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Scene 1 (0s)

LEA 3. Submitted by: LYZEL MAE A TOJONG Professor: GEMAR I ALARCON, PhD.

Scene 2 (8s)

Types of Protective Alarm Systems. 1. Central station system - the control station is located outside the installations. When the alarm is sounded by a subscriber, the central station notifies the police or protection agency..

Scene 3 (23s)

Types of Protective Alarm Systems. 2. Property system - the control system is located inside the installations with its own fire fighter, law enforcer, ambulance, or bomb disposal unit..

Scene 4 (35s)

Types of Protective Alarm Systems. 3. Local alarm - the signalling is near the alarm itself. When the intruder enters the installation, the alarm goes off scaring the intruder. Purpose is just to scare not to apprehend intruder..

Scene 5 (50s)

Types of Protective Alarm Systems. 4. Auxiliary alarm - the installation owned the protective alarm with a unit in the nearest police station so that in case of need, direct call is possible..

Scene 6 (1m 3s)

Kinds of Alarms. 1. Intrusion alarm - any detecting devices using electric and their combinations to signal an alarm when actuated..

Scene 7 (1m 13s)

Kinds of Alarms. 2. Laser beam alarm - a laser emitter floods the wall or fence with a beam so that when this beam is disturbed by a physical object, an alarm is activated..

Scene 8 (1m 25s)

Kinds of Alarms. 3. Photocell alarm - an invisible or visible beam is emitted and when disturbed, it activates an alarm or mechanical device that opens a door or lift movable barriers, activated by light..

Scene 9 (1m 37s)

Basic component of an alarm system. 1. Annunciation - the heart of the system of the detecting device and is the component that activates the triggering unit..

Scene 10 (1m 49s)

Basic component of an alarm system. 2. Transmission - it transmit what is detected..

Scene 11 (1m 56s)

Basic component of an alarm system. 3. Triggering device - the one which emits those aural or visual signals or both..

Scene 12 (2m 5s)

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