经贸合作领域实现了深度融合与互利共赢。中 国企业在巴基斯坦的投资范围不断扩大,从基础设施建设逐步拓展至制造业、服务业等多个领域 特别是在基础设施建设方面,中企承建的公路、铁路、港口等项目,不仅改善了巴基斯坦的交通 网络,也为后续的经济活动提供了坚实的基础。对于有意在巴基斯坦投资的中国企业和个人而言 ,这一系列的成就不仅降低了投资风险,还开辟了广阔的市场空间。尤其是在制造业、能源开发 、农业加工等领域,依托中巴经济走廊的便利条件,加强两国交流。 特别在 2024 年 8 月巴基斯坦政府开放对中国人民的免费签证政策,更激起中国同胞对“巴铁兄弟 ”国度的热情,尤其是在旅游业和文化产业领域,展现了前所未有的机遇。 With the steady advancement of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the two countries have achieved deep integration and mutual benefit in the field of economic and trade cooperation. The investment scope of Chinese enterprises in Pakistan continues to expand, gradually expanding from infrastructure construction to multiple fields such as manufacturing and services. Especially in terms of infrastructure construction, projects such as highways, railways, and ports undertaken by Chinese enterprises not only improve Pakistan's transportation network, but also provide a solid foundation for subsequent economic activities. For Chinese companies and individuals interested in investing in Pakistan, this series of achievements not only reduces investment risks, but also opens up vast market space. Especially in the fields of manufacturing, energy development, agricultural processing, etc., relying on the convenient conditions of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor, we will strengthen exchanges between the two countries. Especially in August 2024, the Pakistani government will open the free visa policy to the Chinese people, which will further arouse the enthusiasm of Chinese compatriots for the "Pakistan Iron Brothers" country, especially in the tourism and cultural industries, showing unprecedented opportunities. 旅游资源优势与市场需求分析/ Analysis of Tourism Resource Advantages and Market Demand 巴基斯坦拥有丰富的旅游资源,从壮丽的山川湖泊到古老的历史遗迹,从丰富的民俗文化到独特 的饮食文化,每一处都散发着独特的魅力。这些资源的存在,为巴基斯坦发展旅游业提供了坚实 的基础。同时,随着全球旅游市场的回暖和人们对休闲度假需求的持续增长,一个集娱乐、教育 、文化体验于一体的主题游乐园,无疑是满足市场多元化需求、提升旅游体验品质的重要载体。 通过这一项目,巴基斯坦将能够吸引更多国内外游客前来体验,从而进一步激发旅游市场的活力 ,推动旅游业的蓬勃发展。 Pakistan has abundant tourism resources, from magnificent mountains and lakes to ancient historical sites, from rich folk culture to unique culinary culture, every place exudes a unique charm. The existence of these resources provides a solid foundation for the development of Pakistan's tourism industry. At the same time, with the recovery of the global tourism market and the continuous growth of people's demand for leisure and vacation, a theme amusement park that integrates entertainment, education, and cultural experience is undoubtedly an important carrier to meet the diversified needs of the market and improve the quality of tourism experience. Through this project, Pakistan will be able to attract more domestic and foreign tourists to experience it, further stimulating the vitality of the tourism market and promoting the vigorous development of the tourism industry. 项目目标与综合效益展望/ Project Objectives and Comprehensive Benefit Prospects 本项目旨在通过高标准、高质量的主题游乐园建设,实现多重目标。提升巴基斯坦旅游业的整体 竞争力和吸引力,使巴基斯坦成为全球知名的旅游目的地之一。通过旅游业的快速发展,带动餐.

Scene 8 (6m 40s)

! ! ! Page!8!of!44! 饮、住宿、交通、零售等相关产业链的协同发展,创造大量就业机会,增加税收收入,为巴基斯 坦经济的持续增长提供有力支撑。游乐园项目还将为巴基斯坦民众提供优质的休闲娱乐场所,丰 富民众的文化生活,提高生活品质。更重要的是,通过游乐园内的文化展示和互动体验,将巴基 斯坦丰富的文化遗产和独特风情展现给世界,促进文化的交流与传播,增进国际间的相互理解和 友谊。综上所述,本项目的实施将产生深远的经济、社会和文化影响,为巴基斯坦的未来发展注 入新的动力与活力。 This project aims to achieve multiple goals through the construction of high standard and high-quality theme amusement parks. Enhance the overall competitiveness and attractiveness of Pakistan's tourism industry, making Pakistan one of the globally renowned tourist destinations. Through the rapid development of the tourism industry, it drives the coordinated development of related industrial chains such as catering, accommodation, transportation, and retail, creating a large number of job opportunities, increasing tax revenue, and providing strong support for the sustained growth of the Pakistani economy. The amusement park project will also provide high-quality leisure and entertainment venues for the Pakistani people, enriching their cultural life and improving their quality of life. More importantly, through cultural exhibitions and interactive experiences within the amusement park, Pakistan's rich cultural heritage and unique charm are showcased to the world, promoting cultural exchange and dissemination, and enhancing mutual understanding and friendship between nations. In summary, the implementation of this project will have profound economic, social, and cultural impacts, injecting new impetus and vitality into Pakistan's future development. 2. 游乐园项目预期效益/ Expected benefits of amusement park projects 巴基斯坦游乐园项目的综合影响,我们需从经济效益、社会效益及环境效益三大维度进行深入剖 析。此项目不仅作为巴基斯坦旅游业的璀璨新星,更希望可以成为推动巴基斯坦社会发展的关键 力量。 The comprehensive impact of the Pakistan amusement park project needs to be analyzed in depth from three dimensions: economic benefits, social benefits, and environmental benefits. This project not only serves as a shining star in Pakistan's tourism industry, but also hopes to become a key force in promoting Pakistan's social development. 经济效益层⾯/Economic benefits: ! 游乐园项目的直接收入主要源自门票销售、餐饮供应、住宿预订及特色购物等多元化服务,这些 将构成项目初期的核心收益来源。随着品牌知名度的提升和游客量的稳步增长,这些直接收入预 计将呈现显著增长趋势。更为深远的是,游乐园的成功运营将有效激发周边地区旅游业的活力, 带动交通、住宿、零售等相关行业的繁荣,形成强大的产业集群效应。这种乘数效应不仅加速了 地方经济的快速增长,也为国家经济的多元化发展注入了新动力。通过创造大量就业岗位,项目 有效缓解了当地的就业压力,提高了居民收入水平,促进了社会稳定与和谐。 The direct income of the amusement park project mainly comes from diversified services such as ticket sales, catering supply, accommodation booking, and specialty shopping, which will constitute the core source of revenue in the initial stage of the project. With the increase in brand awareness and steady growth in tourist numbers, these direct revenues are expected to show a significant growth trend. More profoundly, the successful operation of amusement parks will effectively stimulate the vitality of the surrounding tourism industry, drive the prosperity of related industries such as transportation, accommodation, and retail, and form a strong industrial cluster effect. This multiplier effect not only accelerates the rapid growth of local economies, but also injects new impetus into the diversified development of the national economy. By creating a large number of job opportunities, the project effectively alleviates local employment pressure, improves residents' income levels, and promotes social stability and harmony..

Scene 9 (7m 45s)

! ! ! Page!9!of!44! 社会效益⽅⾯/In terms of social benefits: ! 游乐园作为巴基斯坦的标志性旅游项目,将极大地提升城市形象与国际知名度,成为吸引国内外 游客的重要窗口。它不仅为游客提供了一个了解巴基斯坦文化、历史与风情的独特平台,还促进 了不同文化间的交流与融合,增强了巴基斯坦文化的国际传播力。游乐园的建成还丰富了民众的 文化生活,为居民提供了休闲娱乐的优质选择,显著提升了民众的生活满意度和幸福感。这种社 会效益的显现,是游乐园项目超越经济价值的重要体现。 As a landmark tourism project in Pakistan, amusement parks will greatly enhance the city's image and international reputation, becoming an important window to attract domestic and foreign tourists. It not only provides tourists with a unique platform to learn about Pakistani culture, history, and customs, but also promotes communication and integration between different cultures, enhancing the international dissemination of Pakistani culture. The construction of amusement parks has also enriched the cultural life of the people, providing them with high-quality choices for leisure and entertainment, significantly improving their life satisfaction and happiness. The manifestation of this social benefit is an important manifestation of amusement park projects surpassing economic value. 环境效益上/In terms of environmental benefits 项目在规划与实施过程中,始终秉持绿色发展理念,注重环保与生态建设。通过采用绿色建筑材 料和先进的节能技术,有效降低了对环境的影响,体现了对可持续发展理念的践行。同时,游乐 园内的景观设计巧妙融入自然元素,不仅美化了城市环境,还提升了城市的整体品质。更重要的 是,通过生态展示与互动体验项目的设置,项目积极引导游客与民众关注环境保护问题,提高了 公众的环保意识,促进了生态文明建设的深入发展。 巴基斯坦游乐园项目在经济效益、社会效益及环境效益等方面均展现出显著优势与广阔前景。其 成功运营不仅将为巴基斯坦带来可观的经济收益与就业机会,还将有力推动社会文化事业的发展 与生态环境的改善,成为推动国家全面发展的重要力量。 The project always adheres to the concept of green development and focuses on environmental protection and ecological construction during the planning and implementation process. By adopting green building materials and advanced energy-saving technologies, the impact on the environment has been effectively reduced, reflecting the practice of sustainable development concepts. At the same time, the landscape design within the amusement park cleverly incorporates natural elements, not only beautifying the urban environment but also enhancing the overall quality of the city. More importantly, through the establishment of ecological exhibitions and interactive experience projects, the project actively guides tourists and the public to pay attention to environmental protection issues, enhances public awareness of environmental protection, and promotes the in-depth development of ecological civilization construction. The Pakistan amusement park project has demonstrated significant advantages and broad prospects in terms of economic, social, and environmental benefits. Its successful operation will not only bring considerable economic benefits and employment opportunities to Pakistan, but also effectively promote the development of social and cultural undertakings and the improvement of the ecological environment, becoming an important force in promoting the comprehensive development of the country..

Scene 10 (8m 50s)

! ! ! Page!10!of!44! Ø 第⼆章 市场分析与需求预测/ Market Analysis and Demand Forecasting 1. 巴基斯坦旅游市场分析/Analysis of Pakistan Tourism Market 近年来,巴基斯坦凭借其独特的旅游资源与持续增长的旅游市场需求,正逐步成为全球旅游版图 上的新兴热点。随着政府政策的支持与国际宣传力度的加大,巴基斯坦的旅游业展现出强劲的增 长势头,尽管在基础设施与服务水平上仍有待完善,但已显现出巨大的发展潜力。 In recent years, Pakistan has gradually become an emerging hotspot on the global tourism map due to its unique tourism resources and continuously growing demand in the tourism market. With the support of government policies and increased international publicity efforts, Pakistan's tourism industry has shown strong growth momentum. Although there is still room for improvement in infrastructure and service levels, it has demonstrated enormous development potential. 旅游市场现状的深度剖析/ In depth analysis of the current situation of the tourism market 巴基斯坦的旅游业经历了显著的增长,这得益于其丰富的文化、自然和历史遗产。政府通过一系 列促销活动和基础设施的改善措施,有效推动了旅游业的复苏与发展。尤其是近年来,随着国际 社会对巴基斯坦认知度的提升,越来越多的游客开始关注这个神秘而美丽的国度。尽管与周边旅 游业发达国家相比,巴基斯坦在旅游基础设施和服务支撑能力上仍存在差距,但正是这种原始与 质朴的魅力,吸引着寻求不同旅行体验的游客。 Pakistan's tourism industry has experienced significant growth, thanks to its rich cultural, natural, and historical heritage. The government has effectively promoted the recovery and development of the tourism industry through a series of promotional activities and infrastructure improvement measures. Especially in recent years, with the increasing international awareness of Pakistan, more and more tourists have begun to pay attention to this mysterious and beautiful country. Although Pakistan still lags behind developed tourism countries in terms of tourism infrastructure and service support capabilities, it is precisely this primitive and rustic charm that attracts tourists seeking different travel experiences. 旅游资源优势的全⾯展现/ Comprehensive display of tourism resource advantages 巴基斯坦的旅游资源得天独厚,从壮丽的喀喇昆仑山脉到宁静的湖泊,从茂密的森林到广袤的沙 漠,每一处都散发着独特的魅力。特别是哈拉巴遗址、莫亨佐-达罗等世界文化遗产,更是为巴基 斯坦的文化旅游增添了浓墨重彩的一笔。这些资源不仅为文化旅游、冒险旅游提供了丰富的素材 ,也吸引了大量宗教游客前来探访。随着旅游市场的不断扩大,巴基斯坦正逐步将这些资源优势 转化为旅游经济的增长点。 Pakistan has unique tourism resources, from the magnificent Karakoram Mountains to tranquil lakes, from dense forests to vast deserts, each one exudes a unique charm. Especially the Halaba Site, Mohenjo Daro and other world cultural heritage sites have added a significant touch to Pakistan's cultural tourism. These resources not only provide rich materials for cultural tourism and adventure tourism, but also attract a large number of religious tourists to visit. With the continuous expansion of the tourism market, Pakistan is gradually transforming these resource advantages into growth points for the tourism economy..

Scene 11 (9m 55s)

! ! ! Page!11!of!44! 市场潜⼒的深⼊挖掘/ In depth exploration of market potential 巴基斯坦国内经济的稳定增长和中产阶级的崛起,为旅游消费支出的持续增长提供了有力支撑。 随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的人开始追求更高品质的精神文化生活,旅游成为他们放松身心 、拓宽视野的重要方式。同时,国际游客对巴基斯坦的独特文化和自然景观也表现出浓厚的兴趣 ,他们渴望亲身体验这个国家的风土人情。因此,巴基斯坦旅游市场的潜力巨大,有待进一步挖 掘和释放。 政府和企业需要共同努力,加强旅游基础设施的建设和服务质量的提升,以更好地满足游客的需 求。同时,加大宣传力度,提升巴基斯坦在国际旅游市场上的知名度和影响力,也是推动旅游业 持续发展的关键所在。如此,巴基斯坦的旅游业有望在未来实现更加快速和稳健的发展。 (以上分析部分参考了当前旅游市场的实际情况和巴基斯坦旅游资源的独特性。具体数据和发展 趋势需根据官方统计资料和市场调研进行更新和验证。) The stable growth of Pakistan's domestic economy and the rise of the middle class provide strong support for the sustained growth of tourism consumption expenditure. With the improvement of living standards, more and more people are pursuing a higher quality of spiritual and cultural life, and tourism has become an important way for them to relax and broaden their horizons. At the same time, international tourists have shown a strong interest in Pakistan's unique culture and natural landscapes, eager to experience the country's customs and traditions firsthand. Therefore, the potential of Pakistan's tourism market is enormous and needs further exploration and release. The government and enterprises need to work together to strengthen the construction of tourism infrastructure and improve service quality to better meet the needs of tourists. At the same time, increasing publicity efforts and enhancing Pakistan's visibility and influence in the international tourism market are also key to promoting the sustainable development of the tourism industry. In this way, Pakistan's tourism industry is expected to achieve faster and more stable development in the future. (The above analysis refers to the actual situation of the current tourism market and the uniqueness of Pakistan's tourism resources. Specific data and development trends need to be updated and verified based on official statistical information and market research.) 2. 主题游乐园市场需求预测/ Market demand forecast for theme parks 在全球文旅市场持续回暖的背景下,主题公园作为休闲娱乐的重要载体,正展现出强劲的复苏势 头及创新活力。特别是在中国,今年暑假文旅市场多点开花,主题公园热度空前,不仅海外 IP 乐 园持续吸睛,本土品牌亦凭借卓越的创新能力脱颖而出,这一现象标志着中国主题公园行业正逐 步向国际化水准迈进。这一趋势为国际文旅项目,如巴基斯坦建设主题游乐园,提供了积极的市 场借鉴与广阔的发展空间。 Against the backdrop of the sustained recovery of the global cultural and tourism market, theme parks, as important carriers of leisure and entertainment, are showing strong recovery momentum and innovative vitality. Especially in China, the cultural and tourism market has blossomed in many places this summer, and the popularity of theme parks is unprecedented. Not only have overseas IP parks continued to attract attention, but local brands have also stood out with outstanding innovation capabilities. This phenomenon marks that the Chinese theme park industry is gradually moving towards an international level. This trend provides positive market reference and broad development space for international cultural and tourism projects, such as the construction of theme parks in Pakistan..

Scene 12 (11m 0s)

! ! ! Page!12!of!44! 全球趋势下的市场契机/ Market opportunities under global trends 随着全球主题乐园市场的稳步增长,亚太地区,尤其是中国和迪拜等新兴市场的崛起,成为推动 行业发展的新引擎。这种增长趋势不仅源于区域经济的快速发展,也得益于消费者对于高品质休 闲娱乐需求的不断增加。巴基斯坦正处于这一有利的市场环境中,其建设主题游乐园的决策正是 顺应了全球文旅市场的发展潮流,有望在未来几年内吸引国内外游客的目光,成为地区内新的旅 游热点。 With the steady growth of the global theme park market, the rise of emerging markets such as China and Dubai in the Asia Pacific region has become a new engine driving industry development. This growth trend is not only due to the rapid development of regional economy, but also benefited from the increasing demand of consumers for high-quality leisure and entertainment. Pakistan is currently in a favorable market environment, and its decision to build themed amusement parks is in line with the development trend of the global cultural and tourism market. It is expected to attract the attention of domestic and foreign tourists in the coming years and become a new tourism hotspot in the region. 本⼟需求的精准对接/ Accurate matching of local demands 巴基斯坦居民对休闲娱乐活动的需求日益增长,尤其是年轻家庭和中产阶级群体,他们渴望多样 化的娱乐方式以丰富日常生活。主题游乐园作为一种集教育性、娱乐性和体验性于一体的综合休 闲场所,能够完美契合这一市场需求。通过设计富有地方特色和文化内涵的游乐项目,巴基斯坦 的主题游乐园不仅能够满足本地居民的娱乐需求,还能在潜移默化中传承和弘扬本土文化,提升 国民的文化认同感。 The demand for leisure and entertainment activities among Pakistani residents is increasing, especially among young families and middle-class groups who crave diverse forms of entertainment to enrich their daily lives. As a comprehensive leisure venue that integrates education, entertainment, and experience, theme parks can perfectly meet this market demand. By designing amusement projects with rich local characteristics and cultural connotations, Pakistan's theme amusement parks can not only meet the entertainment needs of local residents, but also inherit and promote local culture in a subtle way, enhancing the cultural identity of the people. 国际游客的吸引⼒提升/ Increased attractiveness of international tourists 随着巴基斯坦旅游业的持续发展和国际形象的日益提升,国际游客数量逐年增加。作为吸引国际 游客的重要元素之一,主题游乐园以其独特的魅力和丰富的体验项目,能够成为巴基斯坦旅游版 图上的新亮点。通过打造具有国际水准的游乐设施和优质服务,巴基斯坦的主题游乐园不仅能够 吸引更多国际游客前来体验,还能在提升国家旅游收入的同时,增强巴基斯坦在国际旅游市场中 的竞争力,为国家的经济发展注入新的活力。 巴基斯坦建设主题游乐园的决策是基于对当前全球文旅市场趋势的准确把握,以及对本土市场需 求和国际游客吸引力的深入考量。这一项目的成功实施,将为巴基斯坦的旅游业带来新的增长点 ,促进地区经济的繁荣发展。 With the continuous development of Pakistan's tourism industry and the increasing international image, the number of international tourists has been increasing year by year. As one of the important elements that attract international tourists, theme parks can become a new highlight on Pakistan's tourism map with their unique charm and rich experiential projects. By creating amusement facilities and high-quality services with international standards, Pakistan's theme amusement parks can not only attract more international tourists to experience, but also enhance Pakistan's competitiveness in the international tourism market while increasing the country's tourism revenue, injecting new vitality into the country's economic development. The decision to build theme parks in Pakistan is based on an accurate grasp of the current global cultural and tourism market trends, as well as in-depth consideration of local market demand and international.

Scene 13 (12m 5s)

! ! ! Page!13!of!44! tourist attraction. The successful implementation of this project will bring new growth points to Pakistan's tourism industry and promote the prosperous development of the regional economy. 3. ⽬标客户群体分析/Target customer group analysis 明确目标客户群体至关重要,这不仅有助于精准定位乐园的娱乐与教育功能,还能有效指导市场 策略的制定。根据行业观察与分析,巴基斯坦主题游乐园的核心客户群体可细分为家庭游客、年 轻人群、教育团体以及国际游客四大板块。 It is crucial to identify the target customer group, which not only helps to accurately position the entertainment and educational functions of the amusement park, but also effectively guides the formulation of market strategies. According to industry observation and analysis, the core customer groups of Pakistan theme parks can be divided into four categories: family tourists, young people, educational groups, and international tourists. 家庭游客:亲⼦互动与寓教于乐/ Family tourists: parent-child interaction and educational entertainment 家庭游客是主题游乐园不可忽视的基石。这类群体寻求的是能够增进家庭成员间情感联系、同时 提供教育意义的娱乐活动。巴基斯坦人口基数庞大,达到 2.36 亿,且拥有较高的年轻人口比例, 其中 0-14 岁人口占比达 36.6%,这为家庭游客市场奠定了坚实的基础。主题游乐园应设计一系列 适合各年龄段儿童及其父母的游乐项目,如亲子互动游戏、寓教于乐的科普展览等,以满足家庭 游客对高质量亲子时光的追求。 Family tourists are the cornerstone that cannot be ignored in theme parks. These groups seek entertainment activities that can enhance emotional connections among family members while providing educational value. Pakistan has a huge population base of 236 million and a high proportion of young people, with 36.6% of the population aged 0-14, laying a solid foundation for the family tourism market. Theme amusement parks should design a series of amusement projects suitable for children of all ages and their parents, such as parent-child interactive games, educational science exhibitions, etc., to meet the pursuit of high-quality parent-child time by family tourists. 年轻⼈群:追求刺激与创新的潮流引领者/ Young people: trendsetters who pursue excitement and innovation 年轻人群,作为主题游乐园的另一关键消费群体,其特点在于对新鲜事物的高度敏感与接受度。 他们热衷于高科技游乐设施、极限挑战及独特的娱乐体验。鉴于巴基斯坦 15-64 岁人口占据总人 口的 59.2%,这一年龄段的高比例意味着庞大的潜在年轻游客市场。因此,主题游乐园需不断创 新,引入先进技术和独特设计理念,打造集刺激、科技、创意于一体的游乐项目,以吸引并留住 年轻游客群体。 Young people, as another key consumer group of theme parks, are characterized by a high sensitivity and acceptance of new things. They are passionate about high-tech amusement facilities, extreme challenges, and unique entertainment experiences. Given that the population aged 15-64 in Pakistan accounts for 59.2% of the total population, the high proportion of this age group implies a huge potential market for young tourists. Therefore, theme parks need to constantly innovate, introduce advanced technology and unique design concepts, and create amusement projects that integrate excitement, technology, and creativity to attract and retain young tourists. 教育团体:实践与学习的双重平台/ Educational groups: a dual platform for practice and learning 教育团体作为主题游乐园的潜在客户,其价值在于能够利用乐园的丰富资源开展多样化的教学活 动。巴基斯坦教育体系对实践教育的重视程度不断提升,而主题游乐园则提供了理想的实践场所.

Scene 14 (13m 10s)

! ! ! Page!14!of!44! 。通过设计包含历史文化、科学探索、社会技能培养等元素的体验项目,游乐园不仅能够丰富学 生的课外生活,还能有效提升其综合素质。因此,乐园应加强与教育机构的合作,共同开发适合 不同年龄段学生的教育旅游产品。 As potential customers of theme parks, the value of educational groups lies in their ability to utilize the park's abundant resources to carry out diverse teaching activities. The emphasis on practical education in the Pakistani education system is constantly increasing, and theme parks provide ideal places for practical experience. By designing experiential projects that incorporate elements of historical culture, scientific exploration, and social skills development, amusement parks can not only enrich students' extracurricular lives but also effectively enhance their overall quality. Therefore, amusement parks should strengthen cooperation with educational institutions and jointly develop educational tourism products suitable for students of different age groups. 国际游客:探索异国⻛情的窗⼝/ International tourists: a window to explore exotic cultures 随着全球化进程的加速,国际游客对巴基斯坦独特文化和自然景观的兴趣日益浓厚。主题游乐园 作为展现巴基斯坦文化与历史的重要载体,对于吸引国际游客具有不可替代的作用。通过打造具 有浓郁地方特色的主题区域、举办国际文化节等活动,游乐园不仅能提供休闲娱乐体验,还能增 进国际游客对巴基斯坦文化的了解与认同。优质的旅游服务设施和便捷的交通网络也是吸引国际 游客的关键因素。因此,在提升游乐园硬件设施的同时,还需注重提升服务质量和优化游客体验 流程。 With the acceleration of globalization, international tourists are increasingly interested in Pakistan's unique culture and natural landscapes. Theme parks, as an important carrier of showcasing Pakistani culture and history, play an irreplaceable role in attracting international tourists. By creating themed areas with strong local characteristics and hosting international cultural festivals, amusement parks can not only provide leisure and entertainment experiences, but also enhance international tourists' understanding and identification with Pakistani culture. High quality tourism service facilities and convenient transportation networks are also key factors in attracting international tourists. Therefore, while improving the hardware facilities of the amusement park, attention should also be paid to improving service quality and optimizing the visitor experience process..

Scene 15 (14m 15s)

! ! ! Page!15!of!44! Ø 第三章 项⽬选址与建设条件/Project Site Selection and Construction Conditions 1. 选址分析/ Site selection analysis 在巴基斯坦游乐园项目的选址与市场策略时,我们需综合考虑多个维度,以确保项 目的成功落地与可持续发展。巴基斯坦,作为世界第五大人口国,拥有庞大的消费 群体和日益增长的旅游需求,为游乐园项目提供了广阔的发展空间。 When selecting the site and market strategy for amusement park projects in Pakistan, we need to consider multiple dimensions comprehensively to ensure the successful implementation and sustainable development of the project. Pakistan, as the fifth most populous country in the world, has a huge consumer base and growing tourism demand, providing vast development space for amusement park projects. 地理位置优势与市场需求融合/ Integration of geographical advantages and market demand 地理位置是游乐园项目选址的关键因素。鉴于巴基斯坦的人口分布特点,我们不但 将目光聚焦于主要城市及旅游热点区域,更希望分园可以遍布在巴基斯坦的中小城 市集镇等。为巴基斯坦普通老百姓提供更多便利娱乐生活,从而满足市场需求,提 高普通百姓的参与性。 Geographical location is a key factor in selecting the site for amusement park projects. Given the population distribution characteristics of Pakistan, we not only focus on major cities and tourist hotspots, but also hope that the sub parks can be distributed throughout small and medium-sized cities and towns in Pakistan. To provide more convenient entertainment and lifestyle for ordinary people in Pakistan, in order to meet market demand and enhance their participation. 竞争环境评估与差异化策略/ Competitive environment assessment and differentiation strategy 面对巴基斯坦已有的游乐园项目,进行全面的竞争环境评估至关重要。我们深入了 解这些项目的规模、设施种类、服务质量及市场反响,以此为基础,制定差异化的 竞争策略。通过引入新颖的主题概念、高科技游乐设施、独特的文化体验等,使新 项目在市场中脱颖而出,吸引游客的眼球。同时,注重项目的可持续发展,确保设 施更新与服务优化,以保持长期的市场竞争力。 It is crucial to conduct a comprehensive competitive environment assessment in the face of existing amusement park projects in Pakistan. We have a deep understanding of the scale, types of facilities, service quality, and market response of these projects, and based on this, develop differentiated competitive strategies. By introducing innovative theme concepts, high-tech amusement facilities, unique cultural experiences, etc., the new project stands out in the market and attracts the attention of tourists. At the same time, we focus on the sustainable development of the project, ensuring facility updates and service optimization to maintain long-term market competitiveness..

Scene 16 (15m 21s)

! ! ! Page!16!of!44! 政策导向与规划契合/ Policy orientation and planning alignment 政策支持是游乐园项目成功的重要保障。在选址过程中,我们需密切关注巴基斯坦 政府对旅游业及游乐园项目的相关政策导向,确保项目选址符合当地的城市发展规 划和产业政策。积极争取政府的优惠政策支持,如税收优惠、土地租赁优惠等,以 降低项目的运营成本,提高投资回报率。同时,加强与当地政府的沟通协调,共同 推动项目的顺利实施与运营。 巴基斯坦游乐园项目的选址与市场策略需综合考虑地理位置优势、市场需求、竞争 环境及政策导向等多方面因素。通过精准定位、差异化竞争、政策契合等策略的实 施,我们有理由相信,该项目将在巴基斯坦旅游市场中占据一席之地,为当地经济 发展注入新的活力,同时也为游客带来欢乐与难忘的体验。 Policy support is an important guarantee for the success of amusement park projects. In the process of site selection, we need to closely monitor the relevant policy guidance of the Pakistani government on tourism and amusement park projects, to ensure that the project site selection complies with local urban development plans and industrial policies. Actively seek government support for preferential policies, such as tax incentives, land leasing incentives, etc., to reduce project operating costs and improve investment returns. At the same time, strengthen communication and coordination with the local government to jointly promote the smooth implementation and operation of the project. The site selection and market strategy of amusement park projects in Pakistan need to comprehensively consider various factors such as geographical advantages, market demand, competitive environment, and policy orientation. Through the implementation of strategies such as precise positioning, differentiated competition, and policy alignment, we have reason to believe that this project will occupy a place in the Pakistani tourism market, inject new vitality into local economic development, and bring joy and unforgettable experiences to tourists. 2. ⼟地使⽤条件/ Land use conditions ⼟地性质与⽤途的严格界定/ Strict definition of land nature and use 在游乐园项目的筹备初期,首要且核心的任务是确保所选土地的性质与项目需求高度契合,并符 合当地城市规划及土地使用政策。这要求我们对目标地块进行详尽的尽职调查,包括但不限于土 地权属、规划用途、环境限制及潜在的法律风险等方面。游乐园作为集娱乐、休闲、文化于一体 的综合性项目,其土地性质需明确为商业或娱乐用地,以确保后续建设及运营活动的合法性。同 时,需积极与地方政府及规划部门沟通,获取必要的土地使用许可及变更手续,为项目的顺利推 进奠定坚实基础。 In the early stages of preparing for the amusement park project, the primary and core task is to ensure that the nature of the selected land is highly compatible with the project requirements and in line with local urban planning and land use policies. This requires us to conduct detailed due diligence on the target plot, including but not limited to land ownership, planned use, environmental restrictions, and potential legal risks. As a comprehensive project integrating entertainment, leisure, and culture, the land nature of amusement parks needs to be clearly defined as commercial or recreational land to ensure the legality of subsequent construction and operation activities. At the same time, it is necessary to actively communicate with local governments and planning departments, obtain necessary land use permits and change procedures, and lay a solid foundation for the smooth progress of the project. ⼟地⾯积与规划的科学布局/ Scientific layout of land area and planning.

Scene 17 (16m 26s)

! ! ! Page!17!of!44! 游乐园项目的成功,很大程度上依赖于土地面积的有效利用与科学规划。根据项目定位、游客容 量预测及设施布局需求,我们需精确计算并合理规划土地使用面积。这包括游乐设施区、游客服 务区、后勤保障区、绿化景观区等多个功能区域的划分。在规划过程中,需充分考虑游客流线设 计,确保各区域间的高效连接与顺畅通行。同时,注重土地的集约利用,通过合理的空间布局与 建筑设计,最大化土地价值,提升游客体验。还需预留一定的未来发展用地,以应对市场变化及 项目扩张需求 The success of amusement park projects largely depends on the effective utilization and scientific planning of land area. Based on project positioning, tourist capacity prediction, and facility layout requirements, we need to accurately calculate and reasonably plan the land use area. This includes the division of multiple functional areas such as amusement facilities area, tourist service area, logistics support area, and green landscape area. In the planning process, it is necessary to fully consider the design of tourist flow lines to ensure efficient connections and smooth passage between various areas. At the same time, emphasis is placed on the intensive use of land, maximizing land value and enhancing tourist experience through reasonable spatial layout and architectural design. It is also necessary to reserve a certain amount of future development land to cope with market changes and project expansion needs. ⼟地成本与投资回报的精细分析/ Fine analysis of land cost and investment return 土地成本作为游乐园项目总投资的重要组成部分,其合理控制对于项目的经济可行性至关重要。 我们需对目标地块的市场价格、交易条件及潜在增值空间进行全面评估,并结合项目预算进行精 细分析。在此基础上,制定科学的投资策略,通过优化设计方案、提高建设效率、加强成本控制 等手段,降低土地成本对项目总投资的影响。同时,结合项目预期收益,进行投资回报率及风险 评估,确保项目在经济上具备可行性。通过精细的财务分析,为项目决策提供有力支持,降低投 资风险,提升项目整体效益。 The reasonable control of land cost, as an important component of the total investment of amusement park projects, is crucial for the economic feasibility of the project. We need to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the market price, transaction conditions, and potential value-added space of the target plot, and conduct a detailed analysis in conjunction with the project budget. On this basis, a scientific investment strategy is formulated to reduce the impact of land costs on the total project investment by optimizing design schemes, improving construction efficiency, and strengthening cost control. At the same time, based on the expected returns of the project, conduct investment return rate and risk assessment to ensure the economic feasibility of the project. Through meticulous financial analysis, provide strong support for project decision-making, reduce investment risks, and enhance overall project efficiency. ⼟地获取与确定/ Land acquisition and determination 土地获取是游乐园项目推进的关键环节,其成功与否直接关系到项目的后续发展。在与土地所有 者或巴方政府相关部门进行谈判时,我们需要深入了解对方立场与诉求,寻找双方合作的共同点 与利益契合点。通过充分沟通与协商,明确土地使用条件、期限、费用等关键事项,确保合同条 款公平合理,符合双方利益。希望通过双方的共同努力,达成合作共识,签订正式的土地使用合 同,为项目的顺利推进奠定坚实基础。 Land acquisition is a key link in the promotion of amusement park projects, and its success or failure directly affects the subsequent development of the project. When negotiating with landowners or relevant departments of the Pakistani government, we need to have a deep understanding of each other's positions and demands, and find common ground and areas of interest for cooperation between both parties. Through sufficient communication and negotiation, key issues such as land use conditions, terms, and fees are clarified to ensure that the contract terms are fair and reasonable, and in line with the interests of both parties. I hope that through the joint efforts of both parties, we can reach a consensus on cooperation, sign a formal land use contract, and lay a solid foundation for the smooth progress of the project..

Scene 18 (17m 31s)

! ! ! Page!18!of!44! 3. 基础设施建设情况/ Infrastructure construction situation 根据巴基斯坦基础设施与配套条件,以确保项目的顺利运营与可持续发展。以下是对关键要点的 详细阐述: Ensure the smooth operation and sustainable development of the project based on Pakistan's infrastructure and supporting conditions. The following is a detailed explanation of the key points: 交通设施/ Transportation facilities 鉴于游乐园作为休闲娱乐的聚集地,其交通可达性至关重要。巴基斯坦近年来在中巴经济走廊的 推动下,基础设施建设取得了显著成就,包括高速公路、铁路及航空网络的不断完善。项目选址 应优先考虑靠近主要交通干线或交通枢纽,如国际机场、高速铁路站点或主要公路交汇处,以便 国内外游客能够便捷抵达。同时,还需考虑周边公共交通系统的覆盖情况,如增设直达游乐园的 公交线路或提供便捷的接驳服务,以进一步提升游客的出行体验。 Given that amusement parks are gathering places for leisure and entertainment, their transportation accessibility is crucial. In recent years, Pakistan has made significant achievements in infrastructure construction under the promotion of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor, including the continuous improvement of highways, railways, and aviation networks. Project site selection should prioritize proximity to major transportation arteries or hubs, such as international airports, high-speed railway stations, or major highway intersections, so that domestic and foreign tourists can easily reach them. At the same time, it is also necessary to consider the coverage of the surrounding public transportation system, such as adding bus routes directly to the amusement park or providing convenient shuttle services, in order to further enhance the travel experience of tourists. 供⽔供电/ Water and power supply 稳定的供水供电是游乐园正常运营的基础。根据巴基斯坦当前的能源供应状况,特别是中巴经济 走廊在电力领域的合作成果,如中国电力技术装备有限公司在巴基斯坦的直流输电项目,为游乐 园项目提供了强有力的能源保障。项目需提前与当地供水供电部门沟通,确保在项目规划阶段就 纳入稳定的能源供应方案。考虑到游乐园对电力的特殊需求,如夜间照明、游乐设施运行等,还 需设计备用电源系统,以应对突发停电情况,保障游客安全。 Stable water and power supply is the foundation for the normal operation of amusement parks. According to the current energy supply situation in Pakistan, especially the cooperation achievements of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor in the field of electricity, such as the direct current transmission project of China Electric Power Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. in Pakistan, it provides strong energy guarantee for the amusement park project. The project needs to communicate with the local water and power supply department in advance to ensure that a stable energy supply plan is included in the project planning stage. Considering the special electricity requirements of amusement parks, such as night lighting and the operation of amusement facilities, a backup power system needs to be designed to cope with sudden power outages and ensure the safety of visitors. 通讯⽹络/ Communication network 在信息化时代,通讯网络的畅通无阻对于游乐园的运营至关重要。它不仅关乎游客的通讯需求, 还直接影响到游乐园内部的管理与应急响应能力。因此,项目需对周边通讯网络进行全面评估, 确保信号覆盖无死角,并考虑引入高速互联网接入服务,以满足游客对在线娱乐、移动支付等现.