[Audio] A-B-C Infection Prevention Control.
[Audio] What is IPC/ I-P-A-C? Infection Prevention and Control.
[Audio] Definition Of Ipac Infection Prevention and Control (I-P-A-C-) refers to evidence-based practices and procedures that, when applied consistently in health care settings, can prevent or reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms to health care providers, clients, patients, residents and visitors.-PHO Reference: publichealthontario Control.
[Audio] What Are Ipac Professionals Called? Infection Preventionist. Infection Control Physicians Infection Control Practitioners Infection Control Specialists Infection Control Consultants Infection Prevention and Control Leads..
[Audio] What Do They Do? They promote safety practices to prevent or reduce spread of Infections..
[Audio] In What Settings Are Infection Preventionists Found? Hospitals Clinics e.g Dental clinics Long-term care homes and Assisted Living Facilities/ Group Homes Health Agencies Industry Setting Schools and Correctional Facilities.
[Audio] Who Can Be An Infection Preventionist? Microbiologist Public health professionals Laboratory Professionals Allied Health Professionals Nurses Doctors e.t.c.
[Audio] How Can You Become One? Check: 5secondruleshow Reference: apic: 5secondruleshow.