LEA 3. Submitted by: LYZEL MAE A TOJONG Professor: GEMAR I ALARCON, PhD.
Types of Protective Alarm Systems. 1. Central station system - the control station is located outside the installations. When the alarm is sounded by a subscriber, the central station notifies the police or protection agency..
Types of Protective Alarm Systems. 2. Property system - the control system is located inside the installations with its own fire fighter, law enforcer, ambulance, or bomb disposal unit..
Types of Protective Alarm Systems. 3. Local alarm - the signalling is near the alarm itself. When the intruder enters the installation, the alarm goes off scaring the intruder. Purpose is just to scare not to apprehend intruder..
Types of Protective Alarm Systems. 4. Auxiliary alarm - the installation owned the protective alarm with a unit in the nearest police station so that in case of need, direct call is possible..
Kinds of Alarms. 1. Intrusion alarm - any detecting devices using electric and their combinations to signal an alarm when actuated..
Kinds of Alarms. 2. Laser beam alarm - a laser emitter floods the wall or fence with a beam so that when this beam is disturbed by a physical object, an alarm is activated..
Kinds of Alarms. 3. Photocell alarm - an invisible or visible beam is emitted and when disturbed, it activates an alarm or mechanical device that opens a door or lift movable barriers, activated by light..
Basic component of an alarm system. 1. Annunciation - the heart of the system of the detecting device and is the component that activates the triggering unit..
Basic component of an alarm system. 2. Transmission - it transmit what is detected..
Basic component of an alarm system. 3. Triggering device - the one which emits those aural or visual signals or both..
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