Adolescent Physical Development. . abstract.
Hello!. ‹#›. Ayanna Puberty and Sexual Development and Early or Late Sexual Development.
Introduction- What is Physical Development. ‹#›. The growth and development of both the brain and body in infancy and early childhood ..
Puberty and Sexual Development. ‹#›. The basis or foundation for a person’s sexual development and sexual health starts at both and continues throughout childhood. Puberty is the time in which sexual organs mature and having a baby becomes possible. This occurs at different time for different people. Females may begin puberty earlier than males. For females they may begin between ages 8 and 16 years while for males it usually begins between ages 9 and 14 years. For example, females may express menstrual period, growth of the breast and gaining weight in hips, buttocks, legs and stomach. While for males they may express shoulders broaden, body and facial hair, as well as voice starts to deepen..
Early and Late Sexual Development. Usually it is said that an early puberty stage begins at 8 years old for girls and 9 years old for boys. Whereas it is considered late if there is no sign of puberty by ages 13 yrs for girls and ages 14 yrs for boys. Causes of early puberty can include obesity and family genetics but is rarely caused by hormonal imbalance . This then causes that child to be prone to getting teased, have a poorer body image and more likely to explore sexuality earlier. While for a late sexual development it is most commonly caused by family genetics. It can also be caused due to lifestyle or social issues such as severe stress, eating disorder and poor nutrition This can also cause a negative effect on that child as they may feel self conscious or feel embarrassed.
Physical Appearance and Body Image. Physical changes that take place during adolescence, this is a period in which physical appearance commonly assumes paramount importance. Adolescents worry more than ever about how they look, they focus more on impressing peers and social group..
Physical Appearance and Body Image. Adolescent will share concerns to parents about factors affecting their physical appearance and self esteem. A few of these concern issues would be: Acne (I have ugly skin) Glasses ( I hate these glass, I want glasses) Weight (too skinny, too fat) Physical features ( my eyes too big).
As parents we must take into considera n Wh en adolescent shares their concerns about certain physical issues. It is important for parents to listen. Rather than blowing the off “ saying “YOU LOOK FINE” share advice and assist in helping boosting adolescent self esteem ..
Overweight adolescents are at greater risk for type II diabetes, high blood lipids, and hypertension and have a 70% chance of becoming overweight or obese adults. Overweight adolescents may suffer from social discrimination, particularly from their peers, which can contribute to feelings of depression or low self-esteem. Several factors contribute to the increased prevalence of overweight among teens. A decline in levels of physical activity as adolescents get older teens do not have a nutritionally sound diet.
How Can Adults Help?. There are several ways adults can help teens make healthy choices. Healthy Eating - Teens need to be taught how to make healthy eating choices such as limiting food and drinks that have a lot of salt, sugar and fats. Adults also need to understand the importance of providing the nutritional needs of adolescents such as Calcium, Vitamin D, Potassium, Fiber, Protein and Iron Physical Activity - Physical activity should be part of teenagers’ daily life, whether they play sports, take physical education (PE) classes in school, do chores, or get around by biking or walking. Regular physical activity can help teenagers manage their weight, have stronger muscles and bones, and be more flexible. Sleep Needs - Everyone needs enough sleep to do well in school, work, drive safely, and fight off infection. Not getting enough sleep may lead to moodiness and irritability. Some studies have shown that not getting enough sleep may also contribute to weight gain. Adolescents between ages 13 and 18 years old should get 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night..
Disordered Eating. Puberty, by its very nature, is associated with weight gain, and many adolescents experience dissatisfaction with their changing bodies A minority of these adolescents in a culture that glorifies a thin body eventually develops an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia in an effort to achieve or maintain a thin body, begin to diet obsessively. Factors that appear to place girls at increased risk for anorexia or bulimia include low self-esteem, poor coping skills, childhood physical or sexual abuse, early sexual maturation, and perfectionism..
Questions:. Do you think parents who are more alert for early signs of puberty in teens stand a greater chance of preventing problems such as disordered eating, depression, obesity etc.? Why? Are there more effective methods a parent can use to express to teens the dangers of participating in activities that they are not yet emotionally ready to handle such as sex and dating rather than just speaking? Explain the method that can be used. Do you think adults who take conversations with teens seriously produce adolescents with a higher self esteem? Explain your response?.
References. ‹#›. Landsford, J. (n.d.). Physical Development During Adolescence . Child and Adolescent Psychology. Retrieved from ence/ Campbell, M., & Genter, J. (n.d.). Adolescent Physical Development. In Developing Adolescents (pp. 7–10). AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Retrieved from . Early puberty & late puberty . (2021, April 27). Raising Children Network. Retrieved January 31, 2022, from Puberty & Sexual Development - Parents . (n.d.). Teaching Sexual Health. Retrieved January 31, 2022, from W hat is physical development (n.d.). In Early Movers . Retrieved from Developing Adolescent (pp. 12-13). (2002). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association ..
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