Income Tax Investment Declaration Guide

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Income Tax Investment Declaration Guide. Income Tax Investment Declaration Guide.

Scene 2 (7s)

[Audio] The details which is shown in this form is based on March 21 or previous month Tax computation. Once you have chosen New Tax Regime, then, Investment declaration will not be allowed. Select the ' YES' radio button in case if you want to choose New Tax Regime.

Scene 3 (39s)

[Audio] Tax Declaration Configuration These are the configurations specific to the tax declaration. Please exercise caution when making the configurations..

Scene 4 (53s)

Y. Bane / Payroll Setup E&tw Adrenalin Configuration Editor Vkw / TAX EDUCESS TAX PROOF S' DATE 30 3 31.MAR-202i 01-APR-2020 button will after 25th •daw of the month. Please use the TAX RESUBMISSION to enable Subenit button Amount eolumn will be if the values is set as if the configuration values set •N' mandatory for attachment during the Proof .mcunt declaration in and Rent declaration if •V. system will mandate docurm,ent .•tu.ctvr.ent when •rnount entered in colurnn. If it will not be mandated. Even if the Is , the will stlll Edax.tion Cess Calcul.&z.n Percentage.this •aloe to Year Indian Government bud€et-lf art' change upd•te this k:e•,• Visible tax Set Y to Yes and N to NO. Forms & Rent Disable column cut date. Set to and N to NC. (For Forms Tax Rent æcuratson).

Scene 5 (1m 28s)

[Audio] This form will be used by all employees, to capture details of the Tax Declaration amount in various sections to avail Tax exemptions..

Scene 6 (1m 43s)

[Audio] You can click the attachment icon to upload supporting documents..

Scene 7 (1m 56s)

[Audio] Once Investment Tab details are filled, click Rent Declaration button to navigate..

Scene 8 (2m 21s)

[Audio] Enter rent for the period as per the requirement. Once Rent Declaration details are filled in, click on Housing Loan button to navigate..

Scene 9 (2m 41s)

Rent Declaration…. On clicking add icon the following screen will display, update all mandatory fields in rent details. After updating, click Save to save the details..

Scene 10 (3m 3s)

Enter required details for Housing loan self occupied property.

Scene 11 (3m 33s)

Housing Loan – Self Occupied…. On clicking add icon the following screen will display, update all mandatory fields in self occupied details. After updating, click Save to save the details..

Scene 12 (3m 56s)

[Audio] By clicking ' Add Row' in Let Out, multiple Loans can be added..

Scene 13 (4m 30s)

On clicking add icon the following screen will display, update all mandatory fields in lender details. After updating, click Save to save the details..

Scene 14 (4m 48s)

[Audio] Once updated, the following details will be shown in ' Declaration Detail' grid..

Scene 15 (5m 19s)

[Audio] Click Preview tab to validate your investments and submit the form for considering these investments for taxation..

Scene 16 (5m 44s)

[Audio] By enabling Expand option, the user can view full data, and click Collapse back to original format..

Scene 17 (6m 18s)

[Audio] After updating and verifying all the details, click to submit the form..

Scene 18 (6m 43s)

[Audio] Click ' Confirm' to confirm the form submission..

Scene 19 (7m 13s)

[Audio] By clicking confirm option, the form will be submitted successfully and moved to approval process..

Scene 20 (7m 23s)

[Audio] After submitting, the Generate Form12BB button will be visible. Click this button to Generate Form12BB..

Scene 21 (7m 46s)

Form 12BB. SO 12BB by A.'SZ"IB 2021-2022 (2) 1. A>xzc•: (zi) of hdbrd —t AST€'*C Acc•a Leave 3. Of (ii) A&es e: NO: 34 ABC of : (a) Feaal raübh): (c) (i) : ABH 65C (3) 15m (0.

Scene 22 (8m 4s)

[Audio] Once updated and clicked Submit. The transaction is move to approval process for the respective approver which configured through Workflow definition..

Scene 23 (8m 16s)

[Audio] The approver can view and approve the Tax Declaration form of employee..

Scene 24 (8m 32s)

[Audio] Enter Approver remark and comments. Once updated click to approve the form..

Scene 25 (8m 42s)

[Audio] Thank you.. THANK YOU!!!.