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Scene 1 (0s)

ACM10203 Logistics and Distributive Trade. Welcome to the course - Logistics and Distributive Trade This course introduces students to the basic concepts of logistics and distributive trade. It encompasses all activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods and services to end-users. Logistics management also deals with the information and financial flows associated with these processes. Logistics is an integral part of supply chain management and is defined as the process of managing procurement, movement, and storage of materials, parts, and finished inventory, and the related information flows through the organization and its marketing channels for the cost-effective fulfillment of customers’ orders..

Scene 2 (30s)

Course Learning Outcomes. 1. Understand the logistics management and the related activities (PLO1, C2).

Scene 3 (47s)

List of Topics. Week 1: Overview of Logistics. Week 2: Logistics and Information Technology.

Scene 4 (1m 13s)

Assessment. 1. Continuous Evaluation (40%). Ongoing assessments, such as quizzes, case studies, and group projects, will ensure students actively engage with the course material and apply their knowledge throughout the term..

Scene 5 (1m 41s)

Instructors. Mohammad Nizamuddin bin Abdul Rahim.

Scene 6 (1m 54s)

General Guidelines. 1. Active Participation. Students are encouraged to actively engage in class discussions, share their experiences, and contribute to group activities to deepen their understanding of the course material..

Scene 7 (2m 27s)

List of References. Textbooks. Paul R. Murphy, Jr. & A. Michael Knemeyer. Contemporary Logistics : Global Edition. Eleventh Edition. Pearson. 2015..