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Scene 1 (0s)


Scene 2 (5s)


Scene 3 (16s)

● Products Manufactured ● DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER ● Range : 63 KVA to 2.5 MVA ● Class : 11, 22 & 33 KV The Distribution Transformers are manufactured as per the Design confirms to IS 1180 (Part I, 2014), IEC 60076 and other relevant standards..

Scene 4 (32s)


Scene 5 (1m 3s)

. Use : LV Winding machine are used in building variety of Coil and wire winding applications. These machines are manually operated machine. LV winding machine is very flexible and offers dependable and enduring performance. In the industry, it was mainly used for making LV Coils of the Transformer..

Scene 6 (1m 39s)

Use : Basically the laminated sheet metal cutting machine is operated by foot in the industry. The laminated sheet metal cutting machine, helps to cut the sheet metal precisely and accurately. In the industry, the lamination sheet cutting machine was mainly used for cutting CRGO steel and making laminations out of it which were used in the Core of the Transformer..

Scene 7 (2m 19s)

5. Oil Filtration Machine :-. 6. Transformer Test Bench :-.

Scene 8 (3m 1s)

7 . Regulator Type Welding Machine :-. 8. Universal Radial & Pillar Type Drill Machine :-.

Scene 9 (3m 46s)


Scene 10 (4m 29s)

● MS Sheet ( Mild Steel ) :- Transformer Tanks are made of high quality MS Sheets and Plates. ● MS Channel ( Mild Steel ) :- MS Channels are fixed at the bottom of the Core of Transformer. It is used so that the Laminations of the Core do not move from one place to another. ● MS Pipe ( Mild Steel ) :- MS Pipes are extensively used in Fabrication work in the industry. They are mainly used in connecting the Conservator and Explosion Vent to the Transformer. ● Breather Pipe :- Breather Pipe is used to install Silica-Gel Breather to the Transformer at the time of Transformer Installation at the site. ● Oil Level Gauge :- An Oil level Gauge (MOG) is a device used to indicate the position of transformer insulating oil level in Conservator of a transformer. ● Bushing Clamp :- Bushing Clamps are used for Recognition of Phase Sequence of Transformer ( R-Y-B) of HV Bushing. They also fix the HV Bushing tightly to the Transformer . ● Air Release Plug :- Air Release Plug allows air to escape from the Tank of the Transformer..

Scene 11 (5m 12s)

● Locking Bush :- Locking Bush is installed inside the Tank of the Transformer to the Core Coil Assembly so that the Core Coil Assembly should not move from its original place. ● Filter Valve :- Filter Valve is used for filtering Transformer Oil in the Tank of the Transformer. ● Drain Valve :- Drain valve is used to flow (Drain) the Transformer Oil from the Tank of the Transformer. ● HV Bushing :- HV bushing is a hollow electrical insulator that allows an electrical conductor to pass safely through a conducting barrier such as the case of a transformer or circuit breaker without making electrical contact with it. ● LV Bushing :- LV Bushings are used in transformers as a means of electrical connection from the outside of the tank (cables or overhead lines) to the inside of the tank (transformer windings). ● Tap Changer :- The purpose of a Tap Changer is to regulate the output voltage of a transformer by altering the number of turns in one winding and thereby changing the turns ratio of the transformer. ● Copper Patti for Earthing :- Copper is the preferred metal for grounding conductors and electrodes. This is not only due to its high degree of connectivity, but also its corrosion resistance. In most soils, copper electrodes outlast alternates such as galvanized steel..

Scene 12 (6m 2s)

● Silica-Gel Breather :- Silica-Gel Breather helps to prevent Atmospheric Moisture and reduces Maintenance Costs. During the breathing cycle of a transformer, it is crucial to prevent atmospheric moisture from entering the transformer, which can contaminate the oil. ● Radiators :- Radiators are equipped in a transformer with the function of cooling of the transformer oil through Natural Air or Forced Air flowing in Radiator Fins. ● Transformer Oil :- Transformer oil's primary functions is to insulate and cool a transformer. It must therefore have high dielectric strength, thermal conductivity, and chemical stability, and must keep these properties when held at high temperatures for extended periods. ● Label Plates :- Label Plates are used for indication of particular part of Transformer and they also indicate the Rating of Transformer. ● Varnish :- Varnish is applied inside the Transformer to provide a layer of Electrical Isolation and to prevent it from shorting. ● Rubber Washer :- Rubber Washer is used to prevent Leakage of Oil in the Transformer..

Scene 13 (6m 41s)

● Rubberised Cork Sheet :- Rubberised Cork Sheet is mainly used for sealing, isolating and insulating purpose in Transformer. ● Brazing Rod :- Brazing Rod is used for connecting/joining the ends of Copper Wire, Copper Flat. These rods are used in Gas Welding. ● Thinner :- Thinner is used in making thick paint thin and also for Cleaning of Tanks from inside. ● Red Oxide :- Red Oxide Metal Primer acts as a protective cooling that prevents rust formation on ferrous metal surfaces exposed to humidity and air. ● Cotton Tape :- Cotton Tape is used for binding materials in transformer for its good mechanical strength and insulating quality. ● Final Paint :- Painting the transformer ensures long-term protection of the high voltage assets to the Transformer..

Scene 14 (7m 13s)


Scene 15 (7m 24s)

1. Winding :- ( HV Winding & LV Winding ). . . All HV & LV Windings are designed to withstand short circuit and to minimize copper usage. Windings are made using either copper or aluminium , and can be offered for oil filled transformers, VPI dry type transformers or cast resin transformers. Dry type windings are made on fibre glass mandrels to ensure there is no inadvertent tearing of the insulations..

Scene 16 (7m 47s)

2. Core Assembly :-. abstract. Assembly of several cores or core parts to obtain a complete core package ready for casting is known as Core Assembly. Core adhesive or core screws are used to connect the core parts. The actual assembly is performed using the suitable core assembly jigs. Core used is grain oriented steel and manufactured and designed considering the Step Lap method, including mitered joints. Using optimal design and manufacturing, air gaps are reduced between yokes and legs for reducing noise & losses. Core is bound to reduce noise & losses. Core is sourced from quality vendors to achieve best quality as well as ensure long life. Each core is inspected and losses measured prior to next process..