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Scene 1 (0s)


Scene 2 (2m 32s)

But its not as simple as we think. Today is difficult , Tomorrow is much more difficult but day after Tomorrow is beautiful. Most people die Tomorrow evening.

Scene 3 (5m 15s)

Financial burden , bad debts.

Scene 5 (5m 52s)

Broken from inside

Scene 7 (6m 39s)

No friends

Scene 8 (7m 0s)

Stuck in Life

Scene 10 (7m 43s)

lazy habits

Scene 11 (8m 5s)

New skills

Scene 12 (8m 26s)

ACTION PLAN. Action Plan is a list, with a sequence of tasks and resources, which outlines needed actions and when they need to be carried out, to achieve predefined goals.

Scene 13 (12m 12s)

Planning .

Scene 14 (15m 21s)

Still DAY ONE.

Scene 15 (15m 45s)

Thank YOU !!.